Sir Nighteye meeting

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Dusty POV
All of us Pro heros are currently waiting for our interns to arrive so that we may begin the meeting
"Ah's a pleasure to meet you finally..." Sir Nighteye says to me and I bow
"I'm happy to meet y'all to!" I say with a big smile. That's when I hear rock lock mumble something and I turn to him
"You got a problem Lock boy?" He looks at me in shock that I had just called him out and grumbles before walking away. I look up at Fat who rolls his eyes at me
"Behave Dusty" he chuckles and I blush slightly
"Sorry..." I say pushing my long hair behind my ear
"Mom?" I hear Kiri say and I instantly shoot around
"It's my boys!" I say excitedly as Ejiro and Tamaki make their way in. Of course I get a big hug of Kiri "how's my baby boulder doing?" I ask hugging him close "Tamaki sweetie how's the wound?" I ask him...he had been shot a few nights ago with a bullet that erases his quirk for a few hours
"I'm good...I promise" he smiles at me but of course I can tell he's nervous about all of the pros in the room.
"Oh wow you must be the famous Keres that I've heard so much about! Wow you're so pretty! You're quirk is awesome! Hey are they like your pets or...." an excitable young girl with long blue hair says as she starts to jump around me and I'm a little taken aback by her enthusiasm
"Hado...calm down" Tamaki mumbles
"Haha hi sweetie it's nice to meet you!" I giggle and she looks at me with wide eyes
"You're a lot smaller than I thought you would be" she says and her mentor looks horrified
"Nejire!" She says "I'm so sorry..." she bows and I just laugh
"Haha it's fine...i know I'm vertically challenged" I say and everyone laughs "plus working with this big guy makes me seem smaller then I am!" I say tapping Fat gently.

Fatgum POV
The meeting gets underway and of course Rock lock has something to say about kids being here...
"Don't say that! These two have important information to pass along!" I say jestering at Red and Tamaki both having very different reactions...Red just looks confused while Tamaki says his usual line of wanting to go home. This makes Dusty giggle and gently touch his shoulder
"Anyway...I see a lot of new faces here so allowed me to introduce myself! Nice to meet ya I'm Fatgum!" I say.says happily
"He's so cute and squish!" I hear two young girls say...I get that a lot to no suprise
"And this little lady is kinda like my second in command" I then say putting my hand on Dusty's shoulder
"Howdy y'all it's nice to meet cha...I'm Keres" she giggles waving at everyone.
As the meeting progresses the information that is revealed is trule blood chilling!
"Wait...what are we talking about?" Red asks confused
"Remind me again why we have kids here..." Rock lock says and I can tell that Dusty isn't happy by this comment "I'm only gonna say this once...we're trying to figure out of the Chiaski bastard is turning his daughter body into bullets to sell on the black market!" He finishes and I see the horrified looks on all the interns faces...Dusty and I already knew about all of this but still hearing it doesn't make it any easier to stomach. It was decided that we all need to come up with a plan
"Of course if these two had just grabbed the girl when we they had a choice she would already be safe and we wouldn't be in this mess..." Rock Lock says looking at Lemillion and Deku.
"I swear to god if this guy has a thought it would die of loneliness..." Dusty says suddenly and we all look at her suprised
"What does...' Red says
"I'm still trying to find the sub titles button..." I say
"She basically calling me stupid..." Rock lock says bluntly and Dusty winks and gives him the thumbs up
"You hit the nail on the head Lock boy..." she says without a care in the world
"Why you little" he starts
"Alright listen here asshole..." she cuts him off standing up and he instantly shuts up "I don't know where you get off judging these two boys for making a gives us more time to come up with a proper plan that is guaranteed to work! I bet these two boys have been tearing themselves up about this whole damn thing and the last thing they need is some uptight hero who thinks he knows best making them feel even worse! Did you forget what it was like to be an intern when you where younger? Or does the great Rock Lock never makes mistakes..." she hisses at him putting him in his place and everyone is shocked and even I am a little bit...

[After meeting]

Dusty POV
"Miss Keres..." Sir Nighteye says walking over to me
"Yes sir?" I ask turning to look up at him
"I would like to thank you for what you said about my standing up for them was greatly appreciated..." Sir says bowing infront of me and I'm taken aback by his reaction I see Fat smiling at me from the corner of my eye
"'s okay don't thank..." I start to say when both Lemillion and Deku come over and bow infront of me two...what the heck is going on!
"We really appreciated everything you said Keres...thank you..." Lemillion says
"Sweetie honestly it's fine...please don't thank me..." I say and they all stand up and look down at me "I meant it both made a decision that day based on what you thought was the right thing to do...that's thinking that hero okay? No matter what anyone says" I say giving Rock lock the side eye. They both walk away and I feel a big hand on my shoulder
"Come on you feisty little thing let's get going!" Fatgum says and I giggle
"Oi enough of the little you!" I hiss at him playfully as we make our way our way out of the Nighteye agency
"Hey Tai..." I say and he looks down at me "did you really mean it when you called me your second in command?" I ask shyly...I mean it's not even my job I'm just a pro hero he hired to help with extra work
"Of course I did you dummy...I wouldn't be able to run that agency without you now..." he smiles down at me and I have to face forward to hide the very apparent blush that was not very present on my face!

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