Death Match

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Bangkok, Thailand...

"Anders, our time in Asia was a pretty wild ride! A kidnapping ring, brainwashed children, discovering that an innocent-looking grandmother was actually SOMBRA's child-recruitment mastermind!" Jack listed, happy to be done with that crazy region, "not to mention that after we rescued Sanjay from SOMBRA's clutches, Carmen adopted him! I still can't believe that happened!"

"We've blown the lid off SOMBRA's child recruitment program, but our job's far from over!" Chief Ripley declares, "Obaasan's behind bars, but now we have evidence that the children who survived SOMBRA's brutal hunt are sent here to Bangkok!"

"But why?" he wonders.

"That's why we've come to Oceania, Jack," Anders responds, "one of Earth's most geographically and culturally diverse regions!"

"Anders! We've just received word from local police that the country's most popular Thai boxing champion has been found dead!" Ingrid announces, marching through the door connecting her office to the briefing room, "Thanid Tongproh was scheduled to defend his title tonight at Rajadamnern Stadium!"

"Isn't that a matter for the Thai authorities?" Jack questions, "we've got bigger fish to fry!"

"Until a cause of death has been established, local police want to keep this under wraps, so they've asked the Bureau to discreetly conduct the investigation!" she explains, "which is exactly why I want you on the case! If we're going to track down SOMBRA, we'll need the authorities on our side!"

"Understood, Ingrid!" Anders says, "Jack, let's get down to that stadium and get to the bottom of this!"

Ingrid had already sent the address to their Jeep's GPS, so Anders and Jack followed its directions to the stadium where the boxer's body had been found. When they arrived, they entered the main arena and found Thanid hung up in the ropes of the wrestling ring with his legs bent in ways only possible if someone had broken them.

Investigating the ground around the ring, Hunter found a gym bag near the steps bearing the same logo as on Thanid's shorts. There was also some torn cardboard on one of the practice mats that looked promising. As Anders climbed into the ring, Angela and Fili arrived to collect the body.

"Oh, man! That guy's dead, alright. The poor guy's just hanging on the ropes of the ring!" Jack exclaimed, observing Anders and Fili remove the body, "we'll have to wait for the autopsy for a cause of death, but it's clear from those marks around his neck that he's been murdered!"

"Given how his body was positioned, I think that would indicate murder," Anders argues, helping Fili lower the body into the black bag on the stretcher.

"Did you find any clues, Anders?" he inquired.

The man in question jumps out of the ring, landing gracefully on the floor, "me? No, but Hunter seems to have!"

"Ah," Jack looks to where the dog was sitting with the clues, "that gym bag looks promising! The logo matches the one on the victim's shorts, so it must've belonged to Thanid! And I wonder what those cardboard pieces could be?"

"Let's put them back together and find out!" Anders replied, approaching the clues.

"Well, Anders, we might not be chasing SOMBRA, but we've definitely got a fight on our hands!" he quips.

Fili and Angela wheeled the body away while Jack and Anders examined their evidence. Jack unzipped the victim's gym bag and sifted through the exercise clothes, spare boxing gloves, mouthguards and towels until he found a matchbox. As he packs the bag back up, Anders tapes together the torn cardboard to create a promotional sign for a local kickboxing gym.

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