Chapter 24

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Fairytale Town 8

Xie Xi looked at the boy. "I'm not the one bullying her."

"You are! You outsiders are all villains!" The boy's tender face was veiled with anger.

Xie Xi crouched down until he was eye level with the boy. He was calm and gentle, treating the seven or eight year old boy in front of him like an adult instead of a child.

This move caused the little boy to be startled. He was used to looking up at people and now he felt a bit uncomfortable.


How could this man be so good-looking, even better than Sister Yunren.

The boy's tight nerves subconsciously relaxed.

Xie Xi whispered, "I just arrived here yesterday. I haven't done anything or hurt anyone."

The boy was surprised and bit his lips. "Yo uare the same, all the same. At first you were good to us but then did bad things. The village..." He was wronged but refused to shed a tear. "The village became like this because of you!"

Xie Xi was stunned. "What the hell did they do?"

"What did they do?" This was a switch that allowed the boy to vent. He accused the outsiders of their evil deeds using childish words.

"You played with our feelings! You occupied our houses! You took away our food! You even trapped us in this small town so we can never leave!"

Xie Xi expected the previous players to have done a huge disservice to the town but he hadn't expected it to be like this. Trapping the residents in the small town so they could never leave?

He asked, "Can't you walk out of this town?"

The boy was made. "If we could leave then we wouldn't wait here to die!"

The overall situation of the residents in the town was very bad. It wasn't only physically but their minds were also thinned into a string that could break at any time.

Xie Xi asked, "When did this start?"

"A year ago..." The boy shook with rage. "It started when you outsiders fell from the sky! At first, you put on a hypocritical face by helping us do farm work, building a house and soon... soon..."

The boy glanced at Sun Yunren, tears in his eyes. "Soon you showed your true beastly face! You robbed our home, drove us to work day and night, humiliated and insulted..."

The cruel and dirty things sounded worse in the innocent child's voice.

Xie Xi frowned, "Thus, you started hunting outsiders."

The boy's golden eyes flashed with a fearless brilliance. "Don't you deserve to die?"

"It won't solve the problem," Xie Xi stared at him.

The boy said ruthlessly, "You won't bother us again as long as we kill all of you!"

Xie Xi said, "I can make it impossible for them to come here but..."

He hadn't finished the words when he felt the air splitting...

The boy's eyes widened, full of panic and despair... Xie Xi got up and hugged the boy in his arms, the arrow piercing him in the back.

Song Qi screamed, "Brother Xi!"

Severe pain immediately took over his whole brain and Xie Xi gritted his teeth.

The boy was stunned and looked up at him with astonishment.

Xie Xi endured the severe pain and whispered, "Go quickly, there is danger."

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