Christmas in the Toyomitsu Household

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Hey everyone! I'm going to do a short-ish chapter in readiness for the festive season! Suzuno won't be in this chapter and we'll return to our regular story after the new year! I hope you all have a wonder holiday season and a happy new year!

Dusty POV
"I don't want a lot for Christmas there is just one thing I need" I sing happily to myself as I make my way down to start my morning routine. It was the 10th of December today and I was getting excited for Christmas to roll around as it's the first with Harimi and the triplets! Gathering as Harimi had never celebrated his birthday it stands to reason that this will also be his first Christmas as well as the little ones!
Due to me being originally from American where we go big or go home...
I have gone a little ham with the decorations which were now twinkling away.
By the time my husband raised his head I was in my own little word singing Santa tell me by Arianna Grande that I hadn't noticed Taishiro slip into the kitchen until his arms were wrapped around me tightly scaring the absolute shit out of me!

"Ah fuck me sideways and left!" I squeak making him chuckle and hold me tighter and plastering my head with kisses
"Later maybe" he smiles down at me before quickly kissing me before I have a chance to tell him off for scaring me!
When he pulls away I pout up at him and he smiles at me
"I love when you get all pouty because I caught you singing" he laughs
"Nah shut up!" I hiss at him playfully
"Uhhhhhh why can't you two dislike each other like my friends parents!" Harimi groans walking into the living room before smirking at us.
"Sorry bud your mom's too cute" Taishiro chuckles making me go bright red
"Simp" Harimi mumbles
"I heared that" Taishiro responds with a smile.
"Mama! Dada! Hami! I awake now!" Bean calls from the top of the stairs

"I got him" Harimi says before heading out of the room and towards the stairs.
Before squeals of laughter can be heard and Harimi enters holding Bean by his legs so he's draped over Harimi's back.
"Mawnin mama dada!" Bean giggles
"Morning Beanie Boo" I smile back at them.
No more than an hour the mumbles of the triplets can be heared and soon all of the tribe was up and Toshio was having a field day playing with them all...
Still not convinced he's a rabbit...

[Few hours later]

"Okay Bean what else you wanting?" Harimi asks while being sat on the floor helping Keiichirou write his Christmas list to Santa while the triplets where sat in their bouncers eyes fixated on the colourful Christmas film I had put on the keep them busy. Taishiro and I were sat on the couch just enjoying some down time after a busy day.
"Judy" Bean says
"Judy toy or what? Come on Beanie give me more than that" Harimi laughs scruffing up Keiichirou's hair.
"Judy" Bean repeats
"Like actual Judy?" Harimi asks and Bean nods his head "why?"

"Fwend for Toshio" Bean says and I couldn't help but feel my heart warm up a little
"Definitely your son" Taishiro laughs
"Wa Hami wan from Santa?' Bean asks and that would be ideal to know right about now because...
What do you buy a 13 year old boy!?
"I dunno... I mean I guess I would like some more art supplies" Harimi responds
"Art suprise?" Bean asks
"Haha yeah like an eseal, acrylic paints, some more spray cans, brushes ooooo and lots and lots of canvases!" Harimi says getting more excited as he talks about what he wants...
Okay art supplies...

"Hami wait too fast!" Bean responds scribbling quickly on the peice of paper he had infront of him
"What are you doing Beanie?" Taishiro asks with a small chuckle at the determined look on his face.
"Here!" Keiichirou says proudly holding out the paper "Hami wist to Santa!"
There were no actual words just colourful squiggles with no Rhyme or reason.
"Haha thanks little bro" Harimi smiles taking it from him.

[Christmas eve]

Harimi POV
Dad was out picking up the second rabbit mom had talked him into. It was Christmas eve so a good time to get her! She's a slightly older bunny around Toshio's age I think but she was the spit of Judy from Zootopia and I know for a fact Bean is going to be so excited. This is actually going to be my first Christmas in a very very very very long time... actually I don't think my biological parents even celebrated Christmas with me...
I can't remember that far back, I can't remember a lot about them...
Like their names or faces which is kind of a sad but also a good thing...
I don't miss them and besides I have my mom and dad now...

"You okay honey?" Mom's voice says bringing me out of my daydream
"Yeah sorry...I was just thinking" I mumble looking down into the hot milk she had made myself and Bean in an attempt to make us both sleepy...
At the age of 13 I can confirm...
It works...
"About what?" Mom asks again while preparing all the bits for tommorow
"Just about my..." I start to say but I feel guilty saying it.
"Your..." Mom says trying to get me to finish my sentence...
" birth parents" I say nervously expecting mom to get upset... but she didn't she just smiles at me
"You want to talk about it?" She asks and I just look at her
"What?" She asks confused
"Are you not upset with me?" I ask and she  shakes her head
"What? No of course not!" Mom says shocked before heading over to me and hugging me tightly...
She's so little compared to me and dad it's adorable.

"Harimi honey...they are you biological parents it's normal for you to think about them from time to time. It doesn't make you any less Taishiro and i's son" she says kindly.
She really is something else and is honestly one of the kindest people I've ever met. I can understand why dad loves her so's hard to find someone who doesn't love her!
"Thanks mom" I say hugging her tightly
"I have returned!" Dad's voice rings through clearly happy that he's brought back the new bunny "she is too cute i can't cope!" He chuckles making mom laugh.

Later that night I found myself tossing and turning in my bed struggling to get to sleep. Thoughts of my old family running through my head... I needed answers but I don't know if I want them...
My eyes begin to water thinking about my past my suddenly the bed dips behind me making me shoot around confused only to be met with Bean's sleepy face.
"What you doing little bro?" I smile at him trying to hide the fact I was crying but Bean just smiles at me before holding out his hand and wiping my eyes with his little fingers. He then shuffles in and rests his one arm around me as much as it can and proceeds to squeeze me.

"Beanie.." I say my voice still wobbly
"No cwying Hami...I here now" he says softly his voice still laced with sleep. My heart grew 9 sizes in that moment. He is the kindest and sweetest little boy I have ever met...
Mom and Dad should be proud of themselves!
"Thanks go back to sleep so Santa cab come" I chuckle kissing him on the forehead as his eyes were closing
"I wuv you Hami" he says sleepily
"I love you too little bro" I say softly before closing my eyes and feeling sleep finally begin to over take me.

I was excited for tommorow to experience my first Christmas with my family....

My loving and amazing family.

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