Keiichirou's 1st Birthday

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Dusty POV
I currently find myself sat on the floor in the living room wrapping the insain amount of presents Taishiro and I had bought Bean for his birthday...but I mean my baby is 1 tommorow! A whole 1 year old!
Only seems like yesterday I was screaming at Taishiro in the delivery room...the thought overwhelms me and I feel hot tears start to run down my face.
He wasn't a baby any more...
As of tommorow Taishiro and I are the proud parents of a 1 year old little boy.
"Hey Gummy do you ne....hey what's up?" Taishiro asks me a little concerned due to the fact my pale face was now covered in small red splotches like it so lovingly does whenever I cry...
I look like a red panda!

"It's nothing I'm just being silly" I giggle pulling my sleeve down to wipe my eyes, the black fabric turning a darker shade of black where my tears had been absorbed.
"A little overwhelmed that Bean is 1 tommorow?" He asks and I nod my head
"I can't believe we've been parents for a whole year already!" I smile fondly applying the tape to the wrapping paper.
"Haha I know only feels like yesterday we were bringing him home" Taishiro smiles fondly
"Yep and now he's 1 and crawling around everywhere" I giggle
"Oh yeah he's a little monster now" Taishiro chuckles "definitely gets that's from you" he laughs and I slap his leg playfully
"You cheeky sod!" I hiss at him with a smile before turning back to the presents on the floor and feeling my smile drop. Soon my baby won't be my baby anymore

"Gummy?" I hear Tai ask behind me and I just shake my head
"He's growing up so fast" I say softly feeling my eyes want to start watering again. Taishiro hooks his hands under my arms pulling me onto to lap making me squeak at being man handled. Sometimes I forget how strong he actually is! He quickly attacked the side of my face with kisses before pulling me in so I can cuddle into his neck
"I know my gummy... I feel old as hell" he says softly kissing my neck a couple of times making me giggle "you know if you miss having a baby we can always make another one" he says biting my neck softly making me squeak. I roll my eyes while giggling and pulling myself away from him to look him in the eyes "Easy big guy I need my legs tomorrow" I just about manage to get out before I'm thrown back on the sofa with Taishiro attached to my lips.

(Big day!)

"Hhhhhhmmmmsggggrrr!" Comes the sweet voice of our little one in his room. I roll over to find Taishiro still out for the count so decide to gently flick him in the forehead
"Come on, we've been summoned" I say playfully earning a smirk from my husband. We head into Keiichirou's room ro find him stood up in his cot dressed in his favourite blue bunny onesie
"Good morning Beanie!" I say excitedly as he makes grabby hands at me making me smile. Leaning in I scoop him up and I never get suprised by just how chunky he is!
"Mmmmgggggdddddaaaa!" Keiichirou says loudly
"Haha yeah it's your birthday buddy you're 1 now" Taishiro smiles kissing him on the forehead while holding up his 1 finger. Keiichirou giggles and holds up the same finger.
"Oooooooo who's a clever boy" I coo at him attacking the side of his face with kisses making him squeal. I hand him off to my husband
"Okay if you can sort him our this morning....mommy's got a lot of decorations to put up!" I giggle heading away
"Gummy I'll help" Taishiro calls after me but I call back to worry. It was only a couple of balloons...

(Time skip to the birthday party)

Fatgum POV
"Okay and that's the last one!" I hear Dusty say excitedly. She's been a nightmare all morning! Every time i try and help she shoos me away and tells me to keep Bean and Toshio busy.
Don't get me wrong her head strong nature is one of the many many many reasons I adore her but at the same time she is so stubborn!
"What do you think Baby!?" Dusty smiles at me blowing a few strands of hair out of her face minus the strand that always some how manages to fall between her eyes.

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