three weeks in

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Dusty POV
Harimi has been living with us for just shy of three weeks now
He is um...
A handful shall we say?
But it's to be expected gathering what he went through being poked, proded and I observed like a lab rat.
But sometimes I can come acorss that he's just saying stuff to be mean...
Take his first night here for example

[Flash back - Dusty POV]
"Follow me Harimi I'll show you to the room where you will be staying" I smile at the small boy infornt of me.
Stuffing his hands into his pockets he shrugs and follows behind me up the staris and down the hallway.
"Forgive me for walking so slow the triplets make it hard to walk sometimes" I giggle over my shoulder at him
"So you are pregnant" Harimi mumbles and I nod my head a little before laughing a little
"I am indeed...did you just think I was fat?' I ask teasingly
"I mean you have a fat face so I wasn't too sure" he says and I'm shocked by his words for a few moments...
Did he just...

[End of flash back]

I shake my head at the memories of his words as I continue to get dinner ready for everyone.
Meal times have also been a bit of a bump in the road as Harimi doesn't really want to eat with us because he
"Isn't apart of this family" as he puts it.
Taishiro and I don't want to force him to do anything that he doesn't want to do but I always give him the option of eating with us if he wants...
But then the downside of him eating in his room is...
The piles of dirty plates and cutlery that accumulate. I have asked a couple of times if he could bring them down but I'm just met with mumbles or a simple
"Yeah yeah whatever"

"Harimi! Dinners almost ready can you come down please?" I call up
No response...
"Harimi? Honey you up there?" I call again but once again I'm met with no response...
Sighing to myself I look over at Bean who is happily playing with Toshio on the floor.
"Beanie I'm heading upstairs for a few seconds don't touch anything that isn't your toys okay?" I say and he looks up at me while nodding his head
"Tay mama" he beams at me.
Slowly I make my way up the staris feeling my poor feet scream at me all the way up.
Taking a few seconds to catch my breath I look down at my bump
"You three are a work out you know that?" I giggle rubbing my hand lovingly over my bump.
I stand outside the room Harimi is staying in for a few seconds contemplating if I'm being too overbearing
But swallowing I gently knock on his door.
"Harimi...can I come in?" I call through the door gently but once again I recieve no response so biting the bullet I just push the door open to find him sat on the bed with his nose buried in comic book.

"Oh hi I wasn't too sure if you were alseep" I giggle and he doesn't even bother to look at me
"I didn't want to talk to you so I didn't bother answering you" he responds in a blunt but harsh tone while flipping through the comic book.
I sigh a little at his words but I do understand...
"Oh okay well I'm sorry for disturbing you but dinner is almost you want to eat with us?" I ask
By us I mean myself and Bean as Tai is on the night patrol at the moment for the first time in ages which he was less than happy about but it happens sometimes.
"No" was the response I got and what I was expecting from him to be honest so I just nod my head and make my way to his door.
"Why you trying so hard? I mean you aren't my mom and you will never be my mom!" he then says harshly and I turn to face him seeing that he's now stood up from his bed and just glaring at me.
"I'm well aware I'm not your mother Harimi" I respond and he seemed a little shocked by my response almost

"Then why are you and the big guy trying so hard to make me one of your kids!? I don't need nor do I want parents just putting it out there" he hisses at me and I nod my head before sighing again.

Harimi POV
"Because you're staying with us Harimi, we both know we aren't your parents and we aren't trying to be. But for the time being myself and Taishiro are your guardians so we just want to make you feel welcome and make sure you're taken care of" Dusty says calmly to me and I'm actually shocked by her words...
"Maybe for the meantime we can try and be friends?" She says with a small smile...
What the hell is this woman on!?
"Tch...whatever... do whatever pleases you" I mutter to her and I see a small amount of hurt on her face but she quickly covers it up.
"Mama! Mama!" I hear her kid call up for her and she turns her head instantly
"Okay Beanie I'm coming!" She calls down to him.
That's one thing I've picked up on with her and the fat man... they speak to the kid like he's a grown up practically instead of speaking like he's a baby
Like that sentence for example...
Instead of saying "Okay mommy's coming"
She said "Okay I'm coming"

"I'll get you a plate of dinner ready honey, you feel free to come down and get it when you're ready okay?" Dusty says to me over her shoulder and I just blow a strand of my fringe out of my face as she leaves and closes my door.
Holding up my middle finger to the door I collapse back onto the bed and look up at the ceiling.
Screw her
Screw this place
There is no way someone can be that nice surly!
Just then My stomach growls
"Fucking traitor!" I hiss at it before hopping off my bed and stomping my way downstairs where I found Dusty in the kitchen dishing everything up while the kid was sat ready at the table.
"Baba!" The brat says loudly poitning at me catching Dusty's attention
"That's Harimi Bean"
"Hami!" The brat says loudly
"No honey it's Ha-ri-mi" Dusty says saying my name slower and in a way the kid can understand
"Hami" he just repeats and I just roll my eyes.

"Hami down pwease" he then says pointing at an empty chair at their table
"What brat?" I ask a little confused
"He's asking you to sit down at the table" Dusty giggles
"Harimi I don't want this to come acorss as harsh but can you please refrain from calling Keiichirou names?" Dusty asks softly and I'm a little shocked...
She never says anything about he saying shit to her but saying stuff to the baby is no go I guess?
She also didn't shout at me?
Why not?
"Tch sure whatever" I mumble
"Hami down pwease" Keiichirou repeats pointing at the chair
I glare at him and just looks at me with his big blue eyes
"No Beanie Harimi doesn't want to" Dusty says putting the food infront of Keiichirou who excitedly wiggles in his chair.
I half expected him to dive in but...
He doesn't he sits there with his food infront of him just continues to look at me...
And I continue to look at him.
You can definitely tell that he's the fat man's son he is the spitting image of him...
Minus the fact he has Dusty's eyes.

"Here you are sweetie" Dusty says catching my attention holding out my plate of food with one hand while she places hers on the table.
I take mine from her full prepared to go back to my room when Keiichirou just continues to look at me.
"Okay Beanie you ready?" Dusty smiles sitting down next to him but the small boy just shakes his head
"No" Keiichirou says and Dusty looks at him a little suprised
"Hami down fiwst" Keiichirou says in an almost demanding tone.
"Bean..." Dusty says softly
"Hami down" Keiichirou pouts kicking his little legs while continuing to look at me.
Sighing to myself I was suprised that my body moved on its own taking a seat at the table.
I was expecting Dusty to make a big deal out of it but...she didn't
Keiichirou looks really happy and quickly claps his hands together
"Tank oo mama for food!" He smiles quickly grabbing his eating utensils and digging in.

I don't bother joining in on any conversation that Keiichirou and Dusty were having because I honestly didn't care!
I just sat there and ate my food...
"Oh Harimi honey I forgot to mention" Dusty says making me look up at her
"What?" I hiss
"Well Tai and I were talking the other day and I was wondering if you maybe might want to go shopping Friday?" She asks and I cock my one eyebrow at her
"And I would want to do that because?" I scoff
"Well...I mean we don't fully know how long you'll be with us so we figured maybe you may want to make the room a little more you?" She says
"Whatever" I scoff but...I guess it would be nice to make it a little more me...
"Okay sounds good" Dusty smiles at me
"Good!" Keiichirou repeats his mother and I just roll my eyes...
These two are so weird...

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