First Steps and Words+surprise

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Heeeelllloooooo lovely people I'm back! I decided to combine both the first steps and first words into one chapter because I've got a little bit of writers block regarding these two and coming up with two individual chapters was hurting my brain 🤣
So....please enjoy...

Fatgum POV
'Ahhhhmmmmmgggggrrrrrr" came the very very unhappy grunt from our 1 year old who trying to put a square in the triangle opening on one of his toys.
"Keep trying buddy you'll get it" I chuckle loving his little grumpy face. He and my wife do the exact same face when something isn't quite going their way and everytime it melts me!
It is beyond adorable watching their noses scrunch up, their lips fold in a little making it look like they have none and their eyebrows furrow...
It honestly kills me everytime!
"Is he doing the grumpy face?" Dusty giggles from the kitchen as she continues to cook in the kitchen.
"Yep looks just like you Gummybear" I chuckle
"Will you stop that!" She calls from the kitchen and I can tell from her voice that her cheeks are bright red now. It's unbelievable...we've been together for a while, have a baby together, married and yet she still goes bright red if I compliment her!

"Okay boys food's ready!" She calls after a few more moments and Keiichirou's head shoots around at the word food...
Yep he's definitely my son...
In order for him to be a little more independent we bought him a booster like seat for him to sit on so he's more level with the table and then that way he can feed himself...
It's as messy as it sounds but he loves it!
"Okay Beanie it's hot so blow it okay" Dusty smiles bringing in his small plate filled with rice, rolled egg omelette, salmon which she had already cut into bites where he couldn't choke and a couple of veggies.
"Ahhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmahhh!" Keiichirou squeals happily clapping his hands.
After waiting for his mom to bring in our food he quickly digs in using his small folk and spoon we had gotten him.
Of course getting it everywhere!
"Still can't get over how much of a foodie he is" Dusty giggles
"He's my son what else did you expect?" I laugh and she just rolls her eyes at me before poking out her tongue.

Of course because she's a pain in the ass after dinner she wouldn't let me help and do the dishes because and I quote
"You have a more taxing job at the moment so I need to rest"
Never mind the fact she is still working for my agency just doing....
The paperwork - which is mentally taxing!
She takes care of the flat - physically taxing
Cooks - once again physically taxing
Takes care of a rambunctious 1 year old and his naughty bunny companion - that's  a job in itself...
Oh yeah sure I have the more taxing job...
We had decided to watch a movie so I was busy flipping through trying to find someone Keiichirou may want to watch.
His favourite movie at the moment is actually Zootopia because of the bunny.
"Ahhhhhmmmmm" Keiichirou grumbles catching my attention

"What's up Beanie?" I ask looking at his grumpy little face
Oooooo my heart!
Holding up his arms he clearly wants me to pick him up but I shake my head
"No come on you can crawl you lazy bones!" I laugh earning once again another grumpy humph from my son.
"Ahhhhggggrrrmmmm" he says again and I shake my head
"Nope come on Bean you can do this" I smile.
Realising that I'm not coming to him, he does something that takes me by surprise...
He puts his hands on the coffee table pulling himself up
"Gummy!" I say quickly and of course she comes running in
"What what!?" She asks panicked but I can see from the corner of my eye that she's frozen at the scene before her.
He's been wanting to walk for a while but always seems to scare himself out of it and just ends up crawling.
But today was different...

He fully let's go of the table and very very slowly and steadily takes a couple of steps towards the couch where I was situated.
"Oh my god!" Dusty squeals when he finally reaches the couch and places his hands firmly on it.
"Good job buddy!" I smile picking him up and hugging him. To say he looked happy with himself would be an understatement because he had the biggest grin on his face ever!
He walked!
He actually took his first steps!

[Time skip to a different time]

Dusty POV
Today I got the call that no wife ever wants! Just as I was getting in to bed after putting Beanie down when my phone started to ring loudly...
Answering it I got told possibly the worst news possible...
Taishiro had gone out on a mission and was badly injured resulting in him going to hospital.
Grabbing Bean who was in his pajamas I quickly run to the hospital not really caring that I had no make up on, my hair was shoved up in possibly the messiest bun I have ever done!
I didn't bother with contacts and just left my glasses, I was dressed in leggings and an oversized black hoodie.
So long story short
I looked like a hot mess....
"Can I help you?" A kind woman said at the front desk clearly feeling sorry for me.

"Is Fat Gum here?" I ask giving his hero name as there was no point in giving his real name... hardly anyone knows it.
"He is...May I ask who you are?" She smiles trying to calm me down obviously.
"I'm his wife" I say and she nods her head
"Well the good news it...recovery girl has been in so he is actually doing a lot better... we want to keep him in overnight to observe him but he is doing really well...please follow me" she smiles standing up and leading me to where my husband was.
Sliding the door open she steps in
"Fat Gum sir... your wife is here" she says
kindly before moving aside and letting me see my husband.

I was so happy to see that apart from that he had a small bandaged on his face, his arm was wrapped up and was in a sling that he seemed to be okay.
"I'll leave you be" the Nurse smiles leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
"Hey Gummybear" he says with a smile as I head over
"Hi...are you okay?' I ask hoping up on the bed and placing Bean on his lap.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine it honestly wasn't that bad..." he chuckles
"I almost had a heart attack getting the phone call from Eraser telling me you were badly hurt and in hospital!" I say trying to get my heart rate to slow down
"Pay back for the scare you gave me with the rescue Eri mission" he teases
"You are a dick!" I hiss at him playfully earing a big cheesey smile from him.

"Gummy honestly I'm fine, I promise okay?" He says taking me hand in his free one
"You can't go all I don't care if I die on missions baby... you're a husband and dad now" I say knowing full well what had happened on this mission. It's one of the many many many things I love about him but it does put me on edge most times!
"I know I know I'm sorry" he says with a sigh. I had found something out today and I had every intention of telling him when he came home...
I guess maybe now is a good time to tell him...
It might cheer him up...
"I um...should have made added something to that last sentence" I say and he looks at me a little confused while Bean contines to just look at him trying to figure out why his dad was all wrapped up!
"You're a husband and a dad of two..." I say and his mouth drops open

"Wait...really!?" He asks excitedly and I nod my head
"Yeah I found out today" I smile
"We're having another baby!?" He asks excitedly and I nod my head
"Yep you're going to be a dad again" I beam
"Dada!" Keiichirou says loudly making both of us stare at him wide eyed
'Bean did you just?" Tai asks
"Dada!" He repeated excitedly
"Oh my god!" I squeal "clever boy!" I smile clapping my hands which Beanie copies!

Okay so we now have a walking talking one year old and a bun in the oven...
Here we go!

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