Suprise Dusty

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Dusty POV
Homer and Kimmy's wedding is coming up soon and I think my family is due next week to fly out here. They've been pretty dismissive of my questions
"Hey mom!" Kiri says walking into my office followed by TesuTesu and Tamaki
"Hey boys...what y'all doing here?' I ask sipping my coffee
"Just wanting to chill before patrole!" TesuTesu says and I smile at them all. Suddenly there's a knock at my door and I look at them all couldn't be Fat because he doesn't knock he just walks in!
"Yeah?" I call out and my door swings open and stood there in the flesh is my whole family! My mamma, Homer, Wyatt and Tate! I also see Kimmy
"Hey babygirl!' They all shout and my mouth drops open
"Oh my gosh! Guys what are did you..." I ask but I'm so excited I get up and hug them all "y'all could have warned me ya know!" I hiss playfully at them and they smile at me
"Nah we're all staying at Kimmy's parents house and we thought we'd surprise you!" Mamma says "oooo this must be your work studies!" My mom says turning to the 3 boys...Tamaki looks like he wants the floor to swallow him right now "well hi there! I'm Rosemary but since y'all call my babygirl mom you can just call me Meemaw!" She smiles hugging Kiri and TesuTesu who are both suprised "oh here!" She says rooting through her hand bag and pulling out some sweets to give all 3 of the boys
'Sweet! thank you!" Kiri says excitedly
"Babygirl you been eating right!? You like thin!" Wyatt says turning me around. I'm in my hero costume right now which is quite tight...I haven't lost any weight if anything I've toned up and gained more!
"Wyatt honestly...wait Where's pap?' I ask them and none of them look happy
"Look babygirl...." Tate starts but then my father walks in
"Hey little piggy!" He smiles at me and my face drops when I see who is stood next to him...none other than Jetson Jerbowski
"Hi pap..." I say confused looking at Jetson "why's he hear?" I ask my family and they all shrug
"We have no idea...we don't want him at the wedding but of course you father has disregarded what we want" Kimmy says glaring at my father
"Y'all will be nice to him! He' guest! Besides I thought it would do him and Dusty to spend some time together before they get married..." he says and I glare at him
"Wait Mom wha?" Kiri says looking a little upset "does that mean you're leaving!?" He asks panicked and I shake my head
"No Kiri it doesn't because I'm not marrying him.." I say still glaring at my father and Jetson.
"You haven't even given him a try!" My father argues
"Pap we've been over this! I'm not coming home to work on the farm! And I'm definitely not marrying Jetson Jerbowski...besides I'm already seeing someone!" I say before I can stop myself...crap why did I say that!
"Oh really...and exactly who would that be?" Jetson asks knowing I'm full of shit...oh shit
"Well..." I start
"That would be me..." Fatgum says as he walks into my room I look at him a little suprised. Jetson looks between the two of us and I can tell he doesn't believe us
"Oooooo see I knew you were dating him!" Kimmy teases and I roll my eyes
"You two should come with us to dinner tommorow tonight! Kimmy is taking us to her favourite restaurant!" Homer says putting his arm around Kimmy and I look at Fat who seems unphased
"Yeah sounds's nice to finally meet you all in person...Dusty talks about you all the time" he smiles
"Great now we have work to do so can y'all please leave!" I say to them and they all smile at me except my dad and Jetson.

[Tommorow night]

"I can't believe you agreed to do this!?" I laugh as Taishiro and I make our way to the restaurant that Kimmy had told us to meet them at.
"I can't leave you on your own with your family" he laughs...I'm getting use to seeing him in his skinny form as he normally uses it when we hang out. He looks so hot in his jeans and shirt...nope no bad Dusty...
I myself had decided to go with a black t shirt material dress which hugged my curves a little more than i would like but it cover it over with the matching cardigan that came with the dress.

