A new family!?

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Harimi POV
I've lost track of how long I've been living with Dusty and Taishiro at this point...
It feels like I've always lived here with them!
But...I know its not forever...
They're only my temporary guardians until a more suitable match for me is found...
One day I won't be with them anymore..
I will be with some other family...
I will have to start over...
"Harimi honey!"
My head shoots up and I look at Dusty who was looking at me concerned from across the table.
I realise I had been zoned out for who knows how long just stabbing at the veggies on my plate
"S...sorry m..." I start to say but I stop myself...
I find myself almost accidentally calling Dusty mom and Taishiro dad on regular basis.
Clearing my throat I look Dusty in the eyes
"Sorry Dusty what were you saying?" I say picking up my now smushed tomato  which I had stabbed quite literally to death!

"Everything okay bud? You seemed out of it?" Taishiro asks
"Hami otay?" Bean asks next to me
"Yeah I'm fine sorry...what were you saying?" I ask
Seeing that I clearly don't want to talk about it they both drop it.
"Well...we were thinking that maybe it might be a good idea to maybe enrol you in the high-school not too far from here" Dusty smiles
"School?" I question and Taishiro nods his head
"Yeah it might be good for you to attend and make some friends" he smiles at me...
For a second...I consider it before I remember...
"No" I say plainly and I can see they're both a little shocked at my tone.
If I'm being honest with myself I've gotten a little to use to the family feeling and I need to start distancing myself again...
I could be taken from them at any point...
I'm better cutting the bond now before it hurts too much...

"Why honey?" Dusty asks softly and I roll my eyes
"Well I mean I could be picked up and moved anywhere when they find me my permanent family so what's the point in making fiends?" I scoff a little.
I see both Dusty and Taishiro shuffle a little and I roll my eyes...
"Typical" I laugh "I remember telling you both I don't want parents and yet here you are acting like them...you knew I wasn't a permanent fixture in your family so you should think about that a little more!" I force myself to growl at them before shoving my chair back and storming upstairs to my room.
I make sure to slam my door as loud as I can before collapsing with my back against it.
Pulling my knees up to my chest I proceed to rest my head on my arms and sob...
I need to be mean to them again to creat a distance...
I need to make them hate me...
So when I leave it's easier on all of us...

That's what I did....

For the next couple of weeks I made sure to be the living imbodiment of hell...
I stopped eating dinner with them...
I went back to insulting both Dusty and Taishiro...even though I struggled to do it...
Then finally the day I was dreading came...
The doctor and the chief of police turned up saying that a perfect family had been found for me...
On a rainy Tuesday evening at 8:30 pm I was told along with the whole Toyomitsu family that I would be officially adopted in the morning...
"Can I leave now?" I ask and everyone looks at me with wide eyes
"Ooooh I um..." the doctor says clearly shocked at my words.
"I um...I mean yes I suppose you can but you would have to stay in hospital until tomorrow would that be okay?" He then adds and I nod my head
"Perfect" I mumble walking towards them and making it clear I'm ready to leave...
I couldn't wait until the morning...
They would want to say goodbye to me and I know the moment they hug me and say goodbye I'm going to break down...

"Harimi honey...." Dusty says but I shrug my shoulders and cut her off
"If its about my stuff I'm sure the new sad sacks will bye me some junk so keep it...I mean Be...I mean Keiichirou is going to grow up at some point right?" I say keeping my back to them.
Luckily Bean and then triplets were all in bed so I wouldn't have to deal with a crying Keiichirou when I leave....
"Thanks for letting me stay Keres...Fatgum" I mumble before shoving past the doctor and the officer out into the rain which now masked my tears as they fell down my cheeks.
"Harimi!" I hear Dusty call after me but I ignore her...
I can't look back...
If I do...
I won't want to leave tomorrow and go with another family.
I wish they were horrible lowlife people because this would be so much easier if I hated them...
But no...
I loved them and the family...
Leaving them is the hardest and most painful thing I've ever had to do...

[The next day]

I didn't sleep at all last night. Despite my eyes hurting from crying...
I miss the happy sounds of the Toyomitsu Household, Dusty and Taishiro laughing about something, Bean babbling on about his favourite toy or Judy the rabbit from Zootopia and the triplets talking to one another and just making those cute baby noises in general.
I miss Bean talking to Toshio the bun as if he understood
I miss the "good morning" that would take place when everyone was happy to see me up and down the staris...
I miss the smiles on their faces
I miss them...
I really really miss them...
I know no matter who they put me with, they could be the richest family in the world who could give me everything but they would never be my family...
Because my family is the Toyomitsus
"Harimi..." a nurses voice says catching my attention, sitting up I just look at her
"Oh my goodness your eyes! Did you not sleep well last night?" She asks concerned, I don't answer just shakes my head and hop of my bed ready to get today over with...

I didn't say a word while I ate breakfast
I didn't say a word when I got dressed to leave
I didn't say a word on the drive over the adoption agency where I would be meeting this new family
"I'm excited for you to see them Harimi! They were very instant that they had to adopt you!" The doctor says and I just nod my head
I wasn't excited...
I wanted to go home...
To the Toyomitsu's
We stop outside of the door where the family was and I felt sick.
The doors seemed massive and I seemed so small.
I didn't want to go in...because the moment I did I knew that was it. I was going home with this new family and not going back to one that I had come to love.
But then again the way I was acting the past couple of weeks and the way I left I doubted that the family I had come to love would ever want to see me again.

"Let's get you introduced to your new permanent family shall we?" Doc smiles pushing the door open before I was ready...
But my jaw soon hit the floor when I saw who was stood there...

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