Baby Time!!

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Dusty POV
"Tai baby seriosuly I will be fine I promise" I giggle trying to pry him off of me. Bean is a week and half late so he's been on edge since he's worried he's going to be out on a mission whejn my water breaks.
"I already told you I'm not going in" he says holding me tightly in bed. We have woken up a little earlier than normal and some.... activities may have taken place. But I mean sex is apparently meant to help induce labour
"But what if something happens and they need you?" I say cocking my one eyebrow at him
"What if your water breaks and I'm out on patrol?" He argues back kissing my head multiple times casuing me to errupt into giggles.
"Then I will call you okay? I promise" I smile at him but I can tell he's not going to budge easily.
Deciding to give up I roll out of bed and my feet thump on the floor. The sudden weight of my bump almost taking me down. This is going to be a heavy baby I can already tell!

After wiggling into a pair of my usual leggins, vest top and a cardigan I wait at the top of the staris for my fiancé.
"Don't attempt to go down those staris on your own little lady!" He calls from the bedroom making me giggle
"Trust me I won't" I giggle and it's true. Due to the size of my bump I can't see my feet, or my legs...I miss being able to see my feet.
I can see Toshio looking up at me from downstairs
"One second To I'm coming!" I giggle.
With Taishiro's help I safely make it down the staris where I drop down onto the sofa because I swear this bump is getting heavier and heavier by the second!
"Want your apple juice gummy?" Taishiro asks heading to the kitchen to make himself some coffee
"Yes please" I call patting the side of me signalling for Toshio to hop up which he does. Quickly laying down by the side of me and twitching his little nose in contentment.
When Tai eventually joins me on the sofa I'm very very jealous of his coffee.

"Tai...." I say sipping my apple juice
"Let me guess you want to smell my coffee again?" He chuckles and I nod my head. He rolls his eyes at me playfully before handing me the mug for me to inhale the rich bitter aroma of coffee.
"You are such a werido" Taishiro laughs at me as I hand it back
"I am aware" I giggle...I wish he would go to work. I mean what if someone needs him!? All the pros and police are aware that I'm due to pop any day now so they probably won't contact him for that reason but still! You never know!
"Gummybear knock it off" he says rubbing my head softly
"Hu?" I ask bring myself put of my day dream
"I can feel you stressing because I'm not in work and you're worried someone will need me. But I have my phone ready to if someone needs me I'm around okay?" He says softly and I nod my head.

Fatgum POV
A couple of hours pass and I can see how much Dusty is struggling with still being pregnant.
When I say we have tried everything to get her water to break I mean it
Spicy food (which she hated)
Walking around
And many many other things but bean isn't moving...apparently mom's too comfortable!
The sudden soft sobs of my fiancée can be heared and I quickly move to be with her as she paced around the apartment holding her bump and her back.
"I know gummy" I say softly rubbing her back while she grips my t shirt and continues to sob

*knock knock*

"W...was that the door?" She questions pulling away from me and making her way to it
"Gummy wait I'll let it" I say but she waves me off standing on her tip toes to look through the peep hole

*knock knock*

"Shhhhhhhhhhhit" I hear her whisper and I quietly make my way closer to her
"What's up?' I ask a little concerned at her reaction to who may be stood behind the door
"It's your mother!" She whisper hisses and my stomach hit the the floor
"You're joking?" I say but she shakes her head
"Look for yourself" she whispers moving away from the door for me to look, which I do and indeed there is my mother... stood there.... with what looks like a suit case!
"Dusty...I know you're in there open up!" My mother calls through the door
"What do we do!?" Dusty whispers to me clearly panicking
What the hell is she thinking!?
Last time I checked I told her to leave us alone...she already stressed Dusty out enough a few months ago!
Dad even said that mom had been ranting about how Dusty must have given me an alternative which is why I said what I said...

"Dusty! Open the door!" My mother calls again in a more demanding tone this time as she continues to bang on the door...luckily we're the only apartment on this floor but still I can imagine our downstairs neighbours appreciating the loud bangs.
"Tai what do I do!?" Dusty whispers trying to keep her sobs silent.
"Put the chain acorss the door and open it...I'm right here okay" I assure her and she does what I say with shaking hands. Slowly she pulls the door open and as I anticipated my mother tries to push her way in to the apartment
"Why is the chain acorss the door!?" My mother demands
"Why are you here Mrs. Toyomitsu?" Dusty asks wiping her eyes
"I told you I was moving in remember" my mother scoffs
"We never agreed that" Dusty responds

"Well someone has to be around to raise your baby!" My mother says in a rather nasty tone
"I will around to raise my baby...we don't need you" Dusty says...clearly starting to get annoyed.
"Until you decide to go back to work..." my mother reminds her
"Yeah...and then I'll come back while the baby is in pre school... you aren't needed" Dusty comments
"Now will you please stay away from my home" Dusty says calmly
"Your home?" My mother laughs "last I checked this is my son's home and you moved in...this isn't your house at all!" She says

"Actually mom it is..." I say finally moving out from behind the door and once again my mother goes pale...she clearly thought Dusty was home alone.
I stand infornt of Dusty who was now hiding behind me clearly upset and stressed as she continues to quietly sob.
"We added Dusty to the paperwork a few months after she moved in...the apartment is as much Dusty's as it is mine" I say finishing my sentence.
"Oh...well....I didn't know...." my mother mumbles clearly unimpressed
"Now...why are you here?" I ask
"I was going to move in to help!" My mother says putting on her super nice act again as if she hadn't just been bullying my wife to be.
"Well as Dusty explained...we don't need leave" I say harshly
"Well it's my grand baby...I want to help!" My mother protests hoping to win me over clearly
"It's also Dad, Rosie and Tom's grandchild to but they haven't turned up unannounced" I remind her.

"Who's Rosie and Tom?" My mother asks
"Dusty's parents...they were at her baby shower" I remind her
"Ah yes the baby shower I wasn't invited to" my mother argues glaring at Dusty
"Actually Dusty did invite you" I say
"What?" My mother scoffs as if I'm lying
"Yeah Dusty wanted you to be there because as you're bean's grandmother...I told her not to and obviously dad told you you weren't invited.... you were but because of how much stress and hurt you've caused Dusty Dad and I didn't think you should be there" I say.
Both Dusty and my mother look at me suprised
"B...but she..." my mom says
"Dusty hasn't done anything. You on the other hand...have done nothing but belittle, bully and make extremely extremely hurtful comments about her." I say crossing my arms

"T...Tai" Dusty says through hiccups
"One second Gummy..." I say softly to her before taking a deep breath
"Look mom, I don't know how many times I need to say this to you...leave us alone. If all you're going to do is be mean to her than we don't want around, we don't want you at the wedding and we don't want you to be involved in the baby's life if this is how you are!" I say in a more calm manner than I thought it was going to come out...
"T...Tai" Dusty stutters again
"Sorry Gummy what's up?" I ask looking over my shoulder not paying attention to my mother who was stood in silence probably hoping for some sympathy.
" water just broke" she says
"Hu!?" I say quickly turning around and looking down at her
"My water broker...the baby's coming" she says through staggered breaths.
"Shit...right okay don't panic!" I say making her giggle
"I'm not!" She smiles, I turn to my mother
"Leave" is all I say before shutting the door to quickly grab everything we need for the hospital....

Holy shit this is it...
The baby is coming...

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