6 months - Arguments

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Dusty POV
6 months down! Only 3 more to go! I think happily as I make my way into the Fatgum agency in my favourite pair of stretchy leggins, vest top and of course my favourite oversized cardigan!
My pregnancy symptoms haven't been too bad as of late but I'm mainly dealing with swollen limbs and heartburn now...
So not perfect but I'm just happy the horrible pain in my abdomen has passed!
I was up most of the night due to not being able to get comfortable thanks to my growing bump so Taishiro said for me to come in a little later today which I greatly appreciate!
He's been a massive help through the past 6 months and I honestly couldn't have asked for anyone better to have a baby with.
I've got cravings at 3 in the morning?
He goes and gets me what I want
My feet hurt?
He rubs them
I'm feeling over emotional?
He cuddles me until I stop crying

Waddling into the building I'm met by the smiling face of Kohaku.
"Afternoon Miss Keres how are you feeling?" He asks me with a big smile
"Hey sweetie yeah I'm okay, how have things been?" I ask walking over to lean on the front desk a little.
"It hasn't been too busy today but everytime I say that something happens!" He chuckles
"How is the baby?" He asks looking down at my bump
"Oh their good! Making it extremely difficult for mamma to sleep but their good!" I giggle
"Is Fatgum here?" I ask looking at the elevator
"Oh yeah he's actually interviewing someone right now" Kohaku says and I look a little confused as he hasn't mentioned to me about needing more staff at the moment.
Bidding Kohaku goodbye I head to the elevator and press the button where my office was located.
I wounder why Taishiro never mentioned anything to me about interviewing someone!
I would have wiggled into my hero costume!
I mean it doesn't fit but still...


The noise of the big steel doors opening brought me out of my thoughts and I come around the corner to come face to face with my fiancé and easily someone who could be a fucking model!
The way he was poitning he was clearly poitning at my office and I felt what was a mixture of confusion, sadness, anxiety, anger and jealousy all at once!
Putting on my best smiling face I approch them both
"Hi can I help you?" I ask looking between Taishiro and the woman who was
No lie
Easily the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life!
"Oh hey is it noon already?" Taishiro asks checking his watch.
"Hi I'm Ai Usagi! I'm going to be replacing Keres!" The young woman beams and I swear I see all the colour drain from Taishiro's face when she says that. "May I ask your name?" She says beaming
"I'm the underworld hero Keres" I say trying to keep my bitterness for her out of my voice and now it was her turn to look a little suprised
"Well since I'm being replaced I'll just pack up my office shall I Fatgum?" I say at him in a slightly harsher tone and I see him flinch at my words.
"Excuse me" I say walking into my office, shutting the door and locking it behind me.

Fatgum POV
Shit shit shit shit shit shit was all that was going through my mind when Dusty shut her door and locked it behind her.
I finished off the interview with Usagi but she just didn't seem right for the position I needed her for which was to simply to cover for Dusty for a few months while she's on maternity leave.
I never mentioned anything about replacing Dusty!
I gently knock on Dusty's door and I wait for her to open.
After a few moments she does but she stands in the door way looking up at me very very unimpressed
"What?" She says crossing her arms to rest on top of the bump
"Can we talk?" I ask
"About?" She says her voice giving away how pissed off she was. Turning away from me she heads back into her office and I follow behind her making sure to shut the door.
"Gummy she isn't replacing you" I sigh
"You sure because she seems to think she is" she says in a very sarcastic tone

"I'm looking for someone to cover for you while you're off on maternity leave! You're going to be going off soon" I say looking down at her.
"Am I?" She asks confused "since when? I don't remember discussing that with you" she argues
"More to the point why didn't you tell me you were looking!?" She asks s
"Because I knew you would react like this!" I say "I know you're a workaholic so I didn't think telling you before I found someone was a good idea!" I say but when I say it out loud it does sound a little weird
"It's my position Tai! I think I should have a say in who covers for me!" She argues clearly getting more upset at my reasoning for keeping yhe interviews a secret from her. "More to the point I don't want anyone to replace me I can just work from home!" She continues and my patients is wearing a little thin at this point.
"Look Dusty, at the end of the day this is my agency so I get a say in who I hire and who I fire! I don't need to run it by you! So if I want to get someone to replace you I will!" I say before I can stop myself and I see her eyes glass over at my words.

