Chapter 186

81 10 2

Collapsed God 20

Comrade Jiang Xie cheered up and was full of fighting spirit. He couldn't wait to save the universe now!

Xie Xi thought carefully and wanted to explain about Big Jiang and Little Jiang in the presidential palace. Unfortunately, he couldn't find an appropriate way to describe it.

What to say...

One was his 'ex-husband' and soon after the divorce, Xie Xi managed to coax him back. The other was his 'new love' fished out of prison and everyone called this person a child bride...

Forget everybody else. Xie Xi wanted to give himself a shot and end this slag life!

Jiang Xie was motivated and was very concerned about the collapse of the universe. He asked, "What are the identities of the other two SSS-grade people? Can you give me an introduction in advance?"

Xie Xi's brain went around in 300 laps as he brainstormed and thought of the right words.

Jiang Xie asked another question. "Are they rational?"

Well... they were both emotional pretending to be rational. Unfortunately, Xie Xi couldn't get rid of his rational cover and had to nod. "Yes."

Jiang Xie obviously sighed with relief.

In terms of feelings, emotional people had a natural advantage. There was no need to fear any rational, apart from the one he fell in love with. A rational couldn't be a love enemy.

Xie Xi once again silently thought, 'It might be too early to sigh with relief...'

Jiang Xie wondered again, "Are they government officials?"

Xie Xi considered it before shaking his head. "No." Big Jiang was the former president and was now retired. Little Jiang was the rebel leader and at odds with the government.

Jiang Xie was even more assured. If they weren't colleagues then they were likely to be strangers to Xie Xi.

An unfamiliar rational and rational had a relationship pure enough to make water feel inferior.

Xie Xi wanted to give this person a vaccination in advance so that he wouldn't be stimulated. However, the vaccination needle couldn't be stuck. Xie Xi watched Jiang Xie and swallowed down the two tubes of tranquilizer.

Don't be so peaceful! There were many possible disasters in the presidential palace and be alert!

Xie Xi couldn't let Jiang Xie take this lightly and planned to give him a hard shot. "...There is someone you should know."

J looked indifferent. "Is it Jiang Xie? He is so old, can he still do the task?"

Xie Xi, "..." In this world, Jiang Xie was the name for Big Jiang and he was only 44 years old in this round.

Jiang Xie calling himself old, Xie Xi really wanted to record it!

J asked, "Can't you find anyone else?"

Xie Xi shook his head. "An SSS-grade physique is very hard to find."

J's demeanour was quite relaxed. "It doesn't matter. I know that there are no feelings between you, not to mention you have long broken up." Yes, J had also confessed to Xie Xi in this round and how could he not understand Xie Xi's emotional situation?"

J thought there was nothing wrong. Originally, two rationals being together and then splitting apart would have no emotional entanglements.

Big Jiang had concealed his gender very well. At present, no one apart from Xie Xi knew that the former president was an emotional person. Thus, J in front of him didn't know. As long as the enemy was rational then they weren't a rival.

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