Month 9 - big brother?

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Dusty POV
"Here is your apple juice" Taishiro says handing me possibly the biggest glass of apple juice I have ever seen!
"Holy shit that's huge!' I giggle taking it from him
"Not the first time I've heard that" he laughs sitting down next to me and I use the closet pillow to smack him with casuing him to burst out into laughter
"'s your day off so do you want to do anything?" I ask taking a massive sip of the gold bright coloured liquid.
"Um...I dunno maybe just go for a bit of a walk? I know you need to stretch your legs" he smiles at me
Somehow our conversation ended up on our two brothers...

"I'm telling you there is something going on!" I say insisting there is something going on between my older brother Tate and Tai's older brother Ryota.
"How would you know Gummybear?" Taishiro smirks
"Because Kimmy's said that Tate's changed since the baby shower. Something about being more smiling and also being a little secretive with his phone" I say proudly knowing I've put two and two together!
"But that doesn't mean it's Ryota...what if it's a different guy?" Taishiro questions and I shake my head
"Nope no way! Ryota is totally Tate's type!" I argue
"You realise Ryota and I don't look that much different right? Does that mean I'm his type too?" Taishiro says smirking
"Actually yeah a little" I giggle
"You are a nightmare gummy" he laughs standing up and holding a hand out for me "Come on let's go" he smiles pulling me up gently.

[Outside walking - let's do Taishiro in his non-fat form. More inconspicuous 🤣]

I was clutched very tightly to my fiancé's arm as we make our way through the town centre wandering in and out of shops when my phone suddenly rings. Being a little confused I pull my phone out to see that my mom is calling
"Why's Rosie calling?" Taishiro asks confused and I just shrug my shoulders
"Hey mamma what's up?" I ask putting the phone to my ear
"Hey babygirl! Just wanted to call that and check that Tate has arrived safely!" Mamma says brightly and now I'm even more confused
"Tate?" I question
"Yeah...Tate said he was having an impromptu vacation to come and see you!" Mamma says "are you at the air port waiting for him?" She questions
"Um....bare with me one second mamma" I say muting myself
"What?" Taishiro asks confused
"Did Tate ever mention anything about coming to see us?" I ask
"No why?" He asks cocking one eyebrow at me
"Apparently Tate told mamma he was coming to stay with us..." I say he wasn't but I didn't want mamma to worry so I decided to maybe lie a little
"Hey mamma sorry about that" I said taking myself off mute "no Tate said he wanted to make his own way to us so he should be here shortly" I say. We finish our conversation and then hang up

"Starnge" I say putting my phone in my bag
"Yeah I wonder why Tate would lie?" Taishiro asks and as if by chance I spot my big brother in the crowd of people
"Tai look!" I say pointing at him before quickly pulling Taishiro out of Tate's line of sight
"How do you know it's hime?" Taishiro asks and I look up at him
"Multiple reasons and I know my big brother!" I say
"Wonder what's going on?" Taishiro says as we continue to observe my brother who was clearly waiting for someone.
"He's meeting Ryota" I say and Taishiro gently bonks me on my head
"Will you stop that!" He chuckles
"Why else would he be in Japan!" I say with a pout rubbing the part of my head he bonked pretending it hurt
"I dunno I mean he writes songs for a living maybe he met someone that way?" He says and I'm about to argue when Taishiro's phone started to ring
"What the?' Taishiro says getting his phone out
"Bubble tea says it's your dad" I giggle and he rolls his eyes but when he looks at his screen I knew I was right
"Hey dad what's up?" He asks putting his phone to his ear

Fatgum POV
"Hey son just wanted to check that Ryota got there okay!" Dad says on the phone
"Ryota?" I question and I see Dusty's eyes light up
"Yeah he said he was coming to see you for a few days" dad says
"Hu he didn't mention anything to us..." I say
"Oh shit it was probably a suprise! Pretend I haven't said anything! Love you both! Bye!" He says quickly hanging up and I look down at my fiancée who was smirking
"Let me guess...Ryota said he was coming to see us?" She giggles
"Shut up" I laugh tapping her on the nose
"Ooooooo oooooo ooooo look!" She then says shaking my arm and there he was...
My older brother walking up to Tate who was clearly a little flustered at Ryota approaching him.
"I frigging told you!" Dusty says with a small squeal
"Damnit I hate it when you're always right!" I laugh
"Come on!" She says going to walk forward but I grab her softly and stop her