Fatgum POV
"I wonder where they could be?" Dusty says to me as we enter the restaurant
"Babygirl! Over here!" A thick Tennessee accent says. We look over and see her big brother Homer waving us over...her whole family was there, so was Kimmy's and of course Jetson Jerbowski was there...just the sight of him makes my blood boil! I know I have no right to be jealous I mean Dusty and I aren't really dating but the idea of her with this asshole makes me angry!
"Hi everyone!" Dusty says smiling as we both take a seat next to one another. We're sat down the end of the table with her brother Tate sat next to me and Jetson sat across from us.
"Babygirl I love that dress!" Kimmy says smiling at Dusty who shyly pushes her hair back "oh mom dad I need to introduce you to Homer's little sister...this is Dusty or as we all call her Babygirl" Kimmy says as Dusty waves to her "and this is her boyfriend..." she stops suddenly "sorry I only really know you as Fatgum!" She laughs whispering my hero name incase I didn't want anyone to know
"Taishiro Toyomitsu" I say and she nods her head before introducing her mother and father.
The night was going well...all of Dusty's family were super nice...well with the exception of her father and Jetson who really just kept the conversation to themselves
"So long as have and Taishiro been together?" Kimmy asks in a teasing way
"3 months" we both say at the same time
"Dusty you were daiting someone for 3 months and didn't tell your family?" Her father says sounding like he didn't believe us...
"Um...actually that was my fault see us being pro heros I wanted to keep it a secret because villans will find anything to use against you..." I say and he seems pleased with my answer
"Aw so you wanted to keep Dusty safe" Kimmy's mother says
"Yep...I dunno what I would do if something happened to my little gummybear" I say pulling her into me a little making her blush. I can see her mother and sister in law smile at one another. Some more time passes and the conversation flows and everyone is having a good time...but of course Jetson now decided to try and talk to us
"So Babygirl..." he starts to say
"Dusty" she corrects him
" Dusty...I'm just curious how come you ended up with Fatgum? Would have thought you would have gone for a know...with a more aesthetically pleasing hero form..." he says glaring at me and everyone's eyes go wide and Dusty doesn't look impressed
"Jetson!" Kimmy scolds him
"Don't be an asshole Jetson" Wyatt hisses and her mother glares at him
"Well...I got lucky and I got a guy who could do both! He goes from a secret hottie to a big loveable squishy mountain who makes me laugh" she giggles leaning her head on my shoulder...hearing her say this my chest goes tight and those damn butterflies made another appearance.
"Mamma what's up?" Dusty asks her suddenly and her mother had tears in her eyes
"Rosie?" Her father asks
"I just can't believe that one of my babies is getting married!" She wheels as she wipes her eyes
"Aw mamma..." Homer says touching his mothers hand
"It'll be your turn next Babygirl" her mother says and Dusty almost chokes on her water
"Mamma!" She hisses through coughs
"Wyatt Tate you need to hurry up and find someone!" Her mother says and they both roll their eyes
"Mamma...not this again!" Tate groans
"I'm working on it mamma but no girls are interested in me!?" Her brother Wyatt sighs
"It's because you were to much after shave..." her brother Homer teases and Dusty stomach a laugh.
"Seriously at this rate Dusty's going to be married with kids before both of you!" Her mother says and once again Dusty chokes on her water
"I...I..think it's too soon to be think about that Mamma.. we've only been together 3 months" she coughs as I rub her back

Dusty POV
After a few hours we all decide to call it a night.
"Well Taishiro it was lovely to meet you..." Mamma says to Fat as she forces him to hug her.
"Okay mamma let him go!" I giggle grabbing Tai away from my mother as they all wake away
"Bye!" I call out to then and they all call back. Once they are away from us I let out the deep breath I has been holding in!
"Oh my god that was.. interesting..." I sigh leaning against Taishiro's arm as we stood there for a few moments. I then look up at him and I rememeber about what my mom said about marriage and kids "oh um...I'm sorry about my mamma by the way..." I say as we start to walk to my apartment
"Hu?" He asks confused
"You know the whole marriage and kids thing..." I say shyly trying to hide my blush
"Oh's fine" he says in a tone I've never heard him speak he embarrassed? We walk in silence for a moment "so you think I'm hot hu?" He suddenly asks me and my face goes bright red...oh shit...I knew that would come back to bite me on the ass...I roll my eyes
"I'm saying nothing" I laugh and he let's out a small chuckle and then I remember something "oh and gummybear?" I ask him raising my eyebrows and now it was his turn to go bright red
"" he says stuttering and I giggle
"I kinda like's cute" I say...i kinda liked it when he called me gummybear...kinda make me feel like I'm actually his girlfriend...uhhhhh why do I have to love him so much!

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