wedding time

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Dusty POV
*ring ring*
The noise of my phone ringing makes me jump out of my skin and I pick it up to see it Kirishima, TesuTesu and Tamaki calling the group chat. Giggling I slide it up and put it on my dressing table while the rest of the wedding party continues to get ready. Taishiro had agreed to drive and pick up the boys bringing them to ceremony
"Hey boys what's up?" I ask as the hair dresses curled my long black hair
"They're doing my head in!" I hear Taishiro shout from the background ina playful manner
"Oh no what have you boys done now?" I tease
"Nothing! I swear!" TesuTesu says but I can tell he's lying
"We may have been arguing who gets shotgun..." he admits
"And it may have gotten a little heated..." Kirishima says and I cover my mouth to stop me from laughing
"You are never leaving me on my own with the kids again!" Taishiro calls
"Okay well simple...Tamaki gets to sit in the front because he's the oldest..." I say taking a sip of my champagne
"Oh what!?" TesuTesu says
"Told you!" I hear Tamaki calls
"Mom no fair!" Kirishima argues
"Sorry sweetie but those are the rules...I mean if I was there would you all be arguing over who would sit in front?" I question and they all remain silent "excatly...Tamaki you're in the front sweetie" I say calmly
"Awesome thanks mom!" I hear him call
"Fine!" Both Kirishima and TesuTesu goran
"Are you fricking kidding!? I said that already and you both argued!" I hear Fatgum laugh in the background
"We don't want go get mom angry...she's scary..." Kirishima mumbles and I cock my eyebrow
"Excuse me!?" Ask unimpressed
"I mean they're not're a scary little thing when you wanna be dust..." Taishiro chuckles
"Okay I'm going now" I giggle hanging up
"Mamma Cyrus why are you crying?" I hear Kimmy say panicked
"I'm just so happy that she found someone who loves her..." she whimpers wiping her eyes and this breaks my heart a little...because Taishiro and I aren't actually dating...

[Wedding party]

Fatgum POV
The wedding was very beautiful and I must say that Kimmy and Homer make a very cute couple. But my eyes were fixed on Dusty...her grey maid of honour dressed hugged her perfectly in all the right places, her beautiful long black hair which is normally shoved up in a messy style is down and curled. Kimmy had gone for a more natural look with all of the wedding party and I suited Dusty...she's already gorgeous so she doesn't need makeup to enhance any of her features which had stolen my heart.
"Okay! Now the bride and groom have requested that someone very special sings their first dance can the grooms baby sister Dusty come onto the stage!" The D.J says and all the boys look at me but I shurg my shoulders as I had no idea what was going on!
"Haha hi y'all! I'm Homer's little sister Dusty or as you've probably heard everyone call me Babygirl. Homer and Kimmy wouldn't stop bugging me until I agreed to sing their first dance song so here we go!" Dusty giggles shyly before the song starts up.

"'s official...there is nothing that mom can't do!" Kirishima says with a smile looking at Dusty on the stage
"The one I love...." "Thank you very much...Homer and Kimmy I wish you all the best!" Dusty says blowing them both a kiss. The crowd claps and cheers as Dusty makes her way off the stage and heads back over to where the boys and I are all sat.
"Is there anything you can't do!?" TesuTesu says with a smile and Dusty's face heats up and she giggles a little
"I mean I can't fit into size 0 if that counts" she giggles and I gently tap her on the back of the head.
"You know I still can't believe your dad actually brought Jetson with him" I chuckle to Dusty who rolls her eyes
"Well he flew him out here with them so it wouldn't have been nice of him to leave him at Kimmy's mom's house..." Dusty sighs
"Hey Dusty!" Jetson suddenly says walking over to us
"But god I wish they did!" She hisses under her breath "what do you want Jerbowski" she growls at him
"Now is that anyway to treat your daddies guest?" He teases
"Spit it out before I end you!" Dusty growls again and I have to fight back a laugh at how scary she can be
"Look we all know the whole you dating Fatgum thing is bullshit so when you gonna grow up and do what your dad wants for once" he says with a smirk
"And be what? Your little house wife who sits at home all night while you go out and fuck anything that moves?" She smirks back crossing her arms under her chest pushing her boobs up more
"No wrong time to be a pervert" I think to myself
"Watch it fatty! I wouldn't go for someone like you normally so you should be greatful" he argues back
"Hey don't call her that!" Tamaki says suddenly catching us all off guard as his sudden out burst
"Or what sutters you gonna activate your freaky quirk on me?" Jetson says harshly and what little confidence Tamaki had was gone there and then
"Alright that's it!" Dusty says jumping up and grapping Jetson by his ear and dragging him acorss the floor as he kicks and shouts
"Let me go!" He hisses
"Come on..." I sigh

