Stress before a wedding...

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Dusty POV
1 week until Taishiro and I tie the knot and I become Mrs. Dusteena Roslin Toyomitsu...
Which is crazy to think!
Because I'm a workaholic and a stress head I'm currently sat in our apartment  looking over every little detail to make sure it will all go smoothly on the day...
Bean's flat out on his play mat snuggled up with Toshio and I didn't have the heart to move him...
So I just made sure that he was comfortable and wouldn't wake up aching.
"Gummybear I'm home" Taishiro calls out walking through the front door
"Shhhhhhhh" I call out and he laughs before walking in and fully realising why I shushed him
"We'll that's adorable" he smiles
"I know they melt me" I giggle looking at our too little boys.
"What ya doing?" He asks dropping down next to me
"Going over everything for next week" I say with a slight groan

"Gummy...everything has been sorted" he says wrapping an arm around me and practically man handling me away from my laptop making me squeak in suprise.
"But what if..." I start and he quickly presses our lips together to cut me off.
Giggling I decide not to argue with him and just enjoy the attention I was getting from my soon to be husband!
"Nothing is going to go wrong...try not to stress yourself out okay?" He says pulling away from me.
I take a deep breath and nod my head
"I guess you're right...I mean we're having a dinner out with the family tommorow I should probably be worried about that!" I giggle

My family had already landed in Japan the day before and once again they were staying at Kimmy's parents. Their house is massive and plus Kimmy's mom and my mom love each other.
"Haha nothing to worry about Gummybear" He chuckles
"Mmmmmnnnnddddggggrrrr!" Keiichirou suddenly squeals making us both jump a mile
"Jesus christ Beanie you scared the crap out of me and mommy then!" Taishiro chuckles allowing me to crawl off and scoop up the freshly awake baby.
"You looking forward to seeing everyone Beanie boo!" I coo to him smothering him in kisses easily one of his favourite things because he always erupts into fits of giggles.
Out of the corner of my eye I can see Taishiro smiling at me...something seemed different about this smile.

"What's up?" I ask looking at him and he just shakes his head
"Nah nothing don't worry" he chuckles but I just pout at him before holding Keiichirou infront of my face
"Daddy's being mean isn't he Beanie boo" I giggle once again smothering him in kisses and once again he let's out a large fit of giggles.
"You'll kick me if I tell you" Taishiro laughs and I just roll my eyes
"Just tell me baby" I say with a playful teasing tone to my voice.
"Do you...want more kids?" He asks and I swear I feel my heart skip a beat.
"Haha I um..." I say still a little shocked at my soon to be husband's words
"You can say no gummybear" he smiles
"No no it's not that I do..." I say admitting that I do actually want more kids...I just didn't know if he wanted more...
"You do?' He asks sounding a little suprised
"I mean yeah...I come from a big family baby don't forget" I laugh "not yet obviously because Keiichirou isn't even 1 yet but...after that I would definitely be open to trying for another" I say my cheeks heating up because....
For some reason I felt a little embarrassed?

After a little more of a conversation we both said that after Bean turns one we're going to try just see what happens. I also found out what sparked this thought process is because he loves seeing me with Keiichirou and it sparked his broody-ness...
I also had to admit that it's the same for me when I see him with Bean.

Fatgum POV
"Hi!" Rosie squeals happily practically almost flooring myself and Dusty.
"Rosie honey calm down!" Tom chuckles
"Mamma watch Bean!" Kimmy says with a small giggle
"Oooooooo look at how handsome he is! Ooooo I could just eat you up!" Rosie gushes over her grandson
"I know he's getting big ain't he?" Ryota laughs...Dusty and I have been wondering how this would work because as far as we are all aware Tom has no idea that Tate is dating my brother.
After everyone fusses over Bean for a little longer we all sit down. Luckily we were able to get a private room for this so we didn't have to worry about anything!
Or so we thought....

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