month 4 - unwanted visits

331 10 2

Dusty POV
So far...pregnancy and I do NOT get along! The little munchkin inside of me is not playing ball! Good thing is though because I stay inside the office and don't leave Taishiro said I was okay to wear normal clothes as I need to be comfortable during this time.

pregnancy and I do NOT get along! The little munchkin inside of me is not playing ball! Good thing is though because I stay inside the office and don't leave Taishiro said I was okay to wear normal clothes as I need to be comfortable during this time

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(This all in black and maybe the top pulled down to cover the tummy I dunno what ever is more comfortable)

It's getting to me a little bit because all of the videos and posts that I see all the woman in there look like their pregnancy is a dream and I can't help but feel a little envious of them...
I mean am I not as strong as them?
Am I do something wrong?
Why don't I feel the continues ridiculous amounts of joy?
Am I a bad mother?
Putting my head in my hands I begin to softly sob.
"Hey Gummy if you're not to swamped with the reports do you recon you can l..." Taishiro says stepping into my office but stop mid sentence when he see me quickly attempting to wipe my tears away.
"Hey Tai sorry yeah what do you need me to look at?" I ask trying to keep my voice steady.
"Never mind that it can wait what's up?" He asks concerned tucking the papers he wanted me to look at under his arm.
"'s nothing just pregnancy hormones" I giggle nervously not wanting to tell him...I mean what if he judges me!?

"Okay know you can't lie to me so...tell me what's up?" He sighs sitting on the sofa in my office and patting the seat beside him.
I push myself up from my seat but I'm met with pain in my abdomen. The tears start again and I just stand there with my head in my hands as I sob. I'm quickly met by two large arms wrapping around me and me being gently squished into my fiancé's large stomach that he has in his hero form.
"What's up baby?" He asks softly stroking my hair
"I...I think there's something wrong with me" I sob
"How do you mean?" He asks clearly a little confused
"I'm miserable Tai!" I say pulling away from him to look up.
"Everything hurts, I...I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong!" I say breaking down even more
"You're not doing anything wrong Gummy what made you think that?" He asks softly

"I...I just I see all these other women showing off how amazing their pregnancies are meanwhile I'm not having a good time! There must be something I'm doing wrong! Why am I not happy like all of them!? What's wrong with me!?" I say through hiccups and sobs praying that he won't think any less of me or love me any less because I'm being like this about our baby!
"Gummy there's nothing wrong with you" he chuckles gently leaning down and kissing me on the forehead
"There must be I feel so guilty" I admit, knowing just how lucky we are to be in this position! I know loads of woman who struggle to get pregnant and here I am carrying the miracle of life and I'm feeling miserable!
"Baby, not everyone's pregnancies are the same, some women have hardly any symptoms and have a rather easy one while others get hit with every symptom in the book and have a rough time with it. It's perfectly fine to not always feel happy when you are growing another human inside of you!" Taishiro says gently wiping my eyes with his thumbs.
"B...but" I stutter

"Okay let me ask you this...if Kimmy called you saying everything that you just said to me would you think any less of her or judge her?" He asks and I shake my head
"Excatly, you need to be kinder to yourself, you have nothing to feel guilty over! I dare say you're not alone and there are a lot of women so also have tough pregnancies who feel the same way you do. Who also see these YouTube videos of posts of people showing how happy they are and wonder why they don't feel like that...there is nothing wrong with you gummybear I promise" he smiles down at me and I can feel how wide my eyes are.
I snuggle my head into him and hold him as tight as I can without getting absorbed into his fat.
"I love you" I say my voice being a little muffled
"I love you too Gummy" he chuckles softly still stroking my head. Suddenly my phone starts to ring and I move as quickly as the pain will let me to answer
"Hello Keres speaking?" I say holding my bump
"H...hi miss Keres I'm so sorry to bother you" Kohaku the young boy on reception says nervously
"Okay hey honey everything okay?" I ask a little concerned by his tone. Normally he's extremely happy and always willing to have a laugh
"Um yes I'm fine...I have a woman demanding to speak to you...w...would you be able to come down?" He asks
"Yeah sure no worries be down now" I say trying to hide how unhappy I was about having to leave my office. I gently put the phone down and sigh
"Was everything okay?" Taishiro asks and I nod my head
"Yeah I mean Kohaku seemed a little off and he said there was a woman who was demanding to see me in reception so he asked if I could pop down" I say slowly walking in hopes of not making the pain in my abdomen any worse.

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