Dusty POV
"Dusty let me go!" Jetson howls in pain as I continue to drag him by the ear acorss the floor
"Hey babygirl" Kimmy giggles
"Hey Kimmy..." I giggle back
"Aren't any of you going to stop her!?" Jetson hisses
"Nah you probably deserve it" Wyatt smiles. I get to the exict of the reception venue and I pull him out of the doors and down the steps before I finally let him go and he jumps up holding his ear
"You fucking bitch" he growls at him
"Listen here you walking fucking condom add!" I growl back and he stops talking "I don't give a flying fuck what you say to me but you do not I repeat you do not say anything to my kids!" I yell at him
"Dusteena Cyrus that is enough!" The voice of my father says as he walks out "Jetson I'm so sorry!" my father apologises
"You're saying sorry to him!?" I ask
"I just saw you drag him out by his ear!" My dad yells at me catching me off guard "Dusty apologise now!" He growls and I'm really taken aback
"Tom..." the voice of my mom can be heard saying as I look over and see Tai, Kiri, Tamaki, TesuTesu, Wyatt, Homer, Tate and Kimmy all stood there with her
"No she needs to hear this!" My dad growls
"Hear what!?" I ask confused
"That I'm sick and tired of this fucking stupid act that you've been putting on! Going to hero school! Working at all the hero agencies and then to make it worse you just upped and moved to Japan to work for some fucking hero agency!" He yells at me
"I don't want to be a small town farm girl papa! I like being hero! I like living in Japan why can't you just accept that" I say my voice becoming wobbly trying my best to not cry
"Well I've got some tough fucking words for you Dusty...that's all you are and all you will ever be! You're not this big shot whose going to make it big as a're a small town farm girl...nothing more and nothing less!" He hisses at me "and the way you treated Jetson tonight has just shown that you clearly don't care about me or my feels or what I want! You are such a selfish little bitch and I have never been so disappointed in you!" He yells and that felt like a stab in my chest
"Alright buddy that's enough!" I hear Taishiro say as a hand is placed on my shoulder but I'm frozen
"You stay out of this! This has nothing to do with you!" my dad yells at Taishiro
"I think you'll find it does and I won't have you speaking to her like that" Tai argues
"Now you li..." dad starts but Taishiro cuts him off
"No I think you've said enough!" I hear him gorwl "the whole time I've known Dusty all you've done is put her down and show no disregard for her feelings! You said she's selfish? Well she isn't the one trying to force you into a life style you clearly don't want with a man who just called her a fatty and how he would never go near someone like her!" Taishiro continues and all I can do I look up at him really taken aback "but then again I guess that's why you two get along so much...that's how you talk to her so why wouldn't you want to marry her off to someone who is also going to make her feel like shit and that she isn't enough! Instead of making her feel like the amazing and beautiful person she is!" He finishes and for the first time in a very long time both my father and Jetson were speechless
"Dad...I think you and Jetson should leave" Homer says
"Wait but..." my dad says as everyone turns around to walk away
"Rosie!" My dad calls after my mom
"I don't want to see you right're daughter is happy with her life and with someone who truly loves her...and you have the nerve to call her selfish...just leave the both of you!" My mom hisses grabbing my arm and dragging me inside and back into the party
"Sorry about that Kimmy and Homer..." I say sadly
"You have nothing to be sorry for let's just get back to the party shall we!" Kimmy smiles hugging me close before taking Homer's arm and walking back onto the dance floor.

[Another couple of hours later]

Everything my dad said was still in my head...but then so was everything that Tai said. I know I can always rely on him to have my back but I wasn't expecting that. Taishiro had driven all the boys home before coming back to the wedding as it was getting late.
"Right come on you..." said man's voice catches my attention as he grabs my hand and dragging me to the dance floor for a slow song dance
"Tai I can't dance!" I giggle
"I find that hard to believe and besides neither can I!" He smiles down at me pulling me close to him with his one hand resting on my waist and the older holding my hand.
I must have been lost in thought because soon I feel him give my hand a gentle squeeze
"Hey you okay?" He asks and I nod my head "amazing...even after all this time you still try and lie to me" he chuckles and I feel my cheeks heat up
"Just what my dad said is all" I mumble
"Ignore him Dust...none of it is true" he says and i look up at him and look into is eyes
"So you think I'm beautiful hu?' I tease and now it was his turn to blush
"To be fair Dusty I don't know anyone who doesn't..." he says nervously and I let out a little giggle
"Hey Tai lean down a second" I say softly and without questioning he does. In a second of pure adrenaline I press my lips against his quickly but as I go to pull away he kisses me back and holds me closer
"Should we get out of here?" I ask against his lips and I feel him nod quickly as we head around to say goodbye to my family.

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