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Fatgum POV
I managed to come down with the worst cold I have ever had! Which meant that I couldn't really work...however I didn't stop me from trying...but that only ended up with Dusty scolding me and telling me to go home and rest which is where I find myself now! Curled up in bed watching some crappy show that I'm not really watching but I just want something on in the background so I'm not lying in silence. Dusty said she would handle the agency while i'm getting better but I'm a workaholic and I want to know that she isn't drowning on her own! I have texted her a couple of times today and she just keeps responding that she's got this and that she if she needs anything she will contact me...which I know is a lie because she's stubborn! I would call her but I know she won't answer me but then I have an idea! She will always answer her work phone so I decide to call her work like directly and within a few minutes she picks up
"Hello you've reached the Fatgum agency this is Keres speaking how can I help?" She says in her normal happy voice...god damnit she's adorable
"Hey it's me?" I say trying to sound like I'm not dying
"Fat really?" She giggles down the phone
"Well you're being very vague with your answers and I'm a workaholic...please just tell me what's going on?" I say and I can tell she's already rolling her eyes
"Alright you're a nightmare" she giggles "okay so...patrols have all been a success so far...30 small time villans apprehended, I got all the reports form yesterday yours and mine, had that meeting with Endeavour and Hawks...Endeavour is a barrel of laughs but he liked the proposal that we put together and let me see what else...oh I finally got that light in the hallway fixed!" She says happily...holly hell she's running that place better than me!
"Well check you out little're running that place better than me" I chuckle
"Haha well I did learn from the best" she says "right Fat I gotta go I got some more paperwork to look at but please try and rest? I've got this okay!?" She says happily
"Right noted...have a good day" I say hanging up and lying back on my bed...she's incredible is all I can think as I doze off finally.

Dusty POV
Uhhhh today has been a long day! Everyone has gone home at this point so it's just me in the office as I'm working late to catch up some paperwork...I think I managed to run the agency today well I mean Fat sounded happy with me! Once again I'm in my office but I'm now blasting my music as I'm the only one (play song if you want)

I had to admit dressing up in fancy office stuff was really werid but it needed to be done for the bloody meeting! Since I wasn't patrolling today I was able to dress a little fancier! Gathering up all the paperwork I needed I grabbed my phone so ...

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I had to admit dressing up in fancy office stuff was really werid but it needed to be done for the bloody meeting! Since I wasn't patrolling today I was able to dress a little fancier! Gathering up all the paperwork I needed I grabbed my phone so I would still have my music and headed to the scanner to scan on all my documents. I'm bouncing my head from side to side as I watch the paper slide in scanning on and my mind wanders to Fat and how he's feeling...I had to send him home the day before because he looked rough and wouldn't be safe on the streets....even through he tried to argue with me...Sighing I gather up the papers and my phone and head back to my desk but I had my head down reading a section of the paperwork when I walk into something hard which I thought was a wall until I heared it apologise and I look up to see a tall guy with blonde hair....something about his voice sounds familiar but I don't recognise him...strange
"Oh no sorry it's my fault I should have been looking where I was going" I say kindly...this guy was kinda cute...why does he feel so familiar
"So how come you're here so late...I'm pretty sure your shift ended hours ago" the guy says and I'm a little did he know that!?
"Oh um I had a few bits of paperwork that needed to be done...I could ask you the same thing...about you being in here so late" I say trying to understand who the heck this guy is
"Well you wouldn't let me come in so I thought I would sneak in when I thought you would be home" he chuckles and then it clicks who this guy is
"Oh my god Fat!?" I ask suprised
"Yeah?" He asks confused "wait did you not recognise me?" He laughs
"No I can't say I look so different" I say
"Oh yeah I forgot you only really see me in my hero form" he chuckles awkwardly rubbing the back of his head "this is what I actually look like" he laughs and I I couldn't stop myself from looking him up and down! It never occurred to me that his Fatgum form isn't how he always looks I mean holy shit he's ripped! It's strange to see him like this! "It strange hu?" He laughs
"It's definitely different...I mean I never really thought that you don't always look like you do in work..." I giggle as I head back to my office with him following me "anyway what you doing here Mr! You're meant go be resting!" I say putting the paper down on my desk and turning around go face him as he sits down on my sofa.

Fatgum POV
She looks so god damn sexy in that dress...I'm a little annoyed that I almost missed it!
"Fat! Are you even listing to me?" Her voice finally penetrates my thick skull
"Oh yeah sorry...listen I actually feel a lot better...seriously I've had a full days rest and I feel awesome!" I wasn't lying I was feeling better! But of course seeing her dressed like this is making my cheeks blush and I can see a concerned look on her place
"You sure because you're face is all red!" She says leaning forward and pressing her tiny had to my head...I can see right down her dress and I can see that she's wearing a lacy bra
"God damm it don't look" I scolded myself but I couldn't help it!
"Hmmmm okay you don't have a temperature but you're still in trouble for sneaking into the office mr." She says sitting on her desk and crossing her one leg over the other...damn I want them wrapped around bad Fat don't think like that!
"Says you who is working over time" I say back her and she rolls her eyes
"Yeah yeah okay boss" she giggle...I hate it when she calls me that reminds me that I'm in love with my employee.
"Seriously though you did an awesome job today Dusty!" I say and I can see her blush slightly
"Haha thanks Fat...oh I guess I can't call you that at the moment" she giggles
"Well I guess you could always call me by my name....I mean I call you by yours outside of hero work so it's only fair" I say and she nods and then there's a pause
" you gonna tell me your name or..." she laugh and I suddenly realise I never actually told her my real name
"Taishiro Toyomitsu" I say and she nods
"Okee dokee so Taishiro it is" she smiles at me and I hate to admit how much I love the sound of her saying my name.

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