Visiting daddy in work

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Dusty POV
Thanks to Beanie not really being the best sleeper my sleep schedule is...
For a lack of a better term
I look at the clock on my phone to see that it's 5 am. Taishiro has to be in work at 7 so he's going to be getting up soon to actually get ready for work.
Quietly rolling out of bed I tip toe into Bean's room where I find him with his legs in the air looking at his toes really confused.
"Good morning Beanie" I giggle reaching in and pick him up. He's grown so much in 3 months it's insane!
I mean he was a chunky baby anyway but I mean...where has my baby gone!

Carrying him down I gently put him in his baby bouncer which he absolutely loves! Instantly his eyes light up at the toys hanging above it.
I walk over to Toshio's hutch and open the door allowing the little bun to hop out and of course he hops over to where Keiichirou is.
Toshio absolutely loves Keiichirou and everytime I show the baby bun to Keiichirou he looks at Toshio in nothing but pure amazement!
"Ahhhhh ah!" Keiichirou says looking at Toshio
"Haha yeah it's Toshio Beanie" I giggle getting started on my morning routine.
Feed Bean
Feed Toshio
Drink a full glass of water
Get breakfast ready for Taishiro
Get this food for work ready.

Fatgum POV
*beep beep beep*
Groaning loudly I reach out and turn my very loud alarm off on my phone. Arguably it's my least favourite sound to date...
I don't see Dusty next to me so I figured that the little man was up. Rolling out of bed I run my hand through my hair which in no doubt was a mess. Yawning I start to slowly make my way to the staris and start down them slowly when I stop at the sight before me not wanting it to stop.
Dusty was sat crossed legged on the sofa while Bean was laying on his back in front of her, kicking madly with a little smile on his face as his mom sings to him. Moments like these are when I'm thankful that I have my phone to hand so I sneakily get closer to get a better view and start recording.

"Little happy bunny has a fly upon his nose
Little happy bunny has a fly upon his nose
Little happy bunny has a fly upon his nose
So he swished it and he swashed it
And the fly flew away"

Dusty sings to him making sure to tap Bean's nose each time she says nose making Keiichirou blink

"Floopy ears and curly whiskers
Floopy ears and curly whiskers
Floopy ears and curly whiskers
And he likes to go hop hop hop"

She giggles grabbing his little feet and making them gently move back and forth when she says hop hop hop. Keiichirou excitedly kicks his legs while still smiling, to say Dusty was born to be a mom would be an understatement!
I think back to the night when we first brought Keiichirou home, when she cried because she felt like she was going to be a bad mom...
It couldn't be any further from the truth.

"Morning Gummy" I say with a smile putting my phone in my pocket not wanting to give away I just recorded what is now my favourite video!
"Morning baby" Dusty smiles picking up Keiichirou and heading over to me
"Say Morning daddy" she then says in a baby voice to Bean
"C'here monster" I smile taking my son from my fiancée. I spend the rest of my time with my two favorite people before I leave.

[Time skip]

Dusty POV
"Okay monster man, washing is done, house is clean and all the paperwork has been what should we do?" I ask looking at Keiichirou who was laying in his bouncer. Toshio was napping out in the sun and in all honesty I was feeling a little restless!
I wish Taishiro was able to stay home with us a little longer but he is needed more in work.
That's when an idea pops into my head, all of this meetings should be done by down and he's not due our patrol for another couple of hours...
"Hey Beanie...should we go and visit daddy!?" I ask excitedly hopping up, grabbing our little chunk and proceed to get us both ready.

   ^^ I can not with how cute this is ^^

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   ^^ I can not with how cute this is ^^

Carrying Bean back downstairs I plonk him back in the bouncer before I put Toshio back into his hutch, pack the baby bag and set up the pram before putting Keiichirou in.
I do one last check list before heading out to Taishiro's agency.

Fatgum POV
I look at the stack on paperwork which was now on my desk, I really need to take them home for Dusty to deal with but I don't want to put too much pressure on her when she's at home on her own looking after Bean. I mean she already takes full care of the apartment, she cooks, cleans, does all the washing, takes care of Keiichirou, looks after Toshio and some how manages to get all the paperwork I bring home for her done.
I do obviously help with Keiichirou and as much as the house work as I can but she always beats me to it! She's like super woman I swear! I'm stressed just from having to deal with emails and go on patrol some nights so I can only imagine how she feels!
I pick up my phone to give her a call just to see how she's doing but I don't know if maybe she's napping and I really don't want to disturb her if she is.
Deciding against it I put my phone down and focus on the many many emails in my inbox.

*knock knock*

"Yeah come in!" I call out keeping my eyes on the screen in front of me.
"Ahhhhh" comes a voice I'm all too familiar with, looking up I see my son being held up as If he was peeking his head around the door. The door opens fully and stood there are my two favourite people.
"Haha hi you two what you doing here?" I ask happily, any stress I was feeling instantly melted away at the sight of them.
"Say mommy finished all the house work and paperwork so we got bored" Dusty giggles covering Keiichirou's face in kisses.
"Of course you did" I chuckle
"And mommy guessed that daddy was feeling a little stressed so she figured a vist from Bean may cheer him up!" She smiles handing him over to me. He seems small to me when I'm not in my hero form so imagine how small he looks now I'm 8ft 2!

"How well you know me is scary" I chuckle
"What's all that?" She asks noticing the stack of papers on my desk.
"Ah ha...would you like the real answer or the answer I want to tell you so I'm not on the couch tonight?" I ask and she looks at me cocking one eyebrow
She groans a little before walking over and starts to flip through a few of the documents.
"Taishiro if this was piling up you should have said!" She says clearly not impressed with me. I flinch a little at her calling me Taishiro... not a fan.
Now I know how she feels when I call her Dusty...
"I know I know" I sigh "but Gummy in my defence you're already doing a lot so I didn't want to add to it..." I say
"I'm not heavily pregnant anymore don't have to worry about me getting stressed" she giggles a little but I can still tell she's a little pissed at me.
"No instead you just take care of me, Bean, the flat, Toshio and all of the agency's paperwork" I say and she pokes her tongue out at me.

"Okay well...I'm taking all of this home and you're not going to argue Mr. Toyomitsu got it?" She scolds me playfully picking up the stack of paper and putting it away in her bag.
"Okay future Mrs. Toyomitsu" I smirk and I see her adorable chubby cheeks heat up at my words.
"That's a point we need to start planning that soon!" She smiles
"Yes we do...mommy needs to have the same last name as us right buddy?" I ask Keiichirou
"Ahhhhhh grrrrrah!" Keiichirou responses making us both burst out into laughter.
I'm beyond greatful that they both came to see me today...gave me the energy boost that I needed to get through the rest of my day!

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