Pre- birth suprise

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Dusty POV
"Beanie please enough mommy's tired" I sob from my spot on the couch. The little monster was a couple of days past their due date and was making it apparent that my stomach wasn't quite big enough for them as they kicked and punched my belly...
And over
And over
At all times of the day to the point when I feel bruised from the inside. Taishiro had told me to call him if I needed anything today but I don't want to disturb him...
He's still doing important work while I'm just sat at home...
I mean I am still doing reports and paper work so he can mainly focus of stuff like missions and patrols but still.
I don't want to bother him
But I'm also exhausted due to not getting any sleep despite my best efforts.
It is at times like this when I do kind of miss being at home. I could sob to my mamma or Kimmy but their currently sorting out arrangements on the farm so they can fly out soon. They said they wanted to come before the baby arrived but then they figured that Tai and I would like a week or so to adjust to being new parents before they all come bombarding in.
I was starting to feel quite lonely when my phone suddenly starts to buzz. Looking down I see a name that never fails to make me smile

My baby ❤️ is calling....

Wiping my eyes and trying to pull myself together I slide up the answer button and put the phone to my ear
"H...hi baby" I say trying to keep my voice steady
"Hey Gummybear...everything okay?" He asks sounding a little concerned at my voice which clearly gave away that I was crying
"Y...yeah sorry ignore me I'm fine what's up?" I say with a small hiccup in between ignore and me.
"Nothing really...just wanted to see if you were okay really but sounds like you're not" he says sympathetically
"No honestly I'm..." I start but he cuts me off
"Gummybear...come on" he says softly
"Bean won't stop kicking me, I feel battered, bruised, I'm the size of a whale and I keep being mean to people!" I sob thinking back to last night where I had snapped at him a little because of something stupid!
"Aw Gummy..." he says sadly "You haven't got long left...remember your waters could break any time now and you won't be pregnant anymore!" He says clearly trying to make me feel better which I greatly appreciate.

But it also just makes me cry more
"Hey hey baby why you crying?" He asks softly
"'re always so nice to me and I was so mean to you last night" I sob wiping my eyes which were no doubt red and puffy at this point.
"Hey come on now don't silly you weren't mean to me last night" he chuckles a little
"Y...yes I was...I'm a bitch" I whimper
"You're not a bitch Gummy...can you be a grump sometimes... absolutely but you're not a bitch" he says with a small laugh making me giggle. We talk for a little bit more before he gets called away and we end our call.
Taking the phone away from my ear I'm greeted with a beautiful photo someone had taken of Tai and I at my baby shower which makes me smile like there is no tommorow.

[Two hours later]

A sudden knock at the door catches me off guard and I slowly making my way to the door making sure to look at the security camera before opening the door only to be met with none other than Ryota Toyomitsu.
A big smile covers my face and I open the door
"Hey Ryota!" I beam at him hoping my puffy eyes had gone down
"Hey babygirl" he beams hugging me carefully before making his way in. I'm a little taken aback that he called me babygirl...I mean I don't mind it in the slightest and I kind of figured that Taishiro's family would eventually start calling me it.
"What are you doing here?" I ask turning to him and placing my hand on my bump
"Well...I called my little brother to check up on you both and he may have mentioned that you were struggling so boom" he says giving me a cheesy grin as he jesters to him "big brother to the rescue" he chuckles
"Now come on, get some comfy shoes on and we're going out for the day" he says gently pushing me and I giggle before doing as he says

"Oh wait...I'm in leggins and vest top let me go and change" I say but he stops me
"Are you comfortable?" He questions and I nod my head "then nope you're not changing" he smiles and I roll my eyes but does as he says.

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