Happy Birthday Harimi!

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Harimi POV
To say that Dusty and Taishiro had been acting differently recently would be an understatement...
They are acting really really off!
I mean it could be down to the triplets but I dunno?
"Morning everyone" I say as I reach the bottom step of the large staris
Bean was sat on the floor with Toshio talking to his 3 siblings who were happily sat in their baby bouncers.
"Morning honey" Dusty smiles at me as she get breakfast ready for everyone
"Morning bud" Taishiro says from the couch where he was clearly keeping an eye on the little ones
"Moning Hami!" Bean says loudly
"Oh Harimi I forgot to mention Kiri and TesuTesu wanted to know if you wanted to go to the arcade today" Taishiro says as I sit down next to him
"They did?" I ask
What's going on...
"Yeah they said it could be fun you know" Taishiro smiles but I can tell he's hiding something...

"I would but I told Dusty I would help her with somethings today" I say and it was true, Dusty did ask me to help out on a few things
"Oh no don't worry about that sweetheart it's okay we can do it on another day!" She says brining everyone's breakfast over to the table and calling everyone to eat while she went to feed the triplets.
"But I..." I start but she shakes her head
"No honestly honey it fine! Go and have fun with Kiri and TesuTesu" she giggles
Before hissing in pain a little
"You good Gummy?" Taishiro calls over to her
"Yeah I'm good...just getting a little sore" she says shuffling a little trying to get into a more comfortable position to breastfeed.
So...after breakfast I got dressed and I was soon quickly whisked away by TesuTesu and Kirishima.
Something is definitely going on today and I don't know what yet...
But I will figure it out!
Kirishima will crack...

Dusty POV
"Okay so do we have everything we need?" I ask Taishiro who was currently getting all of the birthday decorations out of the secret hiding place.
"That I'm aware of...we have balloons, streamers, banners and a lot more crap...Jesus woman how much did you buy!?" Taishiro chuckles
"Oh sush! He's turning 13 it's a big day!" I smirk at him
There was a knock at the door and I quickly run to answer it where I'm greeted by Tamaki, Tate, Ryota and Hanzo!
"Hello!" Tate smiles brightly as everyone makes their way into our house
"Jesus I forgot how big this place is!" Ryota laughs looking around
"Lots of room for more kids" he then adds and I swear my face goes white
"Absolutely not!" Taishiro calls from the living area
"Awwww why not!" Ryota pouts walking in to see his brother
"With the boys added on to it Dusty and I already have 9 kids!' Taishiro laughs
"But look at their little faces!" Ryota gushes looking down at the triplets and Bean
"Yuzuki's going to be lonely as the only girl!" He smirks
"Um....hello!" I laugh

"Mama and papa calling Yeah?" I ask my brother who nods his head
"Yeah they are sorry they couldn't make it to the actual party but they have given me lots of presents to give him"
"Oh Jesus" Taishiro groans remembering what they were like at Bean's first birthday.
"So boss where do we start?" Hanzo smirks while looking at me and I couldn't help but giggle at this words
"Well...if you lot could handle the decorations I can get started on the food?" I suggest and they all nod their heads before delegating out certain jobs to make whole process go quicker.
"Dada...I have a job pwease?" I hear and I look up to see Bean stood at Taishiro's side looking up at him as my husband hangs banners
"You want a job too buddy?" Taishiro smiles crouching down to speak to Bean
"Yes pwease" Keiichirou says happily
"Okay...we need you to keep an eye on your brothers and sister okay?" Taishiro says and Bean pouts a little
"It's the most important job you know" Tai adds
"No fair I wanted that job!" Tate pouts clearly playing along
"You can't be trusted" I call over
All of this seems to have worked because Keiichirou looks really happy that he was given clearly the most important job!

"So...what you say Bean can I trust you with it?" Taishiro asks and Keiichirou excitedly nods his head
"Sure ting dada!" Keiichirou smiles walking over and plonking himself infront of his siblings and proceeds to just look at them
"Perfect! Good job buddy!" My husband laughs and I could just imagine the smug happy look on my son's face! I've said it before and I will say it again I honestly couldn't have picked a better man to start a family with!
Taishiro is an incredible dad and all the kids adore him!
Nope no not getting broody!
I'm not getting broody!
I've just had triplets it's not happening!

[Time skip]

Harimi POV
Even though I'm 100% sure this was just to distract me I actually had a lot of fun hanging out with Kirishima and TesuTesu today!
"Hey um...Kirishima...TesuTesu..." I say stopping just before the large door of the house I had been living in now for a while...
"What's up dude?" Kirishima smiles over his shoulder at me
"Thank you...for today I had a lot of fun" I mumble bowing a little...
I'm still getting used to this people being nice to me with no alternative motivat crap
"No worries man! We'll hang out again soon!" TesuTesu laughs
"Come on let's get inside!" He then adds and I nod my head following behind him.

It is deadly quite in the house and it made me feel a little uneasy until we rounded the corner into the living space


My mouth drops open when everyone shouts that at me...
I had completely forgotten that it was my birthday today! I mean it's not like it was celebrated in the research centre so it kind of just became another day to me...
"W...what's all this!?" I ask looking around and taking in all the bright colours, decorations, food and the fact there were so many people here!
Of course the most prominant members to stand out are Dusty, Taishiro, Bean, Takuma, Junichiro and Yuzuki.
"It's your birthday honey! Did you think we'd forget?" Dusty giggles
"Happy burday Hami!" Bean squeals running towards me and I of course scoop him up into my arms, he proceeds to hug me tightly and rest his little head on my shoulder.
"Well I did so..." I chuckle.

" I chuckle

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I continue to look around and I honestly couldn't believe that they would do all of this for me!I then spot a

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I continue to look around and I honestly couldn't believe that they would do all of this for me!
I then spot a...
I kid you not...
Mountain or presents off to the side
"Oh wow...." I say in shock...not all of that was for me right?
"Haha yeah....sorry mamma, papa, kimmy, Homer and Wyatt went a little mad as they couldn't make it today. Believe it or not there are presents in there for all of us" Dusty giggles walking over to me with Takuma and Junichiro in her arms. I don't really know what to say but I feel hot tears start to run down my face
"I...I just...I" I start using my free arm to wipe my eyes
"W..why would you..." I say
"Because it's a celebration of you...to show you how happy we are that you were born" Dusty says softly
It had never occurred to me that me being born would been seen as a good thing to some people...
Everyone had always told me otherwise...
But not the Toyomitsus/ Cyrus's/Added on family members (kiri, TesuTesu and Tamaki) they were happy I was born...
They care about me...
"Well come on...let's get this party started!" Kirishima says loudly
"Party!" Bean says loudly back making everyone laughs...
I did...
I enjoyed my first birthday party...in a very very long time...

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