You are beautiful pt 1

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Okay so really quickly I just want to give a quick warning: The next three chapters are going to deal with body confidence issues - if anything like this upsets you please don't read them! I don't want anyone to feel upset! I'll have more chapters coming out soon so I'll see you then! Stay safe lovely people!

Dusty POV
Now Bean's here Tai and I have decided to take wedding planning a little more seriously now. We've discussed colour schemes, what kind of vibe we want, when we want to aim know that kind of stuff.
But there's something I want to ask him but I'm a little nervous about his reaction.
You see I never saw myself wearing the traditional white wedding dress...
I've always wanted a black one...
But I know that a unconventional so I'm a little worried he won't like the idea.
"Gummy what's up?" Tai sask smoothing my back softly bringing me out of my day dream
"Oh sorry baby did you say something?" I asked giggling nervously
"That doesn't matter...what's up you look like you have something on your mind?" He asks smiling down at me
"Oh um...." crap he's onto me!
"Come on little lady spit it out" he chuckles and I blow my fringe so it leaves the centre of my face for a few seconds.
"Alright fine...but I want you to be honest" I say firmly and he nods his head
"How would you feel if I wore a dress that wasn't white to our wedding?" I ask a little quicker than I normally would
"I thought you were going to anyway..." he says with a big smile

"Hu?" I ask clearly confused
"Well to be fair Gummy...I can't really imagine you wearing a white wedding dress. It wouldn't seem if that makes any sense" he chuckles tapping me on the nose.
"So can I be nosy as ask what colour you're thinking?  He asks
"Black" I mumble nervously
"I thought it was going to be that!" He says excited that he had guessed right
"'re okay with me wearing a black wedding dress?" I ask just to confirm
"Of course I am...I mean you're the one who has to wear it Gummybear. It should be what you want not anyone else" he says and I feel like crying...
He's always beyond supportive of whatever I want or whatever I do.
"I really love know that?" I giggle leaning forward and kissing him.
"I really love you too" he chuckles against my lips...things start to get a little heated between us when Keiichirou's cries can be heared from his room. We both give out a little groan before Taishiro hops up
"I got him" he says kissing me on the forehead and heading to Keiichirou's room.

[Le time askip]

Beanie was busy bouncing like a mad man in his little bouncer while Toshio once again was led out in the sun enjoying the warmth.
I like normal had finished everything I needed to I decided to maybe have a look at some wedding dresses to get an idea of what I may want!
However...after about an hour of clicking through pictures I noticed how all of the models in these wedding dress photos looked amazing!
But then it got me thinking...I'm quite a little bit curvier than these women... how would that dress look on me?
Plus I still had some of my baby weight where I've just been letting it fall off me naturally as opposed to actually trying to shift the weight.

I look down from my laptop at my...
What I like to call my cake shelf as opposed to a muffin top...
Sounds more inclusive...
I have to pull my now massive boobs back for me to see it properly! I've always been gifted in the chest area but thanks to breast feeding they are now massive!
Like I swear I need to book them their own travel tickets when I go anyway!
Looking down at my stomachs for the first time in a very very very long time... I felt self conscious.

[Another time skip]

Fatgum POV
I've noticed something off with Dusty these past couple of weeks...
She's working out more, eating less or making up excuses to not eat at all, wearing baggy-ier clothes than she use to... for example whenever we use to go to bed she would normally just wear one of my old tops and some underwear. But recently she's been wearing a  hoodie and sweat pants to bed.
She also really reluctant to let me touch her at the moment which isn't like her at all! She's the biggest cuddle bug I've ever met and always likes to be snuggled up to me in one way or another when we don't have something to do.

I want to bring it up with her but I don't know how to go about it...
I don't want to upset her or cause an argument but I'm getting worried. She isn't acting like herself...
So I currently find myself sat in bed waiting for Dusty to come back from putting bean to sleep.

[Beep beep]

My phone goes off catching my attention so I reach over to see I have a message from Ryota

Ryota: Hey baby bro! How's you and the family??

Me: Good yeah...I'm a little worried about Dusty though.
Me: How's everyone with you?

Ryota: Why? What's up with Babygirl?
Ryota: I'm good, dad's is well mom and that's all I want to say on that 🤣

Me: she been acting a little off...

Ryota: When was the last time you two did something just the two of you?

Me: um...before Bean was born

Ryota: Wow...ain't you a regular Romeo 🤣
Ryota: Bean's 4 months 🤣🤣

Me: I'm very romantic I'll have you know thank you very much

Ryota: Tell you what...
Ryota: You and Babygirl need a little break and some time to yourselves. I need a break from mom...
Ryota: why don't I come and look after Bean so you two can have a little couples retreat ^-^

Me: why do you need a break from mom?
Me: Um...I dunno Ry we've never left Bean alone

Ryota: I will tell you when I see you...
Ryota: let's just say...
Ryota: Shit has hit the fan 🤣🤣🤣

Me: Oh Jesus

Ryota: Anyway...I need this break more than you do! So you two bugger off somewhere for a few nights so I can stay at your place 🤣🤣🤣

Me: Alright Alright you win, I'll mention it to Dusty when she comes in

Ryota: Okay awesome! Let me know!

I roll my eyes and put my phone down on the night stand. Dusty enters the bedroom a few minutes later, once again dressed in a hoodie which may as well be a dress and a pair of baggy sweatpants.
"He good?" I ask as she lifts the covers and climbs in beside me
"Yeah he's out like a light" she smiles
"So listen..." I start and she looks up at me...I notice something...
Her eyes are a little different than normal
They're still beautiful don't get me wrong but now there's a certin sadness in them which is really out of character.

"Yeah what's up?' She asks me
"Ryota said he needs a few days break from he suggested that you and I go away somewhere and he will stay here and look after the kids" I say
Yes we refer to Toshio as if he was a human baby...
I can see the hesitation in her face
"I um...I dunno baby we've never left Bean alone before..." she says shuffling uncomfortably
"I know but also when was the last time you properly relaxed?" I ask
"Relax? What is this thing you speak of?' She says teasingly. Rolling my eyes I wrap my arm around her and pull her close to me.
She tenses up a little which is definitely not like her...I'm about to just say sod it an ask her if something it bothering her when she speaks before me

"We wouldn't go too far right?" She asks shuffling a little
"No of course not! We'll still be within driving distance" I say...I also not fully excited about the idea of leaving Bean without one of us around. Not that I don't trust my brother but you know...
He's our son so it's normal for us to be nervous.
"Okay then...maybe it isn't such a bad idea" she says and I nod my head
"How about next weekend? Gives us enough time to prep and get ready to leave the little man?" I suggest
"Sounds good to me!" She beams, I go to rest my hand on her side like I would normally do but instead she catches my hand in hers holding it instead of letting me touch her.
I think I know what's going on but I don't want to assume...
I mean I'm not her...
But will get to the bottom of this because if something is bothering her I will do everything I can to help.

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