Chapter 84

144 13 0

Open World 9

Three laps had been played in this round of the game. Everyone had spoke three times and the next person would be punished, regardless of what they said.

In order, Xie Xi was the first person and he should be the next one punished.

However, Peng Chi used the Exchange Card to change the position of Lan Lingling and Xie Xi...

Then the first person to open their mouths would be Lan Lingling and the person being punished changed to her.

Lan Lingling was shocked. "No... no... I don't want to change..."

However, she wasn't required to move at all. She had already changed seats with Xie Xi.

The zombie girl said, "The game will continue. If you speak irrelevant words then you will be punished."

Lan Lingling's face was grey as she stared at Peng Chi with unwilling eyes. "I didn't mean to harm you. That Forbidden Card was originally a trap. Why are you..."

"You are saying the wrong thing." The zombie girl interrupted. "You have two excellent men around you. Why do you want to look at other people? Love Love hates this type of non single-minded person the most!"

Lan Lingling knew she couldn't escape the punishment and simply used this opportunity to question Peng Chi.

As soon as she opened her mouth, this round of the game ended and Peng Chi had a chance to speak. He sneered, "The Forbidden Card isn't your fault but what about after that? You took advantage of my distraction to reverse the order and I lost a leg. You killed me!"

Lan Lingling cried out, "You are the one who didn't react!"

Peng Chi wondered, "Why did you reverse it when no one else did?"

Lan Lingling gritted her teeth. "If I didn't reverse it then you wouldn't have let me go!" She had to act strong to eliminate the hidden dangers.

The zombie girl stated, "Be quiet, the two of you don't fit." She sounded like she was trying to persuade a bickering couple. "Don't force yourself together if you don't fit."

Peng Chi and Lang Lingling's expressions were extremely stiff but they didn't dare refute the zombie girl.

The zombie girl floated behind Lan Lingling and said, "I don't like eating women but the rules are the rules. They are set and I must abide by them."

Lan Lingling screamed and her right arm was gone.

On her right was Jiang Xie and his left side was inevitably stained with blood. Fortunately, he was taller than the girl and blood didn't splash on his face.

Jiang Xie had never been so thankful for his bad luck. Very good, at least the child wasn't dirtied.

The zombie girl ate Lan Lingling's arm and dismissed it. "Not good..."

Lang Lingling bit her lower lip.

The zombie girl grudgingly said, "Well, I will still stop the bleeding for you." She murmured in an unhappy manner, "The dead can't find love."

She spoke in a very low voice but Xie Xi was close and could clearly hear it. His brain started moving...

The zombie girl exclaimed, "Okay, keep playing the game!"

There were six people present and two people were injured. Peng Chi lost one arm and one leg while Lan Lingling lost her right arm. Both of them were suffering tremendously and resented each other.

The situation was chaotic and if it continued like this, they would have only one dead end.

What to do? What should he do? Was this really a dead end? Did they have to keep playing like this until everyone died? Impossible!

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