Telling everyone

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The Cyrus Family!

Dusty POV
I was busy setting up my laptop waiting anxiously for my mother to text me to say they got our package!
"Any word yet gummy?" Taishiro asks brining me in a glass of apple juice
"Nothing y..."
I start when the ding noise of my phone caught my attention
Whipping my phone out I'm beaming to see it's from my mother

Mamma: Okay babygirl we got the package should we call you?

"Oh oh Tai they got it!" I squeal excitedly as I text a yes back to my mamma.
"Gummy calm down baby" Taishiro chuckles dropping next to me on the sofa
"Sorry" I giggle, the screen on my laptop lights up and infront of me is my whole family! My mamma, pappa, brothers and Kimmy!
"Hey everyone!" I say excitedly smiling at them
"Hey babygirl! Hey Taishiro" They all reply
"So what's this?" Homer asks holding up the small box I had sent to them.
I flash Kimmy a smile as she already knows that I'm pregnant!
"Open it and find out" Taishiro smiles putting his arm around me as we both wait for my family's reaction.
My mother carefully opens the box and Both Taishiro and I hold our breaths as they all lean in to look.

In side the box was a a copy of the scan, and few other baby items that I had gathered.
"W...what" my mother says clapping her hand over her mouth
"No way!" I hear Tate say his eyes still extremely wide
"Babygirl you're not!" Homer says looking at the screen
"I'm three months so far" I giggle placing my hand on my stomach lovingly. My whole family sits there in silence and my anxiety starts to sky rocket
"Um...can someone say something please I'm freaking out!" I say my leg starting to bounce.
"I'm so happy!" My mamma says tears streaming down her face.
"Congratulations you two!" My father beams
"Haha thanks mamma, thanks pappa" I smile feeling relief wash over me. Taishiro also looked a little more relaxed after my father's comment as he was the one that Tai was the most scared to tell. Wyatt still looks a little baffled
"Wy you good?' I ask a little confused
"Oh yeah don't get me wrong super happy for you its just..." he starts and I lean in a little closer to the screen as if that's going to help in some way.
I see Taishiro pick up his water bottle and start to drink out of the corner of my eye
"I just know what had to happen to get to this point so it's kinda throwing me through a loop" Wyatt chuckles and Taishiro spits his water out while I die of both laughter and embarrassment.
"God damnit Wyatt!" Kimmy scolds
"You were all thinking it I just said it!" Wyatt laughs.
The rest of our time on the call was filled with laughter and lots of congratulations from my family.
Okay one family down...just Tai's and our boys to go!

The Toyomitsu's

Fatgum POV
Driving back to my family's farm was a little daunting! Expecially after our last visit and my mother's attitude towards Dusty. But Dusty insisted that we had to tell them face to face but...that didn't mean that I was looking forward to seeing my mother again!
Pulling up the driveway I can feel the nerves emulating from my fiancée sat next to me.
"'s gonna be okay" I say putting my hand over hers and she gives me the best
"Yeah I've got this face" she can muster. I really don't want to be here...this isn't the kind of stress she needs right now.
"Dad they're here!" Ryota says excitedly running out of the house and towards our car
"Hey Ryota" I chuckle at his enthusiasm, he runs straight past me and clings to Dusty.
"Hey baby-sis-in-law!" He says squishing her close
"Okay rude" I laugh
"Don't take it to heart he's been so excited since you said you were coming over" I hear my father chuckle as he walks over and places a hand on my shoulder
"It's good to see you son" he smiles
"Hey dad" I say returning his smile
"Okay Ryota let her go before you crush her" my father says playfully scolding my big brother who just pouts but does in deed release my fiancée
"Where's mom?" I ask looking around wondering why she hasn't made her presence known.
"Oh see..." Ryota laughs awkwardly "I kinda told her it was just Dusty coming up today to help dad and I with some farm stuff so she made herself scarse" he says giving a toothy smile. But I also notice Dusty's face drop a little at the mention that my mother hates her enough to leave the farm all together when she though she was coming alone.
"Anyway...come inside!" Dad says leading us both in and soon we're all sat around the dining table laughing and catching up on what we've missed.

"So...what was so important you had to drive all the way up to see us?" Ryota smiles as he's still examining the ring I had bought Dusty.
"Well..." Dusty giggles nervously looking at me and I nod my head before taking a deep breath.
"Dusty's pregnant" I say and both of their mouths drop open at once.
"Say what now?" Ryota says looking back and forth between Dusty and I
"I'm 3 months along but yeah.. we're having a baby" Dusty smiles
"Well....congratulations both! I'm very happy for you!" My dad beams shaking my hand while my brother had decided to scoot his chair along and once again latching onto my fiancée
"Oh my god I'm so excited!" He squeals happily rubbing his face against hers making her giggle as she tries to pull away
"You know I thought you looked more glowy than normal!" He continues. Eventually my father prys him off Dusty before hugging her himself and thanking her for giving him the opportunity to be a grandfather.
How much my father and brother love Dusty really makes up for the appalling way my mother has treated her this whole time....

And finally.....

The boys!

Dusty POV
It didn't take the boys long to notice I was avoiding going out on patrols. So while I was busy they all came crashing into my office in a pile on the floor...Tamaki included
"Um....everything okay boys?" I giggle in confusion looking at the mass of limbs and colorful hair now on my floor.
"Everything good I heard a crash?" Taishiro says appearing in my door way clearly worried I may have fallen or something
"Ask them" I giggle pointing at the boys who were attempting to unravel themselves
"Mom I want answers!" Kirishima says standing up when he's finally free followed by TesuTesu and then Tamaki
"Hu?" I say cocking my eyebrow

"You haven't been on any patrols or missions in a while!" TesuTesu says crossing his arms
"W...we were a little worried that maybe you had been injured and now you can't be on the streets anymore" Tamaki says timidly.
Looking up at Taishiro I cover my moth and burst into giggles while they all looked really confused
"So you aren't hurt in anyway right?" Kirishima asks looking at me hoping to find some reason why I've been stuck in the office for 2 months straight.
"Well you see boys Dusty and I actually have something to tell you but you need to keep it a secret okay?" Taishiro says behind them and they all look back at him and nod before turning back to me.
"We're having a baby" I smile
"Wait what!?" Both TesuTesu and Kirishima say in unison
"I'm pregnant guys, there's a baby in here" I giggle poitning to my stomach.
"C...congratulations both!" Tamaki says looking at me and then Taishiro.
"Thanks sweetie" I giggle
"Wait seriously you're pregnant!?" Kirishima says running around my desk and squishing me along with TesuTesu
"Haha yes I'm really pregnant" I giggle wrapping my one arm around Kirishima's and the other around TesuTesu's.

Okay so everyone has been told now with the exception of Taishiro's mother...
Just got another 6 months to go and then our little bundle of enegery will be here!

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