Saving Eri

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Dusty POV
We're stood outside Overhall's hideout getting ready to go in. I shove my long hair up into a high ponytail before turning to Kirishima and Tamaki
"Right you two...I know you're amazing heros in training but please be careful!" I say and they both nod while smiling at me
"Roger that mamma Boulder!" Kiri says and I smile at him. The chief of police explain the plan and of course Rock Lock has something to say
"This guy acting like we don't know our jobs..." he mutters
"You know that's not what he means Rock Lock give it a rest" Fat says
"Look all I'm saying is that these bastards are good at keeping in the shadows...what's not to say that they won't go into hiding" he continues
"Jesus you're about as happy as a vegetarian in a stake restaurant...lighten up Lock boy will ya" I say and he glares at me
"Fatgum i suggest you keep your woman under control during this operation...we don't need a loose cannon" he continues looking at me and I glare at him
"Watch it Rock Lock" Fat says sternly and I smile up at him for having my back.

Fatgum POV
To say the way Rock lock spoke to Dusy then pissed me off was an understatement.
"Now who's feisty" she teases me and I roll my eyes.

[Running through the halls]

"Oh man Amajiki I'm really worried about him!" I hear Red say to Deku
"Even the first years don't think he can so this!" I think to myself but then again one moment of confidence doesn't count for anything if they haven't seen him back it up
"hey come on! You know he can do this!" I hear dusty call to them as she runs behind us
"Fat! Red! Watch out" I hear her shout suddenly and she shoves us both forward and out of the way of something. When we all turn around we see her stood between us and what looks like someone with a snake quirk...
He gives us a menacing smile showing off his sharp fangs
"Hey I've heared about're the underworld hero Keres" he says walking forward to her running his tongue over his fang
"Yeah...what's it to you..." she hisses back crossing her arms
"I'm bone crusher...must say I'm a big fan of yours..." he hisses
"Hu wouldn't expect a member of the Yakuza to be a fan of mine" Dusty says back with her usual cocky tone
"I feel your quirk could have better uses if on the right side..." he continues getting closer to her to the point where he's in reaching distance of her. It's taking everything in me right now to not punch this bastard
"Yeah I get that a lot" Dusty giggles "but sorry to disappoint you I'm sticking to the side that takes down creeps like you!" She then hisses at him suddenly activating her quirk and making one of her demons slash at him casuing him to jump back
"Haha ooooo I like you! Sexy and feisty!" He chuckles and this makes my fucking blood boil....
"Guys keep going" she says not looking back at us
"What!?" Rock lock says "Are you insane..." he continues
"The more time you be a bitch and argue with me the more chance they have of getting the girl out of here...remember what Sun Eater said...they're trying to keep as many heros as they can so go! I got this bastard!" She yells keeping her eye on the man who was clearly getting closer "Fat...we both know if they get Eri out of this building then that's it...go!" She says sternly. I see Kirishima look at me out of the corner of my eye and I sigh
"You heard the lady keep moving!" i yell taking off and everyone follows behind me "you better not die on me Keres!" I yell back and I can hear her cute giggle
"Wouldn't dream of it...who would make sure you got all the reports done on time!" She yells back and now it was my turn to laugh
"Kick his ass mom!" Kirishima scream back and she holds up her thumb.

Dusty POV
Bone crusher shoots forward but I'm quick to dodge and punch him in the face
"Oooo you are something else!" he chuckles trying to get closer
"Can't say the same you scaly bastard!" I hiss once again dodging his many attacks putting my hand on his head and flipping myself over the top of thim avoiding his punches. But he catches me off guard and coils around me squeezing to the point where I can feel my ribs beginning to give
"Fuck!" I scream a little louder than I had meant to
"Keres!" I hear Deku shout as everyone had stopped in their tracks looking back at me
"No keep!" I start but he tightens again making me wince in pain and cough at the lack of oxygen that was getting into my lungs
"Awwww come on..." bone crusher laughs squeezing me more before sinking his fangs into my neck through my hero costume making me cry out in plain
"Mom" I hear Kirishima shout as they start to make their way back to me. Not wanting them to get hurt I activate my quirk quickly and make my demons cause a cave in stopping anyone from getting closer and closing off this bastard from getting to them. Once I was confident that they were safe I turn my demons on bone crusher who loosened his grip on me enough for me to wiggle out and punch him in the face while my demons took care of the rest

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