Welcome to the Fatgum agency

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Fatgum POV
"Ahhhhhhh I hate paperwork!" I groan to myself as I sit in my office. The one downside to being an agency owner is all the paper work that comes with it! Financial reports, criminal reports...any damage report and expenses that might need to be convered! I have found myself behind on it all due to having to be out on patrol more because of all the LOV attacks! I had also agreed to take on another work study student alongside Sun Eater also known as Tamaki Amajiki a very strong young man but has no confidence in himself what so ever!
So....yeah...with everything piling up I decided that maybe I needed to hire another hero to work alongside me and help me out a bit. And after weeks of going through endless CV's I had decided on a young woman named Dusteena Cyrus. Her CV was incredibly impressive for someone so young having worked with and for some big heroes all acorss America...her quirk also intrigued me it was called underworld and I had a rough idea of what that could mean but I could be wrong. She also much to my relief did a year at an agency that mainly focused on mentoring young heros on work study working as a mentor...so long story short she's excatly what I'm looking for!
"Hello Fatgum speaking" I say as I pick up my office phone
"Miss Cyrus is here sir should I send her up?" My receptionist says
"Yeah send her up!" I say excitedly before hanging up. I am very excited to meet this woman and finally put a name to a face!
*knock knock*
"Come in!" I call out and my office door slowly opens

 I am very excited to meet this woman and finally put a name to a face! *knock knock*"Come in!" I call out and my office door slowly opens

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(Imagine this outfit with a checkered shirt over the top and tied up. This is also Dusty's body shape)
"Hi!" Comes the thick Tennessee accent from easily the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life! She is a very short woman I'm guessing about 5ft maybe? With long black hair which was tied up in a ponytail and she has the most amazing big blue eyes which contrast with her black hair and pale skin. "Um...hello?" She says again and it suddenly occurred to me that she had just spoken to me and I completely ignored her
"Sorry I was miles away...hi nice to meet you. I'm Fatgum" I say holding out my hand which she shakes...her hands are tiny compared to mine! Then again I am easily 3ft taller than her....
"Nice to meet you too...I'm Dusty" she smiles at me....oh my god her smile...oh my god everything about her really! Maybe this wasn't such a good idea "gosh you sure do zone out a lot don't cha!" She giggles at me
"Sorry minds been all over the place with paperwork...please take a seat" I say heading back behind my desk and she drops down on seat in front of me.
"So um...I suppose i should say welcome to the Fatgum agency! Although I am a little suprised that someone with all your experience wouldn't have put in an application for the Nighteye or Endeavour agency..." I say and she let's out a small laugh
"Well....Endeavour did put in a request for me before I accepted the job here but um...I'm wondering how I put this without coming acorss rude..." she says and I know exactly what she's on about
"Yeah Endeavour isn't the easiest guy to work with..." I say laughing
"That's putting it lightly I rangled bulls back on the farm that were easier to work with than him" she giggles
"Farm?" I ask her
"Oh right yeah...I'm from a small town in Tennessee and my family runs a farm on the outskirts...so I'm no stranger to hard work and getting my hands dirty" she answers
"How does a farm girl from a small town in Tennessee end up in Japan?" I ask her again
"Well you see when I say small town I really mean small town. We have one way in and one way out! It kinda looks like those old timey towns from classic westerns if that makes any sense...I'm not really cut out for all of that you know everyone knowing your business and what have you" she says playing with the end of her hair
"I know exactly what you mean...my home town is kind of like that to..." I say and she smiles at me "anyway...since you have so much experience with work study students I figured you could help me with my two..." I say and her eyes light up
"I would love that! Mentoring young heros was my favourite job back in America!" she squeaks excitedly....oh my heart....why is she so cute....
"Okay great well they're down stairs at the moment getting ready to go out on patrol I'll introduce you to them" I say getting up and she follows along behind me...the height difference in this form is insain
"Hi fat!" Red says excitedly as I make my way in
"Hi boys I have someone I'd like you to meet" I move aside and Dusty walks in
"Howdy" she says excitedly...too cute...
"Guys this is Keres" I say
"Oh until we're out on the streets y'all can just call me Dusty" she smiles
"Hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Red Riot!" Red says excitedly
"I...I...um.." Tamaki struggles to get out
"Aw sweetie are you struggling? Do you need me to turn around?" Dusty asks and I see Tamaki smile a little at someone understanding how nervous he was
"N..no thank you...I'm..." he takes a deep breath "I'm Sun Eater" he says finally and I see Dusty smile at him
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you boys and I'm excited to work with you both!" She smiles "I'm just gonna go and get changed I won't be too long" she smiles again walking away.
"She seems nice' Red says
"Y..yeah...see seems really kind" Tamaki follows up but honestly I'm not lisiting i'm ashamed of myself for staring at her ass as she walked away. I'm a big guy in my hero form and I um...how do I say this without sounding like pervert...appreciate a woman with an fuller figure...I of course neglected that I was being obvious and the two boys are staring at me
"Earth to Fatgum..." Red's voice comes through catching my attention and I turn around to the two boys smiling at me
"Don't even think about it" I say to them and they both look at one another still smirking
'We didn't say anything" Red says
"Alrighty are y'all ready to go!?" Dusty says happily as she skips towards us...jesus that hero costume is tight...
"Right yes...come on boys" I say and they are still smirking as we make our way out

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