a suprise visitor

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Dusty POV
"No no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I cry out through laughter as Tai chases me around the flat. I had waited around the corner from him and drenched him in water while recording and I may have sent it in the fat family group chat.
"Dusty stop running you're just making it worse gummy" he chuckles before I hide in the bedroom and I try desperately to find a place where he wouldn't find me but I didn't move quick enough and I feel two strong arms wrap around me and a very wet t-shirt pess up against my back.
"Ah you're fucking freezing get off!" I sqeual trying to wriggle free but he spins me around and picks me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist
"Nope you did this now you must suffer!" He laughs holding me close and rubbing his wet cheek against mine.
"I'm sorry please stop!" I giggle but at this point my vest top was now soaked and clinging to me "awww Tai you got me all wet!" I whine looking down at my top
"Wouldn't be the first time" he smirks and I playfully slap his chest before he pulls me in and kisses me deeply making me whine into his mouth
*knock knock*
We pull away and look at one another confused
"Was that the front door?" I ask and he shrugs putting me down. Taking off his wet top he puts on a dry one before heading off and I do the same following him behind. Opening the door we are suprised to be met with my mother
"Mamma!?" I sqeuak is suprise
"Hello! Sorry for stopping by unexpectedly but I wanted to suprise you!" She giggles hugging me
"What the fuck!?" I mouth at Tai who just shrugs his shoulders
"Hi sweetie!" She smiles at him letting me go before hugging him
"Mamma what are you doing here!?' I question
"Um...well...i kinda needed a break from your father so I figured I would take a break and come and see my only daughter and her wonder boyfriend" she smiles
"Come in Mrs. Cyrus" Tai says moving us to one side
"Oh just call me Rosie sweetheart please" my mom smiles as she walks in and I can tell she's amazed by the size of his apartment...well I suppose it's our apartment now as I have been living here for 2 months.
"Tea mamma?" I question and she nods her head
"Yes please babygirl" mamma smiles at me as I head into the kitchen to get some tea ready

Fatgum POV
I notice the bags that Rosemary had put by out front door so I'm assuming that she must have literally gotten off the plane and came straight here!
"So you said you needed a break from papa? what's going on?" Dusty asks walking in and putting the tea on the table before taking a seat next to her mother
"Well...you know how he gets... he was having a whine about how you hadn't phoned to apologise yet and how he finds it rude that everytime you call you only speak to your brothers, Kimmy and I..." she sighs "and I said what did he expect after what he had said to you at your brothers wedding...I told him you have nothing to be sorry for and that he should be the one who apologises" she continues sadly
"Oh I already know how that went down..." Dusty says sadly
"Yeah...we got into a big argument and I decided that I needed to get away for a bit...the last time we were in Japan it was very wedding heavy so I didn't get a chance to explore so o figured I would do that!" Rosie smiles
"Sounds like fun mamma" Dusty smiles. After catching up for a little bit her mom stands up
"Right I won't intrude on you anymore..." she smiles going to head to the front door
"Where are you staying mamma?" Dusty asks
"Oh I just figured I would check into one of those fun capsule hotels I've been seeing all over YouTube!" Rosie says excitedly.
"You can stay with us Rosie...I mean we do have a spare room" I say and the two girls look at me
"Oh I couldn't do that!" Rosie says
"No seriously I insist...it would be better than you spending all that money and staying in a hotel" I smile and I can see Dusty smiling at me from the corner of my eye.
"Thank you very much...that is very kind of you" Rosie smiles, so Dusty shows her to one of our spare rooms and leaves her to settle in. I stayed in my spot on the sofa and as soon as Dusty is down those staris she dives on my straddling my lap
"Thanks for letting mamma stay baby" she smiles kissing me
'She's your mom Dust I'm not gonna make her stay in a hotel" I say. She smirks before she leans down again as kisses me deeply catching me off guard but I'm not fighting against it...this woman is my kryptonite! She pulls away a few moments later leaving us both panting a little
"If that's your way of saying thank you I don't think I quite got the memo so you may need to do it again" I tease
"Oh just you wait until tonight" she whispers before kissing me again.

