Politically Incorrect

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In the Helicopter...

"Adalet, isn't this exciting?" Jack's voice says through the headset as the man looks out his window, "we're on our way to meet the President of the United States!"

"Jack, get a hold of yourself!" Chief Ripley orders from her place by the pilot, "our reasons for requesting an interview with the President are far from joyful! We now know part of SOMBRA's big plan: the international community. No doubt to seize power for themselves! If they went as far as killing a Unified Nations envoy to pit the US against the UN, who knows what else they've got in the works!"

"Which is why we're going straight to the top!" Adalet declares, "The President needs to know the current crisis has been orchestrated by SOMBRA!"

"The President's holding a meeting with high-ranking foreign dignitaries at Camp Rushmore about this very crisis," she tells her agents, "this is the best time to get his attention!"

"Adalet, it's time to brush up on your stars and stripes!" Jack quips as the landing pad comes into view, "we're here!"

Their helicopter touched down perfectly on the landing pad, and the team climbed out as the blades slowed to a stop and gathered together away from the aircraft. They could see the entrance to the camp just a few meters away, and the place looked beautiful.

"Adalet, there's not a second to lose! Let's go see the President!" Jack urged.

"Agents!" the team looks to see a man marching towards them from the camp entrance, "I'm Sidney Hirsch, Director of Homeland Security. You need to come with me right away! There's been a murder at the lake!"

"What?! Take us to the lake, now!" Adalet orders.

Sidney led Adalet and Jack to Rushmore Lake, where the murder had taken place, while the rest of the team was escorted to the camp's headquarters, where they could set up their labs and offices. At the lake, they came across the shimmering water and the vast mountains, but sadly, the beautiful view was tainted by the dead body bleeding on a picnic table. The man was in a suit with a badge pinned to the side of his chest and a bullet hole in the centre. At the man's feet was a cell phone with his image as the lock screen, and a little ways away, under the table, was a faded letter covered in coffee stains.

"Adalet, thank our lucky stars!" Jack breathed in relief, "I thought the victim was going to be the President, but this guy's clearly not President Hewett!"

"This "guy" was Special Agent Jonathan Stafford, the Secret Service agent assigned to the President," Sidney states, glaring at the agent.

"The victim was working for the President? Maybe that's who the killer was after!" he speculated, "is the President safe?"

"The President's been taken to a secure location for the time being. Your meeting with him will have to wait," he informs them, "Agent Adalet, this is a major security breach! I need to go make sure security is at its maximum."

"We understand. But please, stay nearby in case we need to speak with you," Adalet requested. She received a nod of confirmation before Sidney left the lake.

"What are the odds of the President's security being killed right as we arrive? What if SOMBRA's behind this too?" Jack wonders, "we need to find Stafford's killer ASAP to make sure the President stays safe!"

"Then we better get Stafford's body to Nathan and examine these clues!" she replies, picking up the cell phone and paper.

"Adalet, you've got the victim's phone! Let's unlock it!" he instructed, "that crumpled letter is addressed to our victim... but it's illegible. Let's recover the missing text! We need to solve this murder!"

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