try on your dress

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Dusty POV
Grabbing my groceries I make my way back to my apartment for a what I hope to be a chilled night...Fat and I have been spending a lot more time together outside of work and the feelings I have are getting increasingly hard to ignore! We acted like a couple and I was so comfortable around him...uhhhh my mind! Putting my key in the door I open it and take a deep breath before heading into my living room to find Taishiro, Kiri, Tamaki and our newest addition to the family TesuTesu also known as real Steel
"Hi boys..." I say confused as go why they are in my apartment "you know I gave you a key for emergencies..." I say walking into my kitchen to put away my shopping. I really don't mind that they're hear I was just hoping to give my heart a rest from Tai!
"See I told you..." Fat says to them
"We were out of snacks!" Kiri says dramatically making me laugh.
"Oh no we can't have my boys starving now can we!" I sa brining in more snacks for them and some drinks
"Thanks mom!" Kiri says stuffing his face making me laugh. A sudden knock on my door catches my attention and I head to it to find a delivery man with a big package
"Can I help you?" I smile
"Dusteena Cyrus?" He asks and I nod my head "please sign here" he says holding out a sheet for me to sign which I do and I take the package from him bringing it in.
"What's that?" TesuTesu says and I shrug my shoulders
"No idea kiddo..." I say looking at it confused. My phone then starts to ring and it shows that my mom is face timing me. I slide it up and I see my mom and Kimmy sat there
"Hey babygirl!" Kimmy says happily
"Hey Kimmy...hey mamma..." I say and they soon spot all the boys
"Hi everyone!" Kimmy says excitedly and they all wave at her "oooo see the package arrived!" She says clapping her hands
"What is it?" I ask confused
"It's your maid of honour dress dummy!" She giggles
"Oh really!?" I ask shocked I mean she had already asked me to be her maid of honour but I always assumed we would sort the dress out when she came
"Yes now go and try it on! I wanna see!" Mamma says excitedly and I shake my head
"The boys are here right now mamma can I do it later?" I ask and she looks at me unimpressed
"Put it on mom!" Kiri says and I look at him
"Yeah I wanna see!" TesuTesu carries on and I roll my eyes taking the package and heading to my bedroom where I shut the door

Fatgum POV
"Honestly that girl!" Dusty's mom says and I can't help but chuckle
"Trust me I know!" I say and they both laugh
"So how's babygirl doing?" I'm guessing that this girl is Kimmy asks me
"Very good...honestly can't rememeber what running the agency was like without her" I answer and I see her mother smile
"Good I'm glad...because if that husband of mine had his way she would have been home her entire life married to that wretched Jetson Jerbowski boy" her mother says and I have to hold back my laughter
"Haha well unfortunately for him I find it hard to function and run my agency smoothly without her so I'm keeping her" I say and I see Kimmy smirk
"I wonder what's taking her so long?" Tamaki asks and he has a point she has been in there a while
" good!?" I shout to her
"I'm not coming out!" She shouts back
"Why!?" Kimmy shouts
"Kimmy asked why?" I shout to her
"Tell Kimmy she's in trouble! How tight is this fricking dress!?" She shouts back
"What? I had it made for her measurements excatly..." Kimmy says
"Dusty come out..." I call
"No I look stupid!" She calls back
"Babygirl please!" Her mother calls
"Come on mom I wanna see!" Kirishima shouts
"No!" She shouts back
"Dusty you have 5 seconds to come out or I'm coming into get you!" I call back
"You wouldn't dare" she yells back
"Do you want to test that?" I yell back and she's quiet for a while
"Fine but if any of y'all laugh at me I'm gonna skin you like a buck you got that!?" She hisses and I laugh again. Finally her door opens and she walks out

I feel my heart in my throat looking at her

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I feel my heart in my throat looking at her...holy shit...
"Wow you look great!" TesuTesu says and she shyly pushes her hair behind her ear
"I think it's a little tight..." she sighs walking so her mom and Kimmy can see
"Damn babygirl look at all that ass!" Kimmy says and Dusty holds up her middle finger...I was looking at her ass...
"I feel like a size 2 sausage and a size 1 casing Kimmy!" Dusty squeaks
"Well you look like a super model!" Her mother says
"Do you have any idea how many people I would kill for your body!?" Kimmy giggles and Dusty rolls her eyes
"You can have it!" Dusty laughs "if you don't mind being...'she starts
"Finish that sentence little lady I dare ya" i say cutting her off and she laughs
"It reminds me of you're one pageant dress babygirl" her mother says and I look at Dusty shocked and so do the boys
"Wait what?" TesuTesu says
"Yeah babygirl was miss Tennessee when she 18!" Kimmy says and we all look at her
"And thank you for that...mamma Kimmy I'm gonna go now!" Dusty says rolling her eyes
"Okay bye babygirl we love you!" They both shout as she hangs up and heads back to her room to change.

Dusty POV
I wriggle back into my workout leggings and my oversized hoodie heading back into the living room where they are all looking at me
"What y'all looking at?" I ask confused sitting next to Taishiro on the couch
"You were Miss Tennessee?" Kirishima asks and I roll my eyes
"I entered it as a joke and ended up winning" I say leaning on Fat more and he lifts his arm so I can get comfortable before resting it comfortably on my waist.
"Right well since y'all are here...and my peaceful night has gone to the dogs" I say looking at all of them and they just smile at me "wanna order takeout and watch a movie?" I ask
"Heck yeah!" TesuTesu says grabbing the remote
"No way man you pick crap!" Kiri says taking the remote off him
"No I don't you pick crap!" TesuTesu argues back and they continue to argue for a few moments while I just look up at Fat who rolls his eyes making me laugh.

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