[2 weeks later]

Dusty POV
Having mamma stay with has been more fun that I would have realised. She's done so much sight seeing and she's been taking care of the flat while Tai and I are in work. But today was our day off so we decided to have a lazy day around the house while I did my favourite pastime...looking at cute bunnies online!
"Gummy are you seriously looking at Rabbits again?" Tai chuckles looking over my shoulder
"Oh she's been obsessed with getting a rabbit for years" mamma comments
"Yeah and I still want one!" I pout
*knock knock*
"That's not the food already is it?" Tai asks and I check the app which says the driver isn't even at the restaurant yet
"No it's not..." I mumble getting up and heading to the front door. I make sure to look through the peephole first and who I see makes my heart sink
"Who is it babygirl?" Mamma calls
"It's pappa" I say and both Tai and mamma look at me suprised. With caution I open the door but I don't move aside to let him in
"Hi..." he says nervously and I just nod my head in acknowledgement of him.
"Is your mother here?" He asks but once again I don't respond
"Yeah I'm here Tom" mamma calls walking into view
"Rosie!" He says relief washing over his face but mamma doesn't look happy to see him
"What are you doing here tom?" She growls catching me off guard...mamma's always been so happy!
"I came to get you!" Dad says but mamma shakes her head
"No I'm not ready to come home" she hisses
"Please let me in so I can speak to you ... to all of you" pappa says sadly which pulls at my heart strings a little. Moving aside I let him in which he is grateful for, removing his shoes he makes his way into the living area and I can tell he's amazed by my new living situation
"Wow this place is amazing!" He says
"What do you want Tom?" Mamma hisses and I can tell even Tai is pissed that he just showed up.
"I wanted to apologise...to all of you but mostly to you Dusty" he says hanging his head
"The way I've acted because you did what you wanted and not what I wanted has been beyond despicable. The way I spoke to you at the wedding...I should have been shouting at Jetson for calling you fat" he mumbles
"But that's what you call me so why would you?" I hiss
"I should never have said any of that to you... you're so beautiful Dusty, not just on the outside but inside to... I saw that you won the heros choice award at the hero gala this year... I've been a real asshole to you... for years and I will never be able to say sorry enough but even though I never say it I am extremely proud of the woman you've become" he says and I'm taken aback by his words
"Papa...." I say
"I don't expect you to forgive me...I've been awful to you for years ... but the truth is that when you said you wanted to be a hero I was so scared that I was going to lose my little girl... being a hero is dangerous and I just didn't want to lose my babygirl but in the way I acted I ended up pushing you away and I lost you anyway... you're just growing up and I don't like it" he says his voice cracking
"Pa..." I start but he cuts me off
"And now you've got this boyfriend and you've moved in with him... it's just hard for me to accept that the same little girl that use to be so excited to hand pappa the tools while fixing something on the farm is now all grown up" he says looking at me and it's clear that he's now crying
Without thinking I lunge forward and grip him in a tight hug which he returns instantly
"I'll always be that little girl pappa...but I'm also a pro hero now" I say hugging him close
"I know babygirl...I'm so proud of you" he says and just hearing him say that makes me start to cry... after 24 years of being alive he finally said he was proud of me.
Once he let's me go he looks over at my mom who still isn't happy with him
"Rosie I'm so sorry about how I've acted this past years...I really have put you through hell" he mumbles
"Yeah....yeah you really have" mamma says sadly
"Can you forgive me?" He asks, my mom is quite for a moment before she smiles and sighs
"I suppose I could" she giggles and the relief that washes of my dad's face is insane.
"Right well will you please come home?" Dad says and mom nods her head
"Let me go pack" she smiles heading upstairs.
Papa then turns to me and Tai
"Taishiro I also need to apologise to you to... for the way I've acted about your relationship with my daughter" pappa says
"No it's fine honestly I don't need you to apologise" Tai says kindly
"Just please look after my little girl" papa says as mamma walks down the stairs
"Was planning on it" Tai smiles. After many goodbyes my mom and dad head back to the airport leaving just me and Tai.
"Well I wasn't expecting that" I giggle turning to my boyfriend
"I know right!" He chuckles picking me up and making me squeak
"Ah where are we going?" I ask as he carries me to out bedroom. With my mom staying we haven't been able to have sex properly for two weeks. It's been quickes here and there but not out usual hours long love making sessions that we've use to
"Luckily you don't need your legs tommorow so brace yourself gummy" he chuckles chucking me gently onto the bed and climbing on top of me kissing me deeply.
R.I.P my legs is all I can think

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