W...what have I done...

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Harimi POV
"Harimi sweetheart! Am I okay to come in!?" I hear preggers call through the door over my blasting music
"Yeah come in!" I call back turning my music down and stop spraying.
My art work for my wall is taking a little longer than anticipated but I'm enjoying doing it!
"I brought you some soda and some lunch if you're hungry" Dusty says opening the door just enough for her to stand in the door way but not coming in any closer.
Her pregnancy belly has gotten so big I swear she's due to pop any day down but I think she mentioned that she's about 7 and a half months along now? Which would mean I've been here for 2 and half months so far?
"How's it coming hun?" She smiles at me
"Got a few more details but I'm almost done" I mumble opening the can on soda she bought me.
"Hey um...can I ask you something?" She asks me after a few moments of silence
"What's the point of asking if it's okay to ask? I won't know until you've said something" I scoff and I see her face go a little red realising I've got a point! I smirk at my victory at making her feel like a dumb ass and sit on the floor feeling proud of myself.

"The doctor mentioned that you and I have similar quirks so I was wondering...what is your quirk?" She asks and I cock my one eyebrow...
Why hadn't the doctor or that cop said anything to her about my quirk?
"Not that it's any of your business but my quirk is shadow wolf" I say.
My quirk was nothing too special I can just create scary ass looking wolves from my body...incredibly similar to Dusty's underworld quirk I guess.
"Ahhhhh I see" she smiles "you also got landed with a typical villan quirk" she giggles catching me off guard a little.
"Why is that funny!?" I hiss at her
Is she making fun of me!?
Fucking bitch!
"Nah I just remember when I was your age... people told me not to bother trying to be a hero because it would never work with my qurik" she sighs.
"Hu..." I say feeling almost bad for her I guess...
"Something up?" She asks looking at me
"No its just...I never figured that you would have gone through that because you know..." I mumble and she nods her head
"Yeah I know I get it... but believe it or not I spent a large majority of my teens ignoring everyone around me who said I couldn't do it" she says looking down at a random spot on the floor.

"Let me guess people of called you a monster" I mock...she clearly never experienced that...
"Oh yeah I got that often" she giggles and I feel my mouth want to drop open
"It was mainly monster, villan wanna be, freak of nature, horror show...you name it I was probably called it grown up" she giggles a little
"But if anything that kind of motivated me to show people that my quirk was now evil" she smiles at me.
"I um...never knew about that" I mumble feeling a little awkward
"You never asked...I'm not ashamed and I'm willing to talk about it" she smiles at me.
For the first time...I was loss for words...
I didn't want to make a harsh remark at her
I didn't want to glare at her...
"Look Harimi...I'm going to be honest" she says making my stomach drop
Where is this going...is she going to say she hates me!?
I mean not that I care or anything but still...
"I'm not going to pretend to know exactly how it felt to go through what you went through...your situation is horrible and no one should have to go through that especially a sweet kid like you" she says softly
She...thinks I'm sweet...
"But with regards to being made to feel like a monster because of your quirk...I do have some idea so if you do ever want to talk I'm all ears okay" she says giving me a big smile and I feel my mouth go dry.
"Anyway I'll leave you to your painting I'm excited to see it done!" She says giving me one last smile before she walks away from me and leaving me stunned...
I guess...
The Toyomitsu's aren't as bad as I initially thought...

[Time skip]

Dusty POV
Ny stomach was beyond ichy at this point and I wish the triplets would stop having a boxing match in my stomach!
It hurts like hell!
Harimi had really seem to be coming out of his shell with us which is lovely to see!
Sure he still glares and whatever but he's getting more involved with us and Bean! Like he watches, Zootopia with Bean when he asks, he eats with us at dinner time!
It makes me really happy to see that he's now starting to settle in!
Of course I know it's only been a couple of months so we still have a ways to go but I'm proud of him!
To keep my mind off it I decided to distract myself by putting away some washing while Bean plays in his room and Harimi is still adding the finishing touches to his art peice. He said he was done with the spray paint now and just adding to it with some acrylics.
I'm so exited to see it when he's done!
For those of you worried about Bean being un attended upstairs it's fine because we have baby gate...

The house was peaceful until I heared the most terrifying scream come from Keiichirou that made my blood run cold.
I had never ever heared him cry out like that so I ran to him as fast as I could.
I was shocked to find the noise coming from Harimi's room...
Crap had been fallen over in there or something!?
The door is normally closed so how did Bean get in there!?
Stepping into the room I'm met with the sight of Keiichirou sat on the floor screaming in terror, his small hand covered in paint, a few tiny hand prints on the wall Harimi had been working on...
An incredibly scary looking shadow in the shape of a wolf with glowing eyes growling and showing off some impressive teeth at my crying little one and a very pissed looking Harimi stood there glaring at Keiichirou.

I instantly knew what happened
"Harimi!" I say rushing over to Bean who was sobbing on the floor
"Mama" Bean sobs cowering into me...
He was so scared...
Picking him up I hold him close to me as he continued to bawl
He's not fully fussed on my shadow monsters so I can imagine seeing this scared him quite bit...

Harimi POV
"Harimi!" Dusty says snapping me out of my rage fit...
I look at her to see Keiichirou clinging to his mother sobbing and crying so hard that his little face was stained with tears...
"Uh...I um..." I say not fully knowing what to do...
"Crap Keiichirou I..." I start but Keiichirou looks away from me and hides into Dusty
"Mama" he wails...
He was terrified of me...
"D...Dusty I..." I start but she just shakes her head at me
"Let's talk about this in a few moments hun if that's okay...I need to calm Keiichirou down for a few seconds I'll be right back" she says calmly and heads out of my room

W...what have done...

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