2 surprises in one night

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Dusty POV
My throat was burning so badly right now as I throw up for the 3rd time this week! I have no idea what's going on with me at the moment! Everything is making me want to vomit and my breasts are super sore to touch!

*Kimmy Cyrus is face timing you....*

Smiling at the name on my screen I wipe my mouth and answer the call
"Hi babygirl!" Kimmy says excitedly
"Hi kimmy!" I say back as I head to the kitchen to prepare food for Taishiro and I tonight
"So how's the prep for your date night going?" She asks grabbing a handful of popcorn and shoving it into her mouth
"Pretty good yeah...well I mean if I ever stop throwing up!" I joke. Today marks one year of Taishiro and I being together but of course only he and I know that really as my family thinks we've been together 3 months longer than we actually have!
"What you mean babygirl? You not well?" Kimmy asks concerned
"I just can't stop throwing up for some reason...I feel okay one minute and then I throw up the next...my boobs are so super sore!" I moan giving them a gentle rub
"You're not pregnant are you" she jokes and I laugh for a second until I realise something...
"Shit...Kimmy..." I say and her eyes also go wide
"No..." she says and I nod my head "how late?" She asks and I quickly check my calendar
"3 weeks...." I was nervously
"Girl get a test now!" She says quickly and I hang up the phone before running to the store down the road. I grab what I need before running home again and re calling Kimmy who picks up in 1 ring
"You got it!?' She asks trying to keep calm and I nod my head "well go!" She commands and I take her and the test to our bathroom. I take out the test and pee on it before setting it faced down on the counter and sitting on the floor in my bathroom with Kimmy still on the phone "I can't believe I just watched you pee on your hand..." she says laughing...I wanted to laugh to but I was so panicked
"Kimmy what if it's positive!?" I ask scared
"Then you tell Taishiro and you pair can work it out" she smiles and I can feel my eyes fill with tears "hey come on babygirl...no tears" she smiles. She continues to try and take my mind off it until the allotted amount of time had passed and I grab the test
"Okay...." I sigh and turn it over with my eyes still closed
"What does it say!?" She asks happily and I slowly open my eyes to see 2 very clear red lines...I'm pregnant
"I'm pregnant..." I say still looking at it
"Oh my gosh babygirl!" She squeals...I don't feel anything right now...I'm pregnant...I'm gonna be a mom...
"Wait what if Tai doesn't want kids...we've never had that chat!?" I say panicked and she tries to clam me down
"Okay Babygirl calm down all this stress is not good for the baby okay..." she says and I nod my head...oh my gosh...I'm pregnant...

[Time skip]

Fatgum POV
Uh that was a long day...I'm happy to be heading home to my gummybear after a very very long tiring day! It's our 1 year anniversary today and I have a big suprise for her!
"Hey Fat...so you asking her tonight?" Red says to me excitedly and I nod my head. Pulling out the ring that I stashed in my office
"Yep...tonight is the big night...I'm still worried she's gonna say no" I smile down at the ring
"I'm sure she'll say yes" TesuTesu says with a smile and I slip it into my pocket before heading for the door
"See you soon boys" I wave at them as they walk away and I head in the other direction. When I finally pull up to our apartment block I get out and head inside and to our apartment where I'm hit with amazing smells! I walk into our kitchen to see her in a pretty dress dancing around d the kitchen cooking...oh my god I love with woman!I slowly approach her so I don't startle her too much and I wrap my arms around her mid section pulling her close to me as I gently kiss her neck
"Hey baby..." she giggles reaching her one hands up and tangling it in my har as I continue to gently kiss her neck
"Hey gummybear" I say against her skin; she spins around and pulls me in to a kiss which i happily accept. I hook my hands under her legs and pick her up so she's now sat on the counter tops with her arms wrapped around my neck.
"How was work?" She asks against my lips and I give her a another quick kiss before I pull away
"Long and tiring..." I moan resting my head on her shoulder
"Aw my poor baby" she giggle playing with my hair "oh I um...might have finished those reports earlier as well" she says quickly and I bite her neck casuing her to squeak and I pull away to look at her
"Dusty Roslin Cyrus you are supposed to be having a week off!" I say and she giggles
"I know I know I'm sorry but you looked like you were drowning so I wanted to help...I sowwi" she says giving me the puppy dog eyes...because she knows she can get away with anything when she does it....
"Damit gummy..." I sigh...but my sigh soon changes into a chuckle when i hear her little giggle "thank you though it was a big help..." I say kissing her on the nose.
"Right go and have a shower dinner will be ready in 10..." she says as I lift her up and put her gently on the floor
"You gonna come and join me?" I ask playfully and she rolls her eyes
"Baby...you know we need longer than 10 minutes..." she smirks before kissing me deeply pushes her tongue into my mouth "now hurry up" she giggle giving me another kiss
"I'm trying to woman but when you kiss me like that it makes it hard!" I say which causes her to burst out into laughter

