Fatgum and Keres sitting in a tree

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Fatgum POV
Having Dusty working at my agency sure has made thing a lot easier! She's been amazing anything I could need she would do it without asking.
*knock knock*
"Come in!" I shout
"Hey Fat...I finished those reports..." Dusty says walking in and I look at her confused
"Reports?" I ask her confused
"Oh...sorry did I not tell you? There were some reports on your desk from a few days ago so I kinda took care of them...sorry" she giggles putting them away in my filing cabinet. Compared to her office mine was quite a mess because of how snowed under I am on all this paper work
"Haha no need to apologise Dusty...thank you for taking care of that" I say I was incredibly grateful that she just gets on with things! Suddenly my office phone rings and I pick it up
"Hello Fatgum speaking" I say
"Hi Fatgum I have the police chief on line 1...he wants to know about those reports that he sent to you..." my receptionist says
"Crap I knew I forgot something!" I hiss at myself...the police chief is gonna kill me
"Want me to take it?" Dusty asks and I look at her
"No don't be silly this is my mistake..." I start but then she cuts me off
"Where's the report?" She asks and I dig it out handing it to her and she sits on the corner of my desk and makes grabby hands for the phone. I hesitantly give her the phone
"Hi this is Dusty...pass em over..." she says cleaning her throat "Hi you're through to Keres how can I help y'all today....uh hu...oh I'm sorry Fat's actually in a meeting right now...tell me about it that man doesn't stop" she giggles opening the folder "let me just find it...oh yeah here it is...honestly that man! he's done it and forgotten to fax it over to you! Haha yeah he does work to hard..." she continues and I'm amazed at how easily she's covering up the fact that I neglected an important document "yeah well I'm a little busy this morning looking after the agency while he's in his meeting so do y'all mind if I get these faxed over to you by lunch? Aw amazing! Thank you very much...you too....bye" she hands me the phone and I put it down. "Right I'm gonna go and sort these out before he realises!" she giggles grabbing the reports off my desk and heading out of the door down to her office...I don't know what I would do without that girl

Dusty POV
Finishing up those police reports I fax them acorss just before lunch time and I head back to Fat's office to hand them back to him
*knock knock*
"Yeah!" He calls and I walk in
"All done crisis averted!" I giggle pulling out the cabinet and putting them in the correct place!
"Remind me again how I got anything done before you?" He says laughing
"You didn't..." I tease and he rolls his eyes "you know you might find it easier if your desk wasn't so cluttered..." I say and he looks down at his desk and I see a blush from acorss his face
"Yeah I know I just haven't gotten around to it yet..." he says awkwardly and now it was my turn to roll my eyes
"Honestly it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack!" I giggle...
"See now that one I understand!" Fat says...he often teases how my expressions are sometimes hard to decipher!
"I'll have you speaking Tennessee in no time!" I giggle...I really enjoy being around him he's a super nice guy and he's cute to...I mean I know he's my boss but I can't help it if I find the guy attractive right?
*knock knock*
"Yeah!" He calls out making me jump a mile
"Jee wizz scared the crap outta me!" I say dramatically holding my heart making him chuckle. In walks Sun Eater and Red Riot
"Eeeeeeee it's my boys!" I say excitedly...in this agency we are one big family and it's become a running joke how Fat and I are like their parents despite me not actually being that much older than Tamaki!
"Hey mom!" Kirishima says happily
"Right you pair I'm taking you out on patrol tonight so let's get a wriggle on!" I say happily
"You coming Fat?" Tamaki asks and Fatgum nods his head getting up
"Come on young ones move move move!" I say laughing "gee wiz you boys are off like a herd of turtles come on!" I say and they all look at me confused and I notice Fat looking at me weirdly
"Why you looking at me all funny?" I ask
"I'm trying to find the subtitles button!" He jokes and I stick my middle finger up at him "honey not infront of the kids!" He jokes
"Fat I swear to god" i giggle

Fatgum POV
We're about 2 hours into our parole and so far luckily nothing has happened which is good! The whole time she's worked for me Dusty's only used her quirk a handful of times and it's as impressive as it sounds...quite scary though to!
"Help!" Someone shouts suddenly
"Well so much for a peaceful night!" Dusty says as we make our way over to where the cry for help had come from. A jewelry shop owner was currently out on the streets shouting about 3 boys who had just stolen a couple of thousands worth of jewellery
"They went that way!" He pointed down a busy street and indeed there they were trying to make their way through the big crowds and get out of sight.
"Little bastards..." Dusty says before shutting her eyes and activating her quirk. Two big shadow looking demons come out from the floor and they starts to move through the crowds in the shadows on the floor before popping up infront of the thieves who for a lack of a better word shit themselves when they saw the two demons so much so it sent them running back towards us with everything they had just stolen and I was able to grab them and keep them put until the police showed up.
"Dude that girl is scary!" The one robber says pointing at Dusty who just rolls her eyes
"Oh please I'm about as scary a puppy" she giggles innocently before gently rubbing the shadow demons heads "you both did so good today!" She says in a baby voice and the two demons rub around her before disappearing and the rest of the robbers look terrified. Dusty was busy talking to the police and in all honesty I can't take my eyes off of her...everything she does just amazes me!
"So...Keres..." Red says to me and I look down at him
"What about her?" I ask knowing exactly where this is going
"You sure do stare at her a lot..." he continues and I roll my eyes
"I don't know what you are talking about" I say and I see him and Tamaki smirk at one another "no I know those looks whatever you're thinking stop it" I say and they continue to smirk
"Fatgum and Keres sitting in a tree" Red mumble loud enough for me to hear him and I look at him
"Stop" I say laughing and he just chuckles and I can see Tamaki stifling a laugh...honestly these two are gonna be the death of me!

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