Chapter 166

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Failed Products

Xie Xi was the only Repairer so the task of repairing worlds could only be assigned to him, regardless of the level of the world.

Xie Xi thought of something. "If the worlds you design are SS-grade at most, why is there prefecture grade?" There was even a god grade?

Jiang Xie was the greatest designer in Central but his highest limit was SS. How did the others come about?

Jiang Xie next words allowed Xie Xi to know why this person was so worried.

"Not everyone can design a mature quasi-world. Many designers work hard only to make a failed product. The failed quasi-world is equivalent to a collapsed world and the level of the tasks released by Central will be very high."

Xie Xi was startled. "Then the quasi-worlds about SSS-grade are collapsed worlds? You are going to fix them?"

"If we are going to fix them then you wouldn't be the only Repairer."

Xie Xi's heart was tense as he understood.

Jiang Xie answered, "We are carrying out erasure tasks."

Jiang Xie wasn't the only one with collapsed worlds. It could be said that Jiang Xie was regarded as the greatest designer by the Central Government because the quasi-worlds he designed were all successful, not failed products.

Jiang Xie continued, "Failed products are very dangerous. They occupy resources and too many failed products will cause an irreversible erosion of the Central Government."

"That's why the Central Government will release erasure tasks to the players."

Jiang Xie nodded. "We call such tasks land clearing. It is a one-off and after completing it, the failed world will disappear."

Xie Xi had heard these words before but hadn't understood. Now he did.

Erasing the failed product was also a helpless move for the Central Government.

The Central Government disliked failed products the most but it would be worse if they didn't allow the designers to design. There would be no new worlds and the cycle of Central would collapse sooner or later. Designing was necessary for the creation of new worlds and there would inevitably be failures.

This type of failure couldn't be left behind, which was why there were erasure tasks.

It was obvious how difficult it was to erase a world and only advanced and god level players dared to try it. However, this would create new problems...

Xie Xi stated, "The death rate of players who take the erasure tasks is very high."

The failed quasi-worlds were still worlds. The will of the world existed and who would be willing to be wiped out? The more evil things were, the more paranoid they would become when pushed to the brink and they would definitely do everything they could to fight back.

Jiang Xie said, "That's why new designers are decreasing."

Xie Xi's expression slightly darkened. "This can't be an infinite loop."

The designers made failed products and the Central Government had to release a task for high level players to erase the world. High level players encountered deadly resistance in the failed worlds and there were inevitable casualties.

High level players were the cornerstones of becoming a designer. Their large consumption directly led to the reduction of mature designers. Without mature designers, there were more failed products...

No wonder why the Central Government was gradually declining. According to this, the consequences were unthinkable!

Jiang Xie told him. "It is a good thing you are here."

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