Dusty POV
I finish lighting the last candle when I hear him coming down the stairs. He's in Jean's and a nice shirt
"Wow gummy...you didn't have to go to all this trouble!" He says pulling me in and kissing me with so much love...I'm so scared to tell him about the baby...what if he gets mad and thinks I did this on purpose!? What if he doesn't want kids!
"Oh shush..."I say trying to keep my mind steady. Our dinner conversation was pretty much the same as normal about how his day went and what I had gotten up to...I was struggling to keep the conversation going because my mind was to busy focused on the fact that I'm pregnant!
"Hey gummybear..." he says pulling me from my thoughts "you okay? You seem a little distracted" he says gently touching my hand
"Y...yeah...I'm fine..." I say quickly picking up all the plates and taking them to the kitchen. Swilling them off and adding them into the dish washer...I can't tell him...he's gonna leave me...
"Hey Gummy...what's up?" He asks me as he puts the rest of the plates down...I didn't realise that with thinking all of that I had made myself cry
"Oh it's nothing I'm just being silly" I laugh wiping my eyes. He turns me around and rests his hands on my waist as i rest my hands on his chest
"You sure?" he asks concerned
"Y...yeah" i stutter out "you know i love you right..." i say and this takes him by suprise
"Yeah if course I do..." he smiles down at me "and I love you too...more than anything" he continues giving me a quick kiss. Okay I need to do this...
"Tai I actually have something for you...well 2 things actually...1 was your present I planned for and 1 is kinda last minute..." I say and he cocks his eyebrow at me
"Um...okay..." he says as I pull him into our living room and I make him sit down while I go off and get him his orginal present which was just a scrap book I had put together of our time together this past year...and the other was the pregnancy test wrapped up. He opens up the scrap book first
"Aw gummy..." he says kissing me before looking through it...I was shitting myself...."I love it!" He says as he finishes and pulls me in kissing me deeply
"Okay now this is the last minute one..."  I say as he  picks up the box...my anxiety is going and I am beyond shitting myself
"What is i..." he starts to say but stops when he opens the box completely and looks down at the stick "Dusty...is this..." he asks looking at me with wide eyes and I nod my head while mine fill with tears
"I'm pregnant..." I whisper and he continues to look at the stick for a second "Tai...baby...say something..." I say trying to control my breathing...oh my god he's mad...he's so mad
"I'm gonna be a dad!" He says his eyes filling with tears as he pulls me into a massive hug..wait he's happy...
"Yeah I found out today...I wasn't feeling to good so I took a test and it's positive" I say against his shoulder "you're not mad?" I ask and he gently pushes me away
"What no of course not! I'm so excited!" He says pulling me into a loving kiss. "Best anniversary presents ever!" He smiles and my heart warms at how excited he is. I can finally breath and let my excitement take over...we're going to be actual parents! "This kinda makes my anniversary present seem crap now" he jokes and I roll my eyes
"Nah shut up" I joke slapping his shoulder softly making him chuckle at me. He then puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a small black box which makes me heart stop...he's not is he...no...he then opens it to reveal a beautiful ring before getting down on one knee and I clasp my hands over my mouth.
"Dusty I will never be able to tell you how much I actually love you...things have been so much better since you came into my life and I knew from day one I wanted to spend the rest of it with you...so Dusteena Roslin Cyrus...love of my life and well now mother of my child...will you marry me?" He asks I'm in shock right now..."gummy...say something baby I'm freaking out here" he jokes and jump on him so I'm saddling his waist while he lays flat on the floor
"Yes yes yes!" I say excitedly leaning down and kissing him
"Jesus you scared me then!" He chuckles wrapping his arms around me and holding me close "oh and by the way you're off patrolling from now on" he says rubbing my back gently and I sigh
"I'm not even gonna argue because you're stubborn" I say my voice muffled by his neck.

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