Month 8 - Decorating

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Dusty POV
Well some how Taishiro had eventually convinced me to work from home...
So far...
Not a fan!
I'm bored out of my mind and because I've got no one coming in and out constantly I've managed to blast through everything he's given me to do!
So what do I do?
I call him
I hold the phone to my ear and wait for him to answer which he does really quickly
"Hey Gummy, everything okay" he asks sounding a little concerned
"Hey, yeah I'm fine don't worry!" I giggle at how adorable he can be sometimes!
"Okay good, what's up?" He says sounding a lot calmer
"I may have finished everything you gave me to do today so I was wondering if you had anything else for me to do?" I ask twisting my hair around my finger
"Jesus christ woman that was meant to keep you busy all day!" He laughs and I blush slightly
"It was all easy stuff that didn't take all day!" I argue playfully
"Well then looks like you're done for the day gummybear" he chuckles and I pout to impressed "stop pouting" he then says
"I wasn't!" I lie
"Gummy I know were 100% pouting and I bet you look cute!" He teases and I go bright red
"Baby stoooooop!" I whine and he just laughs at me "please give me something to do!" I say pleading

"Nope the deal was you work from home. I've given you everything that was needed for today so you're done. Now relax!" He says clearly smiling
"You are so mean!" I say
"I know I'm awful!" He laughs "Look baby please just relax" he says and I blow my fringe out of my face
"Alright fine!" I whine
"Thank you" he says clearly proud of himself that he's gotten me to relax
"Uh hu" I say and he laughs
"Right Gummy I have to go, give me a call if you need anything or if anything happens okay?" He says and I nod my head
"Okay I will,  we love you" I say touching my bump
"I love you both too" he says before hanging up.
I collapse back on the sofa and look at the ceiling...what do I do? I mean the apartment is practically spotless so I have nothing to do
Then I have an idea...
We haven't really done the baby's room yet!
"He won't be mad at me for doing your room would he bean?" I ask the bump and the baby gives me a little kick
"Yeah you're right!" I giggle, gripping onto the railing and slowly walking up the staris and towards the empty room which is going to be the nursery.

Taishiro and I had both agreed that we wanted a suprise on the day when the baby is born so we don't actually know the sex of our little one. So naturally I've been looking at gender neutral nurseries for inspiration and I found one which was covered in little staris!
So taking off my hoodie I decide to get to work! I dig around and find a mask first because I can't imagine breathing in paint fumes when you're 8 months pregnant is the best idea?
Popping the top of the black paint I pick up a paint brush and begin the hours and hours of painting tiny little stars all over the baby's nursery. Using my shadows when I couldn't reach the top because I'm so frigging short!
While all of that was drying I cut the ties off of the rug and roll it out on the floor admiring the fluffy-ness of it and the beautiful argyle patterned it had. I would have loved to roll around on it but if I get down I'm not getting back up on my own and would be marooned on the floor like a tiny little beached whale until my fiancé came home.
There's an image for you!

I carefully dig around in the boxes of shit that I've ordered and find the storage space I loved which consists of 4 cubes. I think its adorable!
"Okay beanie...lots of building to do now. Think you could keep off my bladder?" I giggle asking my bump who kicks gently and I take that as a yes.

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                 ^^^ Baby room ^^^^

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                 ^^^ Baby room ^^^^

I'm not too sure how much time had actually passed during my putting together the baby's room but I was extremely happy with how it looked! Obviously I need Taishiro's help with putting up the curtains and the lamp because I'm short and I want to avoid using mu quirk too much because it takes a lot out of me!
My music blasting helped keep me going and bean semi stuck to the deal as I only needed to pee once during the whole ordeal!
"Gummybear I'm home!" I hear Taishiro call into the apartment and I waddle to the door to call for him
"I'm upstairs baby!" I call down

"You okay?" He calls walking to the staris and I swear taking them two at a time!
Lanky bastard
"Yes I'm fine will you relax!" I giggle when be pulls me into a big hug kissing the top of my head multiple times
"How was work?" I ask looking up only to have my face attack with kisses too.
"It was okay but I do miss having you around the do the boys" he chuckles at my scrunched up face.
"Well you're the one whose make me work from home" I say opening my eyes and poking my tongue out at him
"You're 8 months pregnant Gummy... besides the doctors were on my side remember" he says with a smug smile and I hold my middle figure up at him.
"Hey why's bean's room open?" He asks

"Oh shit..." I think...I hadn't really thought this through....
"Haha umm...." I giggle nervously and he looks down at me unimpressed
"You didn't..." he says
Okay in my defence...time got away from me" I giggle but he still doesn't look impressed while he walks past me and too the almost completely finished room.
"Dusty this isn't relaxing like you said you were going to do" he says and I flinch a little at him calling me Dusty and not Gummy or gummybear
"I'm sorry" I say sadly knowing why he's a little mad. I'm a workaholic and he's worried about me exhausting myself...
I feel my eyes start to water...
"Looks amazing though I love it" he says suddenly and I look up at him
"Hey what's with the tears?" He asks softly wiping my eyes
"I...I'm sorry I...I made you mad" I blubber out
" I'm not mad I just wish you wouldn't do stuff like this on your own!" He says
"B...but" I whimper
"I mean some of this stuff is heavy gorgeous what if something had fallen on you or you hurt yourself while building" he says "I understand there isn't anything you can't do but you're still carrying a tiny human...right now even your body as its limits okay?" He chuckles softly

" my defence I was going to do it day by day but I was having so much fun putting it together I kind of got carried away" I giggle through hiccups.
"You're going to be the death of me little lady one day you watch" he laughs kissing the top of my head sofly.
"I did leave all the up high stuff though because I can't reach...if you're not too tied can you help?" I ask
"Absolutely just tell me where you want what" he smiles. I hand him the stuff for the curtains and point to where I want it.
"You know you're cute when you're mad" I giggle and he glares at me playfully
"That's my line little lady" he laughs

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