S7E11: Don't be a Beach

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[Nancy and Nathan's house]
*Nancy walked downstairs to Nathan cooking breakfast.*

Nancy: Wow.

Nathan: How does everything look?

Nancy: Very appetizing, good job.

Nathan: Why thank you.

*She smiled, and they sat down at the table together. Natalie was propped up in a bassinet. He held her hand across the table, and he saw she was wearing the necklace he gave her for her birthday when they first started dating, years ago. (S1E9)*

Nathan: Do you love me?

*She paused, gathering herself.*

Nancy: Of course I love you. I love you more and more everyday.

*He was so relieved to hear that.*

Nancy: Which is why I did that. I had to.

Nathan: Separate us?

*She nodded.*

Nancy: I can't risk losing you fully. So I thought... Maybe time is what we needed.

Nathan: Are you saying you don't anymore?

Nancy: I don't know. You tell me.

*He took a deep breath.*

Nathan: Meet me at Marina Beach at 8:00pm. If you come, we'll be together again, and we can solve everything. But if you don't... we're over forever.

*Marina beach is the beach they always go to... just the two of them. It was where we took her on her birthday, that was the first time they went together. She exhaled. That was a lot to think about, and she had less than a day. He got up from the table and walked away.*

[Hallie and Damon's house]
*Damon walked through the door again.*

Hallie: Oh my gosh...

Damon: Hallie-

Hallie: Where have you been? I've been worried sick!

Damon: I was out! Okay?!

Hallie: No! Not okay! You leave for three days and return with no explanation?! No remorse?!

Damon: Stop yelling-

*He held his head, his hangover was real.*

Hallie: No! I won't! I never see you anymore! Where do you go?!

Damon: What do you mean?!

Hallie: You're gone... all the time! And when you come back you never tell me where you were! Why are you lying to me?!

Damon: I'm not!

Hallie: Then where were you?!

*He "ughed" and walked past her into the kitchen.*

Hallie: I don't get it. You... you're gone all the time. I thought we decided to live together so we could spend more time together!

*He wasn't responding, just facing away from her.*

Hallie: So, that's it then? You're not even going to answer?

*She started walking toward the door, ready to storm away.*

Hallie: You never come home anymore. You never tell me where you were. You lie. You keep secrets. I'm your last priority now. Just the woman you come home to.

*He was so mad, he quickly grabbed a vase of flowers and threw it across the room... at her. She fell against the wall as the glass shattered everywhere. They were both in shock as she slowly looked down and saw her own blood all over her arm. Pieces of glass were stuck in her forearm.*

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