This is a family...

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Dusty POV
It look me a little longer to calm Bean down than expected but he's now happily sat munching on some chips watching a film with Toshio...
10 guesses which one...
I head back to Harimi's room to talk about what happened...
I know first had how getting angry with our kind of quirks can back fire!
I scared the crap out of many people back when I was trying to get a grip on my qurik so I understood completely...
But when I got back to his room...
He was gone...
"Harimi?" I call out...
Strange I think but I soon make my way around the house expecting to find him but...nothing!
I tired his phone...
Nothing... I was getting really worried!
I had a gut feeling that something was wrong so I quickly grab my phone and call Taishiro to explain what happened and that now Harimi had gone missing!

[Else where]

Harimi POV
"Fucking idiot! Monster!" I scream into the darkening sky above me! I had chosen to hide in an abandoned building one would look for me here!
I mean I know Dusty wouldn't look for me anyway...
I had just traumatised her actual son...
She probably phone Taishiro and told him everything...
I already know that they will send me back to the doctors and I'll be alone again...
Just I've always been...

[Back story...]
Author POV
Harimi Yoshio was born 12 years ago to a couple who had never really wanted children...
But despite not originally wanting children they did try and make sure that Harimi had the basic needs that a child would need to develop...
But did they love him?
It was up for debate...
However it all came crashing down when the young boy developed his quirk at the age of 5...
Neither of his parents had a qurik linked to shadows and they started to become scared of the little boy...

They completely separated themselves from Harimi, forcing him to stay in this room while they would push food and water through a small gap his father had made in his door.
The child never experienced the warmth of a loving hug from a parent...
A birthday part that celebrated how happy they were that he was born...
Heck his parents didn't even really talk to him anymore!
His only friends really were the wolves created from his quirk which had made his family hate and fear him...

Around the age of 7 his parents did the unthinkable...
They sold Harimi to an underground research centre who wanted to run tests for "quirk enhancers" and how different quirks reacted under different extreme circumstances...
So...that became Harimi's whole life...
Looked in a small 2 by 4 cell for nearly a full 24 hours a day, only having a bed and only being allowed out when he was subjected to experiments and nothing short of torture...
He was poked and proded for years and sometimes for hours and hours on end...
The young boy would often wish that the next day would never come but...
It always did...
He felt alone...
Abandoned by the world
No one wanted him
The researchers made sure to always remind him that he was sold because his parents didn't love him and how no one would ever love or want a monstrous little brat like him...
The only thing he was good for was to used as a lab rat...

[Back to Harimi]

Harimi POV
"You are nothing short of a monster Harimi...remember that..." the lead researchers voice ran through my head
"Shut up" I say covering my ears
"What did that little boy do to deserve that?" The voice contined to say
"Shut up!" I repeat shaking my head hoping to down him out
"All they have ever done is try and make you feel welcome... you are a horrible person who would love or want someone like you!" The voice continues
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I repeat over and over feeling the tears starting to flow from my eyes which where scrunched tight.
Collapsing to my knees I sob...knowing that everything I was told growing up was true...
I wasn't like Dusty...
I'm not a nice person...

"Harimi!" A loud man's voice can be heard shouting and for a few moments I swear it's Taishiro but that would be Impossible...
Shaking my head I put it down to me imaging things...
"Harimi where are you!" The voice calls again
"Harimi!" Wiping my eyes I stand up and look in the direction to see...
Fat Gum?
Well Taishiro in Fat Gum form...
What was he doing?
"Harimi!" He calls again...
He was....looking for me?
Ah of course he probably wanted to beat the guy who scared his son for life...
Swallowing thickly I decide to accept the out come..
I'm about to get my ass kicked!
He is about to call again when he clearly spots me. I have to practically drag my legs to start walking towards him but I don't have to walk very far because he starts to run over to me.

I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the beating but...
It doesn't come...
Instead I feel...
Opening just the one eye I'm shocked to see that he's hugging me...
"Oh thank god!" He says and his voice sounds wobbly... like he's about to cry
"Fat did you find him!?" I hear the voice of red riot call down
"Yeah I found him" Taishiro calls up
"W...what why..." I start
"Thank god you're okay we were worried!" He says cutting me off
"Why were you..." I stutter
"Harimi!" I hear someone who was clearly Dusty call
"Gummy I told you to wait at home with Bean!" Taishiro calls up as she starts to make her way over to us...
As quickly as her bump will let her that is
"Tamaki is with him! I had to come and look too!" She says clearly crying...
She was actually crying...

"Dusty I..." I start but she engulfs me in a tight hug as she continues to sob
"I'm so happy you're okay...we were so worried" she sobs
"B...but...why after what I did to Keiichirou..." I say trying my best to keep my voice steady...
I would not cry...
"It was an accident bud" Taishiro sighs using a large hand to tussle my hair making it messier than it usually is
"But I really scared him..." I mumble
"It happens you know how many people I scared when I was learning to control mine?" Dustys says with a wobbly voice.
"But...why look for me? I'm not actually your kid...why do all of makes no sense" I say looking between the pair of them.
"We still care about you dummy!" Dusty giggles sadly
"You care about a monster like me?" I scoff
"Of course we care about you are the furthest thing from a monster we have ever met" Taishiro smiles at me.
"You're apart of the family wether you like it or not sweetheart" she giggle through tears

I continue to look between the two of them and....
They mean evey word...
I can tell...
My body acted on its own and before I knew it I was hugging Dusty tightly while sobbing myself
"I'm sorry..." I sob over and over again
"Hey...shhhhhhhh it's okay" Dusty says softly gently stroking my head. We are both engulfed in a big hug from Taishiro...
For the first time in my life I knew what the warm feeling in my body was...
And what the warm feeling I've been experiencing since joining the Toyomitsu Household was...
I was happy...
This is what having a family must feel like...

When we got back to the house I was filled with dread at the thought of seeing Keiichirou...
He isn't going to come anywhere near me I can already tell...
"Tamaki sweetheart we're home!" Dusty calls out when we walk through the door
"I'm glad you found him" Tamaki smiles at them walking out holding Keiichirou.
I can't bring myself to look at him but the grumpy noise he made prompted me to look up.
I saw said small version of Taishiro reaching out for me with his bottom lip wobbling.
Uneasy I reach over back to him and take him from Tamaki.
"Um...hi" I say awkwardly and the child bursts into tears
"Hami gone" Keiichirou sobs hiding his head in my neck
"" I ask shocked
"Bean was scared thar you weren't going to come back" Taishiro says with a small smirk

"Bean you still need to say something to Harimi remember" Dusty says softly
"I sowwi Hami" Bean mumbles sadly into my neck
"He's sorry for painting on your wall... he didn't mean to" Dusty says to me with a small smile
"It's okay...I'm sorry for scaring you...Bean" I say feeling the tears flow down my face. I hug him tightly and feel him hug me back even tighter. It was te first time I had used his Nickname like everyone else...
"It otay!" Keiichirou says into my neck.
I was happy he wasn't afraid of me...
This family wasn't afraid of me...
They just saw me as Harimi...
Nothing more and nothing less...

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