hero gala

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-fat family-

Baby boulder: it's Gala day!

Steel brother: it's Gala day!

Big brother: gotta get down on gala day!

Dadgum: 🤣🤣🤣

Mamma: you three make me wheeze!!!

Dusty POV
I smile putting my phone down as I finish doing my make up and hair. I'm not use to putting in this much effort out of choice and to say I was nervous as hell would be an understatement! Taishiro, Kiri, TesuTesu and Tamaki were all going in one car and I was going to arrive by myself which alone was nerve wrecking!
Pulling my dress out I slip myself into it before looking myself over in the mirror one last time and deciding that I didn't have any time to change it even if I wanted to!
*ring ring*
Quickly answering my phone it's the driver telling me he's outside so I do indeed head out of my apartment and lock it up before I head down and begin the long night I was not mentally prepared for!

Fatgum POV
"Oh man I'm so excited to see mom's dress!" Kirishima says excitedly as we hang around and wait for Dusty to turn up. She had been extremely secretive over her hero gala look so none of us had any idea what she was going to look like!
"you are such a kiss ass" TesuTesu hisses at Kirishima and I can tell wants to stick his middle finger up but I had told them all that there were cameras so for them to behave
"Fatgum sir! Can we get a photo of you and your work studies!?" A photographer who I recognised from the previous hero Galas asked and of course I nod. Tamaki looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him
"You're doing great!" I whisper to him and he nervously nods his head.
After a few more photographers wanted to take our pictures the crowds attention was turned to a car which pulled up and a hero got out
"Oh my god is that Keres!?" I hear a few people shout
"No way!" Another can be heard saying.
"Keres can we get a photo!?" I hear many people scream
"Oooooo this is gonna be good!" Kiri says excitedly bouncing waiting for Dusty. Out of all 3 boys even though she does love them all equally her bond with Kirishima was something else. Finally the crowd parted enough for us to see her and I can firmly say none of us where ready for how she looked

 Finally the crowd parted enough for us to see her and I can firmly say none of us where ready for how she looked

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"Holy crap!" Kirishima says with his mouth hanging open

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"Holy crap!" Kirishima says with his mouth hanging open.
"She looks beautiful!" Tamaki says also with his mouth hanging open
"Nah a word to describe her doesn't exist yet!" TesuTesu joins the jaw on the floor group and I can't say I was much better...i mean don't get me wrong i know she's beyond any word describing beauty but fucking hell this was another level! Looking like that should be illegal!
"You lucky bastard!" I hear Hawks say as he walks past us making me laugh. She suddenly spots us and gives us the most beautiful smile ever
"Ooooo my heart!" I think as she walks over to us
"Oh my gosh you all look so good!" She says excitedly
"You out did us all!" Kirishima says excited hugging her making her giggle.
"Keres! Can we get a picture of you with Fatgum and then one of you all!?" Lots of people were shouting. She looks up at me before shrugging and I pull her into my side. Due to this being the hero gala I was of course in my hero form which meant I was now 3 foot taller than my 5ft girlfriend.

Dusty POV
After so many bright flashes I swear I'm seeing squares the whole night now! We make our way inside where we were greeted by lots of heros and their sidekicks or spouses who had wanted to tag along.
"Alright you 3 go and mingle!" I giggle and of course Kirishima goes over to his friends, TesuTesu follows him and Tamaki goes off to find Mirio and Nejire.
"You trying to give me a heart attack little lady? Taishiro asks me teasingly and I blush a little
"I have no idea what you're talking bout" I say playfully
"I mean showing up looking like that...I mean I know you're beautiful and I'm punching but jesus christ Gummybear!" He says and I giggle a little
"Oh shush!" I say playfully hitting him in the stomach.
"You just had to show us all up didn't you" I hear Rock lock says and I laugh as he and his wife walk up to us
"Honey this I'd Keres and Fatgum" he says and his wife smiles at us
"Hi! Keres it's so nice to finally meet the woman who put my husband in his place" she giggles and I blush a little
"Haha yeah sorry about that Rock lock" I giggle
"Nah to be fair I as an ass" he laughs and I almost choke on air as i laugh.

A little while they started getting underway with all of the awards and I wasn't expecting to win any. Tai won one for his upstanding work along side the police force
"I really wasn't expecting to win anything tonight so I am super grateful! thank you so much! Obviously I want to thank the police force for allowing me to work with them, all the amazing pros I get the pleasure to work with, my work studies who have come so far in their per suite of becoming pros, my family obviously but also I want to thank my right hand woman Keres who helps keep my agency running smoothly...seriously without her I would just be a mess and I probably wouldn't have come tonight because the invite would have been lost of my desk" he laughs and I hear everyone laugh and we all clap from him as he comes back to our table.
Endeavour walked up to the podium
"Okay now we have the award for heros favourite...this is for the hero who has proved their worth and that they deserve to be a growing star in our community...this is the main award we all have a say in so each of us were asked to write a pro's name on the card and now the results have been tallied up" he says and his son Shoto brings the envelope out "thank you Shoto" he says as Shoto walks off not bothering to look back "and the winner of the award is...." he says leaving a suspense that was killing everyone
"The underworld hero: Keres!" He says and my mouth drops open as the crowd erupts into cheers. Trying to keep steady I get up and head to the stage to accept the award
"Thank you" I smile at Endeavour who suprised me by hugging me
"You deserve it kid...you're gonna be in the top 10 by next year I can feel it" he says to me before letting me go and walking off while clapping.
"Oh my gosh...I have no idea what to say I don't know what's shocked me more the fact I just won or the fact that Endeavour hugged me" I say trying to keep my voice steady and everyone laughs at my words "I have so many people to thank, my family, all the agencies who took a chance on someone so young and allowed me to gather so much experience! My amazing work studies who are like my own kids! My awesome boss Fatgum for taking a chance on a small girl from Tennessee. I just want to point out his desk isn't that bad!" I giggle and everyone laughs "For thoughs of you who don't know I was born and raised in a small town in Tennessee...when I say small I mean small like one way in and one way out kinda deal...you know the kinda joke towns where the dentist is also the fire chief!" I say and the crowd erupts into laughter "but um...I was always told that with my quirk I would never make it as a hero and that I was always destined to be a villan...I was also told that I would never be anything more than a farm girl from a small town but you know I only have one thing to say to all those people who ever doubted me" I say taking a deep breath "suck it!" I say laughing and holding up my award. Everyone laughs again before they all cheer and I'm helped off the stage by Shoto and Deku who were closer to the front. While I make my way back to my table lots of people congratulate me.
"Hey look I won something shiney" I say as I get back to my table where TesuTesu, Kiri and Tamaki all dive on me making me giggle
"Come on Fat get involved!" Kiri says and of course he just incases us all in one big hug.

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