3 babies 3 births

177 2 4

Dusty POV
"Okay Mrs Toyomitsu you're all settled in...the the doctor will be in to see how far along you are" the nurse says to me kindly before walking away
I was now comfortably situated in a hospital bed hooked up to all the needed equipment, with my little boy sat on the bed between my legs while Taishiro and Harimi sat in the two chairs next to the bed.
"How you feeling Gummy?" Tai asks reaching out and taking my hand
"Not too bad at the moment the contractions are still quite mild" I sigh knowing what's coming...
I forgotten all about the pain after Bean was born however now I'm about to do it again...
3 times...
In a row...
I remember...
"What do contractions feel like?" Harimi asks
"Um...well at first it feel like a dull ache and then the further you get along it feels like someone has shoved their hands into your abdomen and has started squeezing your organs" I respond and I see both Harimi and my husband wince.

"No running in the halls!" I hear a nurse shouting
"Haha 10 guesses who that is" Taishiro smiles at me and I couldn't help but laugh myself because I knew excatly who is was...
As if right on que a mixture of red and sliver hair comes crashing through the door with Tamaki not too far behind them.
"Boys really?" I laugh
"Hi mom..." all 3 say at once
"Hi Kiwi, Hi esuesu, Hi Maki!" Bean claps while laughing at the pile of bodies on the floor
"Hi Bean" they all say at once while smiling up at him.
"I'm getting dejavu" Taishiro laughs
"They were practically tangled together in my car" Tamaki mumbles
"Um hello...it's baby time!" Kiri laughs hoping up and helping up TesuTesu
"Glad everyone is so excited about me being ripped in half again" I giggle

Tai wasn't joking...it was literally like dejavu! Hanzo, Ryota and Tate showed up not long after the boys and then my family facetimed me!

The main thing that was different was just how long it was taking me to dilate!
At this point in time I'm 6 hours into my labour and I'm barley scraping 3 centimetres!
"Oh my gooooooooooooooooooooood!" I groan gripping both my husband's hand and the railing of the bed.
"Mama otay?" Bean asks me looking up at me worriedly
"I'm okay Beanie, I just have a tummy ache" I say.
With a tiny pout he reaches out his hand and starts to gently rub my huge baby bump. This is something I've done for him whenever he's had a tummy ache and the fact he's copying me is absolutely adorable!
"Better?" He asks excitedly just as another contraction hits me so I try my best to hide the pain because he looks so happy that he's made my tummy ache go away
"Uh hu I feel better" I say trying my best to smile....
He melts me...

10 hours later...5 centimetres
16 hours later... 7 centimetres
"Uhhhhhhh I can't do this anymore!" I say through gritted teeth. Hanzo had taken Bean for a small wander with Harimi because he was getting a little fussy.
He wanted to watch Judy!
I wanted to go home...
"You're doing great Gummy!" Taishiro says sympathetically to me while rubbing my back
"Oh will you sod off!" I snap at him but I instantly regret it and burst into tears
"I'm so sorry!" I sob making him chuckle
"Gummy Gummy calm down its fine! Trust me right now you're allowed to snap me me all you want" he says with a smile leaning over and kissing my sweaty forehead...
God I must look gross right now!
A really big contraction hits me suddenly and I swear I'm dying!
"We are never having sex again!" I growl at him while still sobbing.

Taishiro POV
"Dad you're probably better off taking Bean and Harimi back to ours...you three go too" I say to my father, Harimi and the boys
"The doctors aren't too sure when she's going to be ready to go" I sigh sadly thinking of my wife now who was been in labour for 18 hours.
Sometime earlier Tate and Ryota said they would head back to ours and sit with Toshio as this was taking longer than he should be left alone for.
"Nah I'm good waiting boss!" Kiri smiles
"Me too!" TesuTesu joins in
"I'm going to stay too" Tamaki mumbles
"You three are a nightmare" I chuckle
"Okay dad so if you can take Bean and Harimi..." I start to say
"I'm staying" Harimi says
"Bud this is going to take a while..." I say but he shakes his head
"I said I'm staying" he repeats
"Stay!" Bean says excitedly clapping his hands "I stay!" He squeals

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