another mission

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Fatgum POV
"Hey Fat! I just finished the reports" Dusty says with a smile as she enters my office
"Wait what reports?" I ask her confused as I can't remember giving her anything to do
"Tai seriously? The police reports...they needed to be done so I took them...remember?" She giggles and I think hard
"Nope not ringing any bells sorry gummy" I smile and she let's out a sigh
"You're lucky you're cute!" She hisses playfully
"You know you love me so shush" I hiss back at her and she pokes her tongue out at me
"Anyway I have a lot of work to get on with so..." she then says heading for the door again
"Excuse me?" I ask her confused
"Yes boss?" She asks turning around to face me
"Don't call me that!" I whine and she giggles
"I think you're forgetting something little lady" I chuckle
"Hmmm...i don't think so..." she smirks tapping her chin and I give her a small pout which makes her giggle and walk over to me
"You know we shouldn't really be doing this in work baby...we could get caught" she says softly before kissing me
"Mmmm we'll be fine" I say against her lips. I feel her pull away and I'm not ready to let her go yet so i pull her onto me and capture her lips on mine again. One kiss never stays as one kiss it always turns into us making out.

*ring ring*

"Mmmm you need to get that" she giggles against my lips but I refuse to let her go
"Nah let it go to voicemail" I smirk kissing her again which she doesn't fight against. The phone continues to ring out before it stops but I'm more focused on my girlfriend of 4 months.
Thinking if couldn't be that important as they didn't leave a voicemail
*ring ring*
The phone starts up again and we both groan. Clearing my throat I pick up the phone while Dusty contines to softly kiss my cheek over and over again
"Hello Fatgum speaking?" I say sofly stroking Dusty's hair
"Um Fatgum sir I have Endeavour on line one..." my receptionist says and my eyes go wide
"Who is it?" Dusty mouths
"Endeavour" I mouth back and her eyes go wide
"Um...can I pass him over sir please he's very persistent" my receptionist says nervously
"Yeah of course send him over" I say and she does that. The line is quite for a few moments before Endeavour's voice comes booming over the phone
"Hello?" He says
"Hi Endeavour it's Fatgum sorry for missing your earlier call I was away from my desk helping Keres with something" I lie and I see Dusty glare at me and I bite my tongue to not laugh. She goes to hop off me but I wrap my arm around her keeping her sat on me.
"It's okay...I understand that your underling needed help" he says in a tone which I didn't appreciate
"Well I wouldn't really call Keres an underling Endeavour...anyway what can I help you with?'I ask
"I need both you and Keres to come to my agency this afternoon...we have a mission we need both of you for" he says
"Right okay...not a problem" I say before hanging up
"Underling!? That cheeky mother fucker!" Dusty growls
"Dusty calm down gummy" I say to her and she just rolls her eyes making me chuckle. "You can give him all the attitude you want this afternoon gummybear" I say kissing her cheek
"Oh you bet I will" she smirks

[Endeavour agency time]

Dusty POV
"I still can't believe he called me an underling" I hiss as Taishiro and I get into the elevator going up to Endeavour's meeting room
"I know gummybear but you know you're not so ignore him" Taishiro smiles down at me putting his land hand on my shoulder and I just instantly melt for him. Once the doors open we're met by lots of other pro heros such as Hawks and his work study Jet black hero: Tsukuyomi, Endeavour and his three work studies Deku, Dynamight and Shoto and of course my favourite Rock lock who surprisingly after the incident where we had to save Eri we became good friends
"Hey Lock boy!" I say excitedly
"Keres are you seriously still going to call me that!?" He sighs and I giggle
"Hi Rock lock" Fatgum says to him
"Hi Fat" he smiles
"Oooo how's the baby!?" I ask excitedly
"He's really good...starting to get in to everything. Do you want to see?" He asks and I nod my head
"Yes yes yes!" I squeal excitedly. The pulls out his phone and shows me his beautiful little boy who was stuffing food into his face and getting really messy "awww look at the little sweetie!" I squeal. I have always loved kids and I can't wait to have my own one day...hopefully I don't know if it's plausible with Tai and I being pro heros...wait why am I thinking about that!?

"Wow he's grown!" Fatgum smiles
"Hi miss Keres! Hi Fatgum sir!" A sudden excited boy's voice which makes me jump a little but I'm met by the bright green eyes of Deku
"Hi Deku!" I say happily "I can't believe you're at the Endeavour agency! Check you out Mr. Number one pro hero in training" I giggle and his cheeks flush slightly
"I...I um...i only really managed to get in here because of Shoto" he says awkwardly rubbing his head
"Right everyone take your seats!" Endeavour says loudly making me jump
"Jee fucking wiz does he have a sound dail!?" I say a little louder than I meant to and a few pros snicker and laugh at my comment where Endeavour looks like he wants to rip my head off but I don't care...don't call me an underling...
We all take our seats and I'm sat in between Fat and Shoto.
"Okay so...before the meeting gets underway I would like you all to introduce yourselves so that everyone knows excatly who we are working all know I'm Endeavour and these are my three work studies Deku, Dynamight and my son Shoto and my sidekick Burnin" he says and I feel Shoto flinch at him being called Endeavour's son.
"I'm Hawks and this is my work study Tsukuyomi" Hawks says
"Rock lock" Rock Lock says
"I'm Tornado...I'm new I just moved here!" A tall guy with grey and blue hair says who makes eye contact with me and I see them light up which made me roll my eyes.
"I'm Fatgum nice to meet ya!" Fatgum says with a smile
"And I'm his underling Keres" I say glaring at Endeavour who looks back at me and I see everyone bite their tongues again.
"Kami woods" Kami says
"Okay everyone knows who everyone is I will explain the mission..." Endeavour continues and he goes on to explain how we would all be travelling to a small island in the middle of the ocean to stop and catch a drugs gang who had taken residency and were using it as their prime drugs transportation area.
"So when do we leave?" I ask
"Tommorow...everyone will be travelling separately as to not attract attention..." Endeavour says and I cock my one eyebrow

"Um...I excuse me number one if I may..." I say and I see Rock lock smirk
"Oh boy here we go" he chuckles
"No nothing bad I was just wondering how you plan on justifying all of us being in the island at the same once villa...what high school reunion or are we all going on a lads trip?" I ask using air quotations
"I see your point Keres but I believe Burnin came up with the excuse that we are....what was it Burnin?" he asks his sidekick
"I made the booking under one name and said it was a family get away trip" she says and I roll my eyes
"Okay...who's gonna believe that Hawks is related to Endeavour or Kami woods?" I question
"Do you always talk this much?" Endeavour questions and I smirk
"Nah...only when I'm trying to figure out plans I don't fully understand" I tease and I see Dynamight smirk along with Shoto
"Is she always this sassy?" Hawks whispers to Fatgum who nods his head
"Yep..." he chuckles.

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