Her head lowers and I see her small hands ball up into fists.
"Get out" she says in a tiny voice
"Gummy..." I start reaching out for her but she bats my hand away
"Don't fucking Gummy me...I said get out" she says looking up at me with tears running down her face. She then proceeds to shove me out of her office and lock the door again.
"Shit" I hiss to myself

[Hours later]

Dusty POV
I don't need to look at the clock to realise I've worked past when I was supposed to but fuck him!
I'm mad!
I mean I know he's got a point...it is his agency and ultimately the final word is his but...
He's the one who calls me his second in command so I just figured I would at least have a say in who would cover me for my maternity leave!
Running my fingers through my hair I feel the tears well up in my eyes at the thought that we had argued and then he went out on patrol...
If something was to happen to him the last thing he would remember is that we were mad at one another! That thought gets to me and I break down in tears.

The sudden noise of my door unlocking catches my attention and I already know who it is by the mass of orange stood behind it. A wave of anger washes over me and I'm ready to yell at him to leave me alone as soon as his head pops through the door
"I swear to god..." I start standing up and heading over to him but he cuts me off
"Hold it...I come in peace..." he says holding up his one hand. "I even bring bubble tea..." he says holding out a bag and I feel my mouth start to water because I'm really craving it right now!
"What kind?" I ask cocking my one eyebrow and not wanting to seem too interested
"Your usual peach order and the melon one with passion fruit boba" he chuckles holding the bag out for me to take.
I take the bag from him and turn away
"You may enter" I say trying to keep my voice steady.

I drop back down into my chair and open my peach bubble tea drinking it and enjoying the sweet flavour!
"Look Gummy about what I said earlier..." he says awkwardly rubbing the back of his head
"Don't...I mean you're right it is your agency after all" I say looking down at the desk.
"Yeah but I do get where you are coming from...I mean I call you my second in command so I should have asked you" he sighs
I'm quite for a while before I decide to speak
"Did you have to pick someone so fucking pretty" I pout looking up at him
"Was she? I didn't even notice" he says
"Uh hu" I say sarcastically as I continue to drink my tea glaring at him as I do so.
"Well I've kinda only got eyes for you so I don't really notice when other woman are attractive" he chuckles and even at this point I'm trying my best to not smile.

"It's really hard to be mad at you when you say stuff like that" I pout and he smiles at me
"I mean you are pretty cute when you're angry but I would rather if you wasn't mad at me" he says and I poke my tongue out at him before sighing and getting up leaving my tea on my desk. Waddling I make my way over to him and rest my head on his stomach and stretch my arms around him as much as I'm able to in his hero form.
"I'm sorry I got angry" I say my voice becoming shaky at the tears I'm trying to hold back.
"I'm sorry too Gummy...I should have talked this through with you...I know you're not happy about having to take time off" he says gently hoisting me up so I'm face to face with him.
"I just...I dunno I want to feel useful" I mumble
"I know gorgeous but you also need to rest after having the baby" he says kissing me on the forehead softly.

"Can we come to a compromise?" I ask looking up at him
"Like how?" He questions not sounding too happy but willing to hear me out
"I'll work from home...I mean when bean's asleep I'm going to be driving myself nuts if I've already done everything around the house!" I say smiling brightly at him
"Gummy" he sighs
"Please! Just paperwork! I promise I won't push myself....please baby" I say giving him my best puppy dog eyes making him sigh before smiling at me
"You know I can't say no when you're doing the face" he pouts playfully
"So....deal?" I ask and he gives me a small chuckle before kissing me
"Alright deal" he says "I love you Gummybear" he says softly
"I love you too" I giggle cuddling into him.

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