the next morning

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Dusty POV
The warm rays of sunlight brushed against my face. Waking me up rudely which I didn't appreciate! I rub the sleep away from my eyes and I start to worry if I had had the most vivid sex dream about my boss yet! But the fact I didn't recognise the room fully, the fact my lower half is throbbing and the two very strong arms wrapped around me holding me close against someone's chest. Turning around slowly I'm met with the sleepy handsome face of Taishiro...oh thank fuck it wasn't a dream I think to myself. Every move of my lower half sends waves of aching through my body...looks like walking today isn't an option!

I slowly lift my hand and gently place it on his cheek; this makes him stir slightly and pull my closer into his chest, giving the top of my head a quick kiss making me giggle
"Morning gummy..." he mutters sleepily and I happily snuggle my head into his chest trying my best to ignore the throbbing aching pain in my lower half
"Morning baby" I say softly as he kisses my head again. His strong hand gently traces shapes on my back giving my body a calming tickling sensation.
"What time is it?" He asks reaching out for his phone to see what time we had joined the living world "jesus gummy it's 8 am..." he sighs putting his phone down and re wrapping his arm around me
"Don't blame me...the sun woke me up!" I say playfully making him chuckle before he rolls on top of me catching my lips in his which I'm happy to return. I want to wrap my legs around him but I can't move then right now! He gives me another quick kiss before he moves from the bed and putting on his boxers and sweat pants. I make grabby hands at him and he looks at me for a minute

"I can't walk because of someone!" I say jokingly "carry me!" I giggle and he rolls his eyes at me which makes me giggle more. Walking to his wardrobe he gets out one of his tops which he chucks at me and I quickly throw it over my body. The top comes down to my mid thigh because of how little I am!
"Well that's adorable" he teases and I roll my eyes
"Shhhhhhhh and carry me!" I whine making him chuckle as he gently picks me up and carries me bridal style down the steps and places me on the sofa
"Also I think your neighbours know you had a girl over last night" I giggle
"Yeah ya think? Didn't picture you for a screamer" he teases and I feel my face heat up
"Shut up!" I hiss at him crossing my arms and pout
"Aww I'm sorry" he continues to tease leaning over me rubbing our noses together
"Oh heads up...I ain't telling the kids..." I tease
"God damnit!" He hisses diving onto me and hiding his face in my chest making me burst out in laughter as I gently stroke his blonde hair "I don't want to tell them!" He whines
"Well tough shit I already said I wasn't going to" I say
"Can't we just wait for them to find out on their own?" He asks and I tap his head lightly
"No! They would be upset if we did that" I laugh


"What's the chances that's the group chat?" He asks and I shurg my shoulders before leaning over and grabbing my phone
"Uhhhh my fucking legs!" I whine and now it was his turn to laugh
"I ain't apologising" he says his voice still muffled by my boobs. Rolling my eyes I open my phone and I was correct it was indeed the fat family group chat

[Fat family group chat]

Little boulder: Good morning everyone! Anyone fancy going for food this morning? I'm starving

Little Steele: I'm in! I'm so hungry!

Big brother: sure I could eat

Little bolder: great @mamma and @dadgum you guys coming?

"Uhhhh the kids wanna go out for food" I whine
"Actually I am hungry" Taishiro says
"I can't fucking walk!" I say
"Oh sure you're legs don't work?" He questions teasingly
"Pretty fricking sure" I hiss at him playfully "plus I have no clothes here so I would have to go back to mine and get changed" I say
"We could always order and they come here" Tai suggests
"Once again...I have no clothes and i have no underwear on!" I say "speaking of which where did they go?" I ask and he shrugs
"No clue I know I flung them somewhere but no idea where" he laughs

Little boulder: Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Little boulder: Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Little Boulder: mother!
Little Boulder: mother!

Mamma: Jesus christ Kiri okay 🤣🤣

Dadgum: you kids pick the place and we'll meet you there okay?

"Tai!" I whine
"Dusty...come on I'll carry you to the car" he chuckles and I pout at him

[Breakfast time]

After somehow managing to get dressed making myself look presentable and have a shower in under 20 minutes we were out of my door and on our way to the place that the boys had picked which was an American style dinner which makes me giggle
"So how the wedding after we left?" TesuTesu asks and both Tai and I look at one another
"What?" Kiri asks confused
"Did we miss something?" Tamaki questions and I smirk at Tai before sipping for coffee
"You're seriously gonna make me tell them aren't you" he says to me and I nod
"I dibs not having to do it baby sorry..." I giggle
"Baby!?" Both Kirishima and TesuTesu says
"Damnit" I hiss and Taishiro starts to laugh
"Well looks like you ended up doing it anyway" he laughs
"About time!" Kiri says with a smile
"Yeah and don't forget you both owe me money" Tamaki smirks
"Wait what?" Taishiro questions
"Damnit! We all had best on when it would finally happen...I said around Christmas time, TesuTesu said next year on valentine's day but Amajiki got it right with at the wedding" Kirishima groans
"Honestly you three!" I say cocking my one eyebrow
"Sorry mom..." all three say at once and I roll my eyes before I feel Tai's hand resting on my leg under the table making me both blush and smile at the same time.
I really couldn't believe that the man I had been in love with for so long was actually mine now...kind of felt surreal...
After breakfast we all parted way and I ended up back at Fatgum's apartment once again. Getting in I collapse on the sofa
"You okay gummy?" He asks me laughing
"No my legs are killing me!" I whine after pretending for hours that I feel nothing I finally broke
"Aw anything I can do?" He asks teasingly
"Yeah" I say with a smirk
"Oh really what's that?' He asks still smiling down at me
"Cuddles!" I say with a pout while making grabby hands at him. Chucking he lifts me up softly before placing me down on top of him so my head can rest on his chest.
What he said about me last night and the way he stood up for me was still swirling around in my mind
"Hey Tai..." I mumble softly
"Yeah what's up?" He asks not looking at me as he flips through Netflix trying to find a movie or something for us to watch
"Um...thank you...for last night..." I say and he stops and looks at me confused
"What you on about?" He asks
"For what you said to my know standing up for me...I really appreciated it" I say
"You don't have to thank me for that Dust...I wasn't going to let him speak to you like that and make you feel bad when you've done nothing wrong" he smiles and once again fucking butterflies
"I love you you dummy" I giggle
"I love you too" he smiles leaning down and kissing me softly.

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