what happened?

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Dusty POV
Harimi is still upset about what Suzuno said...and that's completely understandable. I wish I could say I was suprised but in all honesty the more I replay that she said in my head I'm less and less surprised.
"Morning mom" I head Harimi says as he makes his way into the open plan living room.
"Hey sweetheart how did you sleep?" I ask cheerfully
"Meh not really that good..."he mutters collapsing on the sofa and switching on the TV. "Dad already in work?' He asks and I nod my head at his words.
Since it was the weekend wake up time is a little later for the children...
Harimi included so my husband was already out and about on the streets.

"Uncle Ryota is coming over this afternoon though so he should be home for that...I think" I say making Harimi chuckle. As much as my poor husband tries his best to be home for when he says...
Understandably not everything always goes to plan...
"So....he'll be late" Harimi laughs and I nod my head a little knowing he's putting on a brave face to hide how upset he still was...
"Probably..." i say walking over to him.

Harimi POV
Mom has been trying her best to cheer me up after what Suzuno said...
I know I'm not their real child but I was beginning to feel like it...
But after hearing her say that I'm sadly reminded that no matter how much I want it I am not biologically theirs. I love mom and dad so much but hearing that has made me feel like I want to distance myself from them...
I mean what if they want to give me up one day!?
What if when I turn 18 they want nothing to do with me!
"Harimi, Harimi...sweetheart!" I hear mom say and I look at her...
She's crying...
"Mom what's..." I start but then I notice why she may of been crying...
With everything going through my head I neglected to feel the tears running down my face.
"S...sorry" I stutter quickly wiping them away but mom quickly hugs me tightly....

Once again she so small!

"Whatever you may be thinking...your dad and I will never want to get rid of you" she says trying to keep her voice steady as she hugs my close.
"How did you..." I start but she pulls away a little and smiles up at me with her eyes still leaking tears
"I'm your mom...I know what you're thinking" she smiles and that's when I couldn't hold it in any longer. Hugging her so tightly I swear I almost crushed her I begin to sob my eyed out.
"I love you mom" I sob hiding my head in her shoulder
"I love you too sweetheart...we both do" she sobs back.

A couple of hours later uncle Tate and uncle Ryota show up and surprisingly dad does as well.
"I'm sorry who are you?" Mom asks with a giggle
"Very funny gummy" dad chuckles...
I never really asked before but I wonder why dad calls mom Gummybear....
Mom will probably say its because she's chubby....
Once everyone was settled, the triplets on the floor playing with toys, Bean playing with Toshio and Judy, and I with the grown up on the sofas.

"So I heared the dashing Suzuno payed you a visit" Uncle Tate chuckles
"Don't she pissed me right off" dad mutters
"Uh oh what did she do?" Uncle Ryota asks with a smirk
"Basically insinuated that Harimi isn't counted as one of ours" Mom adds
"Wow..." Uncle Ryota says running a band through his thick hair which is similar to dad's...they really do look a like...
"Anyway...you wanna explain why dad threw her out?" Dad asks and both uncles look at one another before sighing.

"I asked dad if Tate could maybe move in..." uncle Ryota says and I see both my parents eyes light up
"What really!?" Mom asks excitedly
"Haha yeah...I'm in the middle of packing everything and I'll be fully out here in the next couple of months" Uncle Tate adds smiling
"Why didn't you tell me!" Mom whines
"I wanted to supries you!" Uncle Tate whines back causing mom to pout.
"Congratulations...about time you settled down" Dad laughs
"Oh piss off baby bro! You sound like dad" uncle Ryota whines
"Your bother's married with 5 kids when are you going to" Uncle Ryota says altering his voice to try and mimic grandpa.

"Anyway...why did they make him kick Suzuno out?" Mom asks chiming in before a little brotherly banter could start.

Trigger warning! Some homophobic slurs

"Mom said absolutely not and that if he moves in I will never be normal and will remain a and I quote "fag" the rest of my life" Uncle Ryota says and I see both mom and dad's mouths drop open.
"Wow..." mom says
"She's the gift that keeps on giving" dad mutters
"So yeah...dad sent me to my room like a teenager and you should have heared the argument!" Uncle Ryota sighs.
"I dread to think" mom sighs too
"Dude I don't think I've ever seen dad that agnry" uncle Ryota shudders
"Next think I knew mom was gone and dad was telling me that Tate was free to move in!' Uncle Ryota says changing the tone and trying to pick up the mood.
"How did mamma and papa take it? Pap wasn't thrilled that I was moving" mom giggles

"Oh they were happy really, they said that I'll be lucky because you're already here and established babygirl" uncle Tate smiles
"Which reminds me I'm going to need your voice for an upcoming song please" he adds dragging out the please.
"Alright alright" mom chuckles

They all look really happy together...
The rest of the night was filled with laughter and funny stories from everyone's past including how grandpa and Pop Pop played match maker with uncle Tate and Ryota!
I was really surprised by that...I mean Pop Pop seems really um...old fashioned but he doesn't seem to care!
Mom and dad don't seem to care that uncle Tate and uncle Ryota are gay...
Meemaw, Pop Pop, grandpa and my other uncles also don't seem to care...
Maybe I can talk to them about what I'm feeling...
I mean I know I'm still pretty young but I mean but I'm pretty sure that I have a crush on dude...

I know they wouldn't disown me if I tell them but still...it's a daunting thing to bring up!

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