Chapter 18

401 21 2

Fairytale Town 2

Jiang Xie felt deep regret at not seeing the live broadcast but his game wasn't so easy to get rid of.

He just needed to wait a few days and the D-grade quasi-world would be cleared.

He checked the assembly task. Due to his level, he had high authority. He couldn't watch the situation but he could see some basic data.

For example, the designer...

Yan Zhe also checked and exclaimed, "Shit, this is designed by those Double Beheading School brutes!"

There were very few independent designers like JIang Xie. Most of the low-level designers worked together in an organization. Yunge also had its own team of designers. Double Beheading School was a similar organization, but the scale was smaller and more deceitful.

They had the nickname of the 'New School' because they were dedicated to killing newcomers to obtain generous mission rewards.

"Little Rose is in danger." Yan Zhe was concerned. "We are restricted from entering these low-grade worlds and can't save him."

Jiang Xie told him, "It's fine."

"Why are you so confident?" Yan Zhe suddenly understood. "What special reward did the little rose gain?" Completing a S-grade quasi-world gave special rewards. As for what reward it was, this all depended on luck.

Jiang Xie replied, "Summoning."

Yan Zhe exclaimed, "Old Z is becoming more and more miserly. How can this junk be used as a special reward?" The Old Z he mentioned was 'zone'. This referred to the will of the central government.

"Wait..." Yan Zhe was suspicious. "Don't tell me he can summon a holy beast?"

Jiang Xie asked, "Do you think I am a holy beast?"

Yan Zhe almost went bald. 'You're an old dog thief'.


The silver haired-elf shouted, "The special reward drawn by Little Rose is to summon you? What the hell is this luck?" The famous people were put into the list by Old Z but the probability was low. He had never heard of anyone drawing such a reward.

It was necessary to know that summoning wasn't restricted by the world grade. Originally, Jiang Xie's status meant he couldn't enter ordinar S-grade quasi-worlds, let alone a D-grade. However, if he was summoned then he could enter a D-grade world or even a F-grade.

The even deadlier thing was that while the summoning had a time limit, the person summoned would be in their full state.

In this full state, Old Zhang could kill a god or Buddha.

Yan Zhe wasn't worried. Forget the few small fish in the D-grade world and the Double Beheading School. A S-grade quasi-world and the full staff of the Double Beheading School wouldn't be enough to stop Jiang Xie.

Yan Zhe couldn't help sighing. "Little Rose's luck is really invincible."

"It's not all luck." Jiang Xie spoke in a low voice. "It is mainly fate. Fate can't be blocked."

Yan Zhe, "..." He had never seen such a brazen person!

Jiang Xie said, "You go to clear land. I will wait for him."

Yan Zhe, 'Fu*k, I have a toothache.'

His gaze shifted and he asked, "You should be able to see Little Rose's goodwill towards you."

Jiang Xie hesitated. "...Of course."

Yan Zhe gloated, "Let me guess. It is one point or two points. Perhaps it is 0 points? Hahahaha!" It was a pig laugh.

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