"Whoa there nosey where do you think you're going?" I ask and she turns around to pout at me
"I wanted to spy on them" she says in a very nonchalant manner causing me to laugh
"What?" She asks still pouting
"I really love you you know that?' I smirk leaning down a kissing her pouting lips quickly. She goes bright red and stutters a little
"Nah shhhhhh" she says "anyway come on!" She say going to walk forward but I keep her still
"Nope" I say
"Why!" She whines
"Leave 'em be Gummy" I chuckle as her adorable-ness
"But..." she starts "I just wanna make sure everything's okay..." she mumbles
"I'm sure it will be fine" I reassure her " you still want your bubble tea?" I ask smirking already knowing the answer to this question
"Is water wet?" She giggles because grabbing my arm again and pulling us from our hiding space.
" you recon they're already together or in the process?" She asks clearly smug that she was right
"Um....well I dunno because coming all the way to Japan just for a date for someone you're not dating seems like a lot of work" I say and she nods her head.

[A lot later....and a new perspective!]

Tate POV
"Well I wasn't expecting that twist!" Ryota smiles down at me as we exit the movies
"Oh yeah me neither!" I laugh nervously...I hadn't dated anyone for a few years when we met so I feel like a baby learning everything for the first time! Pulling out my phone I go to check the time when I see a message from my mom which made my stomach hit the fucking floor!

Mamma: Hey honey! Just got off the phone with Babygirl to see if you had arrived okay! But she said you were making your own way be safe okay! I love you xx

"Ahhhh shit shit shit shit shit!" I say over and over again re reading the message so many times hoping that I had read it wrong.
"What's up?" Ryota asks confused looking down at me and I see my face going bright red
"Well you know how we planned to keep this on the down low until you after babygirl had the baby and all that jazz?" I said and he nods his head while giving me the same heart warming smile that had swept me off my feet at Babygirl's baby shower.
It's not fair! I feel like the Toyomitsu guys get lucky because Ryota, Taishiro and their father are all painfully good looking!
I mean don't get me wrong my brother's and I aren't bad looking...Babygirl's definitely the most attractive sibling though by a long shot!
"Well my mom may have called Babygirl to see if I landed okay..." I groan putting my head in my hand and sighing. I hear him chuckle next to me
"What?" I ask looking up at him
"Nothing...I just find it super cute you all call Dusty babygirl instead of her name" he smiles
I wish he would stop
My heart can't take anymore
"I...I'm um I'm gonna call her real quick!" I say trying to calm myself down
"Sure go a head" he says and I pull my phone out and click on Babygirl's contact name.
"Let me listen in too" he aays leaning in close to me and I feel my face heat up once again. It rings 3 times before she picks up

"Hey Tatertots what's up?" She giggles
"Hey babygirl...." I say nervously
"Don't worry I already know...besides Hanzo kinda called Taishiro to see if Ryota had gotten here safely too!" She laughs
"Oh what!?' Ryota says a little louder than I would have liked and I glare at him while he mouths sorry.
"We both covered for you so don't worry okay? Enjoy the rest of your night and I expect you to come and see us tommorow...both of you!" She giggles and I can't help but smile.
I'm close to all of my siblings and all of them are completely fine with me being gay but Babygirl's definitely been the biggest supporter. She always use to cover for me if dad found anything that may have given me away, allowed me to talk to her about any guys I liked and was my shoulder to cry on when some of them broke my heart.
Of course Homer and Wyatt were the same but Babygirl was always the easiest to talk to for me.

"We will...I love you babygirl" I smile
"I love you too be safe and use protection okay bye!" She says quickly because hanging up
"Little bitch!" I hiss at the phone going bright red at her suggestion.
"I love your sister you know that?" Ryota laughs and I nod my head...
I love her too...
So very very much...
Couldn't ask for a better baby sister....

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