Big Change

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Fat Gum POV
As we have found out that in 6 months our family of 4 will go to a family of 7 Dusty and I decided that it might be time for us to find a slightly bigger house to house our growing family!
People often say that buying a house is a big financial investment but of course I already bought my flat a few years back...
I remember It being stressful so I'm a little worried for my pregnant wife during this process...
We ideally want to keep her as stress free as possible and that's what I've been trying to do...
Trying being the word of focus in that sentence because....
It's Dusty...
I swear the woman runs on stress!
Well saying that...
I always catch her looking at a specific house...

It is absolutely stunning! Massive too...
I know she loves it because I always catch her smiling and always looking at it...
But she won't show me and won't mention it and I'm guessing it's because of the asking price for it...

Dusty POV
I was just doing my favourite pass time...
Looking at the beautiful old Japanese house which was just outside of the town centre!

Looking at the beautiful old Japanese house which was just outside of the town centre!

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           ^^^^ This house ^^^^^^

When I say this house is beautiful
I mean
It's also massive! It would definitely be a forever home!
But I would never ever show Taishiro this!
Because of course something this beautiful and grand came with a very very beautiful and grand price tag!
"Hey Gummy...what you looking at?" I hear my husband ask making me jump and almost throw my phone acorss the room
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit Tai you scared me!" I playfully scold my husband who was stood there with a freshly washed Keiichirou wrapped up in his arms.
"hit!" Keiichirou repeats and my face goes bright red while my husband tries not to die of laughter
"No Beanie that's a bad word" I say feeling extremely embarrassed.

"Say naughty mommy" Taishiro teases placing Keiichirou down on the couch next to me
"Nawty Mama!" Keiichirou repeats with a cheeky smile and his fingers in his mouth.
"Haha yeah naughty mommy" I giggle pinching his chubby little cheeks.
My husband drops down next to me on the couch putting his long arm acorss the back of the sofa.
"Anyway what were you looking at?" Taishiro asks again. Clearing my throat I click my phone off and place it down on my lap.
Oh you know just a few houses and what have you" I say
I mean I wasn't lying...
I was looking at houses...
Well one house specifically...
"Oh yeah find any you like?" He asks kissing me on the side of my head.
"Haha no not really...there always seems to be something off you know" I say
But in actuality its because my spoilt ass has fallen in love with a house that if NOT even a possibility!

"I'm sure we'll find one sooner or later... I mean when the triplets are babies they can all be in the same room so it's not like we're in a massive rush" Taishiro beams at me and I nod my head because I know he's right.
We'll find something...
Sooner or later...
Maybe I can find a more modest and smaller version of my dream home.
I feel really guilty calling it my dream home but it is perfect in ever single way!

(Couple of weeks later)

"Tamaki sweetheart...where are we going?" I ask extremely confused as my eyes have even bild folded.
"You know I can't tell you..." Tamaki answers.
I know nothing!
All I know Kiri, TesuTesu and Tamaki showed up, whisked me away and blinded folded me telling me they were given a mission
"Straight from the top"
Which means my husband!
"Can I have a clue please?" I ask
"You're going to love it" Kirishima answers and I let out an annoyed groan
"What's he bribing you with?" I ask "I'll double it if you tell me" I giggle
"Sorry mom but we're all excited to see your reaction so no amount of negotiation is going to work here" TesuTesu laughs.

The drive wasn't actually that long but trying to get out of a car when you're 4 months pregnant with triplets, your height maxes out at 5ft and you're blinde folded...
Not so fun!
"You good mom?" Kiri asks putting a hand on my shoulder making me jump a little
"I'm a little nervous..." I admit feeling my hands being gripped and me being gently led somewhere
After a few steps I'm planted somewhere
" keep this on until you're told otherwise!" TesuTesu says excitedly.
The two hands that were holding mine let go and I felt a little unsteady!
Since being pregnant my centre of gravity has changed so adding loss of sight to the mix is some scary shit!
I hear a mixture of whispers and shushes infront of me making my stomach twist with nervousness!
What the hell has my husband done now!?

"Off now mama!" I hear Bean say loudly as he could making a small amount of laughter start and it also made me laugh a little. Reaching my hands back I undo the blinde fold, slipping it off and allowing my eyes to adjust to the harsh sun light that was blaring down.
Stood infont of me was
My husband
My son
All 3 of my work sons
And the big beautiful house I had been secretitly admiring for months
"Hi mama!" Beanie says excitedly clapping his hands. He was sat on his father's shoulder which is definitely one of his favourite things to do!
Obviously because Taishiro is so tall Bean loves being able to see further than his little stature would let him currently!
"Haha hi little man...what's going on?" I ask a little confused waddling over to them.
Oh that's a fun thing that came earlier thanks to the triplets!
With Bean I wasn't really doing the stereotypical pregnancy waddle until I was near the end but...
Thanks to all three of the pending Toyomitsus in my stomach I am a waddeler at 4 months!
"Catch" Taishiro says with a big smile tossing something that made a jingle when it left his hand.

Putting my hands out to catch what he had gently tossed I was suprised to see it was a key...
It looked like a house key...
He didn't...
"Tai...w...what.... what's going I'm so confused" I say trying to gather my words.
"Welcome to our forever home Gummybear" Taishiro beams with a big smile.
"No..." I say shaking my head thinking I've definitely heared him wrong
"Yep...hey boys why don't you take Bean and go explore" Taishiro says to the boys placing Bean on the floor.
"Sure thing boss!" Kirishima says excitedly putting his hand out
"Come on mini boss!" He chuckles taking Keiichirou's tiny hand and allowing the small bundle of energy to pull him around with TesuTesu and Tamaki following close behind.

Once all 4 of the boys had disappeared inside Taishiro appears in front of me.
"Ta da!" He says brightly
"Baby...what the..." I say my mouth and brain still not wanting to co operate with me!
"Gummybear I caught you looking at this house nearly everyday for god know how clearly love it" he chuckles pulling me into a hug.
"B...but it's so expensive!" I argue back feeling my eyes fill up with tears.
"That's why I said forever home...we could have 10 kids in this place and there would still be room!" He chuckles kissing me on the top of my head.
"Besides after seeing you gawk at it so much I got curious really is a beautiful house and excatly what we need I think" he adds.

"But...I never...I mean I didn't think you would...." I say now sobbing and looking up at my husband.
"I know...and I know why you never mentioned or wanted to show me this house you fell in love it" he smiles down at me placing a large hand on my face and using his thumb to wipe away a few tears.
"I still can't belive you actually did this" I say through staggering breath...trying my best to calm down but...
My husband had just suprised me with my dream house!
And he's acting as if he's just bought me a bouquet of flowers or something....
"You should know by now I will do anything to make you happy Gummy" he smiles down at me and I feel my cheeks heat up at his words.
Crashing my head into his chest I hold him as tight at my bump will allow me.
"You didn't need to buy a big home for that already make me plenty happy" I mumble earning a gentle chuckle from my husband who held me tighter.

"I love you Gummybear..." he says
"I love you too baby" I smile up at him. He leans down catching my lips in a gentle kiss
"Eeeeeewwwwwwwwwww" can be heared saying causing both Taishiro and I to burst out into laughter.
"Bean you ruined the moment!" TesuTesu laughs rufferling Bean's blonde curls as he sat on Tamaki's shoulders.

A lot has happened...
Our first is now talking and walking...
We've got 3 more little bundles of joy on the way...
And now we've got our forever home which we are both excited to turn into the amazing place filled with love, memories and joy that we know it will be!

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