Pregnancy cravings -Monday

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So I think I've had a fun idea...
I'm calling the next few chapters...
A week of pregnancy cravings with Dusty Toyomitsu!
Hope you all enjoy!

Monday - Dusty POV
Cravings are the worst...
Especially when you don't fully know what you want!
That's where I found myself today...
Sat on the couch working on some reports that Tai had asked me to do while Bean ran around with Toshio following close behind with the triplets getting angry at me because I couldn't figure out what they wanted! I mean they clearly didn't know so how in the hell is mommy supposed to know!
"Come Toshio!" Beanie squeals running around in circles with the not so small bun following him...
It was a little hard to tell who was chasing whom to the completely honest with you bit they looked like they were having fun.
I would have ideally liked to be back in the office but when Taishiro and I had a conversation about it, it was decided that me working from home would be the best option as I'm already practically double the size I was when I was pregnant with Bean...
These are going to be some chunky babies I can already tell!

I stretch my arms up in the air feeling my shoulders pop with every movement which was oddly satisfying...
We had managed to move everything from the apartment into the new house very quickly but um...
Going from a rather big apartment into a massive house...
We looked like we have nothing!
Plus I need to decorate still but the triplets have really taken it out of me these past months...
With Bean I felt like I could still move around but these three have zapped any energy I have!
"Mama" Beanie says catching my attention
"Yeah Beanie what's up?" I ask looking over at him, he has this adorable I want something face so I'm waiting for him to tell me.
"Hungee, food pwease" he says
Considering he's not two yet his speech is amazing for someone of his age!
"Okee dokee no worries" I smile standing up after a struggle.

Heading to the kitchen I hear my son's feet slapping against the hardwood floor as he follows behind me. Reaching into the cupboard I pull out a packet of his favourite rice puffed treats and hand it to him.
"Here we go" I smile
"Tank oo mama" he smiles walking away holding his packet like its the most precious thing in the world.
I didn't want to give him too much because we were going to be having dinner soon once Taishiro gets home.
Lifting the lid off the pot I take a deep inheal of the stew I had been making.
Suddenly it hit me....
I knew what I was craving!
Digging around in the freezer I pull-out the vanilla ice cream and put a big scoop into a bowl, I then dig around in the cupboard to find a packet of cool Doritos which I was super happy to find!

I practically skip back over to the sofa where my chubby ass print was still indented but I wasn't complaining...
It's hard to get comfy when pregnant so it was nice to have the same spot outlined for me.
Gently sitting down I pop open my bag of chips and proceed to dip them in the ice cream!
Cried! I was honestly one of the nicest things I had ever experienced!
"Mama up pwease" Bean says standing by the sofa where I was sat. Smiling at him I hold out a hand to help him get up himself.
"Do you want to watch something Bean?" I ask him grabbing the TV remote and heading to the movie section we have.
"Judy!" He says excitedly which meant he wanted to watch Zootopia which was his favourite movie because of the bunny officer Judy Hopps...
I swear Bean has an obsession with bunny rabbits!
It's adorable!
"You want to watch Judy again?" I giggle asking him and he proceeds to nod his head like a crazy baby
"Judy! Judy!" He repeats excitedly kicking his legs.

"Haha okay, Judy it is..." I smile putting on Zootopia
"Toshio up!" Bean calls to Toshio who was looking up at us over the couch pillows. He disappeared for a few seconds before his whole body came flying up and onto the couch.
"Okay everyone ready?" I ask with a smile at my son and my fur son snuggled up together.
"Ready!" Bean beams at me and I proceed to put on his favourite movie.
He sat there next to mee watching Zootopia on replay until his father came home a few hours later...
"Gummybear! Bean I'm home!" I hear my husband call out
"In the living room baby!" I call back
"Room dada!" Keiichirou calls as well making both Taishiro and I burst out into laughter.

"Well don't you lot look comfy" Taishiro chuckles, taking in the fact Keiichirou, Toshio and I were bundled up on the couch under a fluffy blanket, with Zootopia on the TV, my laptop still running and resting on my lap and a bowl of ice cream in between us.
"How was work?" I ask digging in my almost empty chip packet, pulling out a dorito and scooping up some ice cream. Quickly shoving it in my mouth the mixture of sweet and cool salty-ness giving me a happiness boost.
I almost die of cuteness when Bean dips one of his rice puff treats in it to copy me.
"It was good...are you eating Doritos and ice cream?" Taishiro asks with a chuckle leaning over and kissing me on the forehead.
"I am...want to try?" I ask smiling up at him quickly before grabbing another chip, dipping it in the ice cream and holding it out for him.
"Is it good?" He asks a little hesitant
"I mean...I love it but I'm also currently pregnant with triplets so take that as you will!" I giggle and he rolls his eyes  before taking the chip and popping it in his mouth.

He looks a little confused for a moment before he swallows
"Well?" I ask with a small giggle
"I's not the worst thing in the world but I don't think I'll be stealing it" he laughs kissing me on the forehead again multiple times.
"Mmmmmmmmm" Keiichirou says catching our attention and we both watch him dip a rice puff treat into the ice cream and quickly into his mouth!
"Haha is it nice bud?" Taishiro chuckles rufferling Bean's blonde curls
"Nice!" Bean beams up at his dad.
"I'm going to check on dinner" I smile pushing myself up
"Want me to do that Gummybear!" Tai says quickly but I just shake my head
"Haha no...just sit down will you" I giggle heading to the kitchen to check on dinner.

"Dada Judy look!" Bean says excitedly poitning at the screen as his dad drops down next to him
"Haha I see her many times have you watched this today?" Taishiro calls to me with a small chuckle.
"Um....I think this is the...4th time" I giggle.
I was busy adding the finishing touches to the stew I was making when I heard rustling behind me...
Turning around I caught my husband eating my chips and ice cream together.
"Oi! What happened to not stealing it!" I call out playfully scolding him.
"It grows on you!" He calls back with a smirk on his face.
"You're lucky you're cute!" I smirk back
"That's my line Gummybear" he chuckles
"I cute!" Keiichirou joins in with a big smile
"Oh definitely you are the cutest out of us!" Taishiro laughs picking him up and wiggling him infront of his face earning an eruption of laughs and squeals from our son.

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