of all the people

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Dusty POV
I have been working at the Fatgum agency for roughly 6 months at this point and I have loved every single second of it! I love working with Ejiro and Tamaki they are good kids and they work very hard! But unfortunately nothing has been plain sailing as I have managed to fall completely and utterly in love with the lovable squishy mountain that is my boss Fatgum! Of all the people for me to develop feelings for it had to be him! Currently in my office going through paperwork...which is not my favourite thing to do but it needs to be done I guess! I also get to just curl up in my blanket like a burrito!
I look down at my phone to see that I have a message in our "Fatgum family" group chat. The joke that Fat and I are like their mom and dad is still going on!

[Fatgum family]
Little Brother: Mom!

Mamma: yes my baby Boulder what's up?

Little Brother: are we doing hand to hand combat training today?

Big Brother: yeah can we?

Mamma: I was going to do some hero theory stuff with you guys actually

Little Brother: Aw mom come on! I need to do that in school!

Big Brother: Kiri is right can we please do hand to hand combat sessions?

Mamma: I dunno kids

Little Brother: please mom!

Big Brother: I really need to work on it

Dadgum: honestly you two!

Mamma: Well....

Dadgum: honey we talked about this...we need to be consistent with them...

Mamma: okay fine we'll work on hand to hand combat tonight then

Dadgum: you give into them too easily

Mamma: don't tell me how to raise our kids!! 🤣

Little Brother: you know if anyone outside of us 4 saw this group chat they would think we've lost the plot

Mamma: what you mean lost?

Dadgum: yeah I don't think we ever really had the plot Kiri 🤣

Mamma: Wheeze! Anyway Kiri get off your phone in class!

Little Brother: how did you....

Dadgum: she's a woman she has this thing called "female instinct"

Mamma: Dead 😂😂😂

I couldn't help but giggle at this conversation suddenely I hear my office door open and I see Fatgum stood in my door way
"Hey Fat everything good?" I say with a smile taking off my glasses
"Yeah I'm bored without the kids around!" He says laughing
"You can take some of these if you want" I say jokingly handing him 4 reports
"Why are you in burrito mode? It's not cold" he says to me...this is a debate we often have because I'm always freezing! He's taken to calling me wrapped up in a blanket burrito mode which is kinda funny
"I am freezing Fat!" I say wrapping myself up more
"You need some more fat on you" he comments sitting down on my sofa
"Trust me I have enough of that" I say giggling...I'm a slightly more curvier female hero than you would normally see.
"Where? I've seen more fat on fries!" He argues with me in a joking way
"I'm not unwrapping myself to prove a point" I say pouting
"Then I win this argument" he chuckles and I roll my eyes putting my glasses back on. Before picking up my phone and loading up my food delivery app
"I'm ordering starbucks do you want anything?" I ask him showing him my phone he puts on his order and then heads back to his office. I add my large hot chocolate and then press order...my heart is pounding so much whenever I'm around him...of all the people why did it have to be my boss!

Fatgum POV
I was half way through dealing with the reports that I had taken off Dusty when there's a knock at my door
"Yeah" I say not looking up
"Your Starbucks is here" Dusty says so I look up and almost choke on my own spit...jesus with woman is trying to kill me! Since it's not our night for patrol she's wearing a vest top and leggings with a long oversized cardigan...I have to fight really hard not to be perverted right now because she is looking beyond fine!
"See that's why you're cold" I say and she looks down at her outfit before rolling her eyes playfully

"Nah shut up Fat" she giggles before sitting on my sofa "it's warmer in here than it is in my office" she says wrapping her long Cardigan around herself.
"I keep telling you you need more fat on you" I say taking a sip of my coffee
"I have enough fat on my body thank you very much" she says giggling...I don't know why she insists on that she's fat...she's curvy not fat in the slightest.
"Come on Fat I'm hardly skinny" she says taking another sip of her drink
"I mean I'm not huge don't get me wrong I'm at that awkward stage in between when I'm neither or but you can tell I love chicken nuggets" she says while giggling and I burst out laughing
"You little shit I almost choked then" I laugh and she erupts into fits of giggles but then she snorts and covers her mouth
"Is that your laugh!?" I ask suprised
"No..." she says shyly
"Dusty..." I say looking at her
"Okay fine...I snort when I laugh...ya happy now" she says shyly "I know it's an ugly don't worry I have been told" she says
"Nah I think it's cute" I say before I can stop myself and I see her cheeks turn pink. As we continue to talk I made it my mission to make her laugh as much as humanely possible so that I can hear that adorable laugh of hers!
"My stomach is hurting so much" she says trying to catch her breath "jee swizzles" she says fanning her face to stop tears from running down her cheeks. She has such an amazing laugh that you can't help but smile everytime you hear it!
"Uhhhhh the kids are gonna be here soon!" She says stretching up and the little vest top she was wearing stared to ride up showing off her stomach
"Don't look don't look" I had to keep telling myself "I still can't believe they talked you into hand to hand combat training" I say looking at her and once again she rolls her eyes
"They said they wanted to do it...and besides what's the worst that could happen" she says shrugging her shoulders
"Famous last words" I chuckle at her
"Ah kiss my ass Fat" she says playfully holding up her middle finger to me
"Oi watch it little missy I'm still your boss" I say and she giggles
"Sorry boss...right I need to go and get into my workout gear see ya in a bit" she says jumping up and heading out.
After about a hour or two I head down to check on them and once again the woman nearly kills me! In her tight fitting gym gear and to make things worse for me she's in shorts which don't really cover much! I swear the bottom of her ass is hanging out a little!

"Come on boys push it!" she yells out to them...for some reason because she's so little it amuses me when she bosses people around
"Hey Fat!" Kirishima says happily
"Hi boys" I say walking towards them "how's it going?" I ask them as they both pant
"She's definitely working us" Tamaki pants out
"Yeah but you've both improved so much!" Dusty says clapping her hands
"I can tell...good job boys" I say happily...they have both improved loads since Dusty came into the picture.
"Right come on kids back to it" she claps her hands and they both nod and get straight back to work
"They're doing really well" I say to her and she smiles up at me
"I know I am beyond proud!" She giggles...I have found myself in quite a predicament because of this woman...out of all the people for me to fall in love with it had to be her...

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