alone time

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Dusty POV
I look at the clock and then down at my desk...I had managed to work 4 hours over when my shift was meant to end. Fat was out on patrol at the moment so I was practically on my own at the moment.

I changed into my comfy clothes that I wore into work today

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I changed into my comfy clothes that I wore into work today. I wasn't meant to be working right I was okay to not be in my hero costume. I had every intention to leave before Fatgum came back but I lost track of time and the knocking on my door made me jump
"What you still doing there little missy?" Fat says to me and I roll my eyes
"I have no idea what you are on about Tai..I'm not here I'm an fragment of your imagination" I giggle covering my face and I hear him give out a chuckle.
"Honestly're a nightmare..." he laughs at me and I poke my tongue out at him
"Hey just be grateful I love my job and don't put in a request for my overtime payment" I say and he looks at me unimpressed
"Dusty have you been putting them in?" He asks me and I look away for him shyly "Dusteena Roslin Cyrus" he says using my full name
"Don't full name me Taishiro Toyomitsu!" I say giggling and he looks at me
"How many times have you worked over time and not put it in!?" He asks me sternly
"Um....I've never requested my overtime be payed..." I answer honestly
"Dusty! What the hell!?" He says to me and I just roll my eyes
"What? Fat I don't do this because I want money...I do this because I love my job and I love this place..." I answer and I also want to add onto the end of it...and i love you!

Fatgum POV
"Okay little lady but you're still in trouble..." I say to her and she just giggles again...she's a little shit sometimes! Also what she's wearing is extremely distracting to me right now!
"I'm sorry Tai...look if it make ya feel any better I'll start putting them in" she says smiling at me
"Okay fine...but that doesn't solve the thousands you're owed in over time!" I say...seriously I dread to think how many hours she's put in without asking for over time!
"Well that's in the past...not much you can do about it now..." she says...I'm really not happy right now! I get that she loves the job but she needs to put the requests in so she can see the benefits from her hard work...she can tell I'm not happy "tell ya what you're shift just ended right?" I nod my head "and I should have gone home like 4 hours ago...I'm probably just gonna order some take out and watch a about we hang pay for the take out and we call it even" she says
"That hardly seems even...but okay fine" I say...I really just want to spend time with her outside of work without the kids around!
"Great! Come on then big guy!" She giggles standing up and walking towards her office door...holy hell her ass in the dress...
"Oh one second let me de-fat myself" I say and she looks at me confused. But I head to the gym area and break down my fat so I'm in my skinny form. I then change into my sweat pants and t shirt before heading back to meet her...
"You know you didn't have to go to your skinny form..." she says...and I shurg my shoulders
"Meh I think I fit in your tiny apartment better in this form" I say and she giggles as we head out of the agency. Luckily in this form no one recognises me because I look so different! It doesn't take long to reach her apartment and like I's small! No where near as big as you would expect someone on her wage to live!
"You know if you put in the request for the over time you could probably buy a bigger apartment" I tease and she holds her middle finger up to me
"I'm actually only staying in this tiny apartment because I'm saving to buy a house" she says heading to the kitchen "do you want a drink?" She calls
"Sure what you got?' I say taking a seat on her couch
"Um...I some kinda fancy cordial shit that I didn't know I had..." she answer and I can't help but laugh
"Um...let's" I say
"I like the way you think Tai!" She laughs walking in with a bottle and two glasses. "It's werid not having the kids around!" She laughs while handing me my drink and then pouring herself one
"I know...kinda feel like a bad parent" I joke and she almost chokes on her wine
"Dammit Tai!!" she says putting down her wine glass. "Okay so...I'm feeling like...Pizza you okay with that?" She says grabbing her laptop and learning more so she can show me her screen. Out of instinct I put my arm on the back of her couch so she's almost leaning on me. We put together an order and then we decide to find a movie to watch...she hasn't moved from her current position and neither have I...

Dusty POV
If I lean a little further I will be leaning on him...I want to but I know he doesn't see me like that and in all honesty I just wanted and excuse to spend some time with him
"Okay down for a horror?" I ask looking up at him
"Sure..." he says taking another sip of his drink
"Okay...let find one..." I say flipping through the horror section
"Oh the grudge!" He says excitedly and I shake my head
"Nope no way in hell!" I say
"Aw come on please" he begs
"No Tai because I'm gonna shit myself!" I argue back
"Aw come on's not real...besides not like you're alone!" He says and I take one look at his handsome face and any hope I had of sticking to my guns was gone
"Uhhhhh fine but if my fat ass ends up on your lap don't blame me!" I laugh and he taps the back of my head
"You're not Fat!" He argues
"Shush!" I say waving him off "oh wait before this shit kicks off I'm grabbing my blanket!" I say running into my bedroom and grabbing my blanket so that I am hide in it. But also in doing so I have moved from my current position and I haven't really got an excuse to go back to where I was sat. So sitting where I was before I moved so he could see my laptop I sit down with the blanket. We're a few minutes into the movie when my front door knocks making me shit myself and Taishiro laughs at me
"Guess how many fingers I'm holding up!" I laugh at him heading to the door to grab our pizza
"Is it odd or even?" He asks in a teasing manner
"You're lucky you're cute!" I hiss at him without thinking and the moment I said it I regretted shit...
"Haha thanks..." he says as if it's normal to call your boss cute to his face! Walking back in and putting it on the table I have an excuse to sit closer to him now
"Shall we resume the movie?" He asks pressing play before I can answer and I sigh before taking a slice of pizza. I have about 4 slices and I'm stuffed so I sit back a little and pull my blanket up and right on que a scary part happens which makes me squeak in fear and on instinct I hide in the closest thing to me which so happens to be Fatgum....
"You ok Dusty?" He asks me and as I pull away another scary part happens and i continue to hide in him
"I hate you for making me watch this!" I say my voice muffled by his top and I hear him give out a small chuckle

Fatgum POV
My instant reaction was to lower my arm that was resting on the back of her couch and put it on her back. Sometimes I hate how normal it feels to do stuff like this with her because I need to constantly remind myself that we aren't together and she doesn't like me in the same way I like her! The movie ends and she is still hiding in me
"Okay Dusty it's over..." i say rubbing her back gently and she let's out a sigh of relief before turning to the screen
"Right I'm picking the next one!" She says grabbing the one? I'm suprised she didn't want to kick me out after one movie and go to bed!
"Okqy's only fair..." I say rolling my eyes. She hasn't moved yet and i have no intention of telling her to move!
"Ooooo this one!" She says excitedly clicking on some kind of Disney film
"Dusty seriously?" I ask her laughing
"What!? I'm trying to de scare myself!" She hisses at me playfully before pulling up her blanket further to her face. I hadn't noticed that I had been gently tracing my fingers up and down her back until I hear soft breath coming from my tiny companion. I look down to see that she's fallen asleep on me...ooooo she look so God damn cute when she sleeps! I think about moving her and slipping out but as I go to move she grips my top tighter in her sleep and rubs her head against my chest snuggling in to me more....well looks like I'm staying here tonight! We'll just deal with the awkward moment in the morning is the last thing I think about as I too doze off.

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