Chapter 27

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Fairytale Town 11

Xie Xi placed the dragon heart into the empty items bar and looked at Zhong Jin vigilantly.

Zhong Jin didn't care and took the initiative to show his back to them. "Come with me."

Song Qi glanced at Xie Xi, who paused before whispering, "Go and see." He bent over and picked up the sleepy Xiao Feng.

Zhong Jin didn't turn his head but knew what Xie Xi had done. "You are so gentle."

Xie Xi didn't say anything.

Zhong Jin led them out of the cave. The bright light from the outside shone, giving him a layer of light. Unfortunately, this was just a waste.

Zhong Jin walked ahead without any precautions and slowly told them, "This is the most successful world the Double Beheading Group has designed. It took three years of hard work before it was finally recognized by Zone and became a qualified quasi-world."

Xie Xi knew all of this but Zhong Jin gave more of an explanation now.

"I participated in drawing the blueprint of the town. Aaron was responsible for the town's residents and many people were responsible for the framework and details. Dozens of people worked hard for three years and finally made a F-grade world."

A self-deprecating smile appeared on Zhong Jin's face. "X is a person who designs S or even SS-grade worlds."

This exaggerated contrast was directly experienced and was far more cruel for him than the listening audience members.

The gap was too wide and made people feel despair.

Xie Xi didn't hear wrong. Zhong Jin said this was a F-grade world but this Fairytale Town was clearly D-grade.

He didn't have a chance to ask a question when Zhong Jin suddenly spoke.

"The designer has no heart, because God doesn't need a heart."

This seemed specifically aimed at Xie Xi.

Xie Xi faintly understood why Zhong Jin's attitude went through a 360 degree change, helping them instead of trying to kill them.

Zhong Jin continued, "We weren't mature and couldn't become real designers, especially Aaron. He was responsible for the town's residents but was too selfish."

This time Zhong Jin told the truth. "Aaron made his dead child into a resident of the town and gave him a new life."

Xie Xi was startled and looked down at Xiao Feng in his arms." "Yes, it is the child in your arms."

Song Qi cried out incredulously, "If he is your friend's child, why do you want to kill him?" At Aunty Sun's house, Zhong Jin fired a arrow at Xiao Feng and it was Xie Xi who quickly saved the boy.

"Aaron's child?" Zhong Jin replied. "He is just a toy."

Xie Xi tightly gripped the boy's hand.

"This is why Aaron was doomed as a designer. He is as soft as you and poured countless feelings towards Xiao Feng, actually thinking of Xiao Feng as his own child."

Xie Xi's lips thinned, unable to agree with this person's view. How was the boy not a living person? He had blood, flesh and self-awareness. Wasn't this being alive?

Zhong Jin continued, "It is bad when you can't control your heart. When it wasn't recognized as a quasi-world, we can freely go in and out. Then once recognized by the Zone, even the designer can't enter." They could only enter if they had a task.

Xie Xi frowned and guessed, "Xiao Feng encountered danger?"

"You're so clever." Zhong Jin smiled at Xie Xi. Unfortunately, his smile didn't reach his eyes and was cold. "Don't blame the first batch of players. We were too incompetent. The town was designed to be very beautiful but it had no self-protection ability. The residents designed to be innocent and simple couldn't see the beasts under the human faces."

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