month 3 - hey you!

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Hey everyone! Sorry about the long break in writing! I've been struggling with writers block like there's no tommorow!
Anyway I'm back now so let's get this show on the road!

Dusty POV
"Hello you're through to the Fatgum agency this is Keres speaking how can I help?" I say for what feels like the millionth time today! I was off patrolling for the foreseeable on a count of me growing a tiny human inside of me. Don't get me wrong I'm already in love with the little munchkin growing inside of me but I didn't like not being able to do the things I use to...
Going out on patrol
Going on missions
Helping in hand to hand combat training
So I find myself cooped up in my office most days dealing with reports and all the other fun paperwork.
"Hey Keres it's Hawks!" Hawks excited voice comes down the line
"Oh hi Hawks you calling about that expense report?" I question digging around in the neat stacks of paper in front of me
"I am indeed any chance you can fax 'em acorss when you get 5" he asks
"Yeah sure no problem, I'll fax it acorss now" I say with a smile
"No worries do push yourself don't need you stressing the baby out" he says and I freeze
"How did you..." I start
"Call it my animal instincts" he chuckles
"Don't worry your secret is safe with me" I can hear him beaming and I roll my eyes
"Thanks Hawks" I say trying my best not to smirk
"Congratulations by the way! Excited to meet the little one! Anyway gotta go thanks again!" He says clearly getting ready to run
"Okay bye!" I call just as he hangs up.
I checked the time and realised I had an hour before my scan so I quickly faxed over that document and replied to a few emails before I made my way to the hospital.

Unfortunately Taishiro wasn't able to come with me due to being needed on a mission. Something he wasn't happy about as he's a worry wart!
Right on que said man calls me
"Hey baby" I smile
"Hey gummy you on your way to the hospital?" He asks
"I am indeed. Time to see the little munchkin" I giggle
"I'm so sorry I..." he start but I shush him
"Tai shush it's fine. There will be other scans honestly don't worry" I say knowing how upset he actually was due to not being able to come with me
"I know but still it's the first one" he says and I swear I can hear the pout!
"I promise I'll show you the scan when you come home okay?" I say placing my hand on my stomach
"Okay, I love you" he says
"I love you too, see you later" I smile hanging up and head into the build white building.

"Miss Cyrus?" The nurse calls for my name. With wobbly legs I stand up head out of the waiting room behind her. I was more nervous then I was willing to let on because you always worry...what if I've done something wrong, what if I've imagined it all and there is no baby...
You know stuff like that!
"Okay if you could pull up your top and lay back for me please" my nurse smile shutting the door. Nodding my head I hop up on the table
I literally had to jump because the table was high up and I'm short. Laying back I pull up my vest top and wait for her to apply the gel
"So have you been drinking lots of water?" She asks and I nod my head
"Yeah I have" I smile trying to hide the fact I really need to pee!
"Okay this may be a little cold" she says with a soft smile as she gently squeezes the gel over my stomach
"Oh lord that's cold!" I squeak praying that I wouldn't pee myself due to the pressure she was about to apply to my stomach with the thingy that will help her see our baby.
"Haha sorry" she giggles pressing the device to my stomach and begins to wiggle it around. We sit in silence for what feels like forever before she finally turns the screen to me
"Okay mommy there we are...there's your little baby" she smile pointing at what I can only describe as a blob on the screen
"" I say in a whisper feeling my eyes cloud over
"Are you okay?" She asks handing me a tissue
"Y...yeah sorry...just suddenly became more real" I say awkwardly wiping my eyes
"Don't be silly I completely understand!" She reassures
After wiping off my stomach, she hands me copies of my scan and books me in for another appointment in a few weeks time.

[Tiiiiiime skip]

Fatgum POV
I don't think I've ever driven back to our apartment as quickly as I did today! I wanted to get home and fast! I wanted to see Dusty and I wanted to see our baby!
Locking the door I make my way up to our apartment where I find a very relaxed looking Dusty sat in the corner of our sofa, in full burrito mode, eating popcorn and watching what I think is finding nemo?
"Hey gummy" I smile at the sight before me. Her head shoots around and she gives me the biggest smile I have ever seen!
"Hey baby! How was the job?" She asks getting up still wrapped in her blanket.
"It was good yeah, not as bad as I thought" I chuckle at her as she makes her way towards me looking like the cosiest ghost I've ever seen!
"Anyway enough about my day how was the scan?" I ask scooping her up gently and hugging her close.
"It was good yeah, the gel was really really really bloody cold!" She giggles snuggling her head into my neck.
"You want to see the scan?" She asks and obviously I said yes!
I put her down before taking a seat on the couch as she leaves to grab the scan.

She practically skips back into our living room and drops down on the couch next to me
"Here we go" she smiles handing me the strip of black and white photos.
"That little blob looking thingy is our baby" she giggles pointing to a small dot in the photo
I'm stunned
I mean I know she's pregnant but for some reason just seeing the actual scan just made it seem more real?
We are going to be parents
"Tai...Tai....Taishiro!" Dusty's voice suddenly comes through
"S...sorry did you say something gummy?" I ask with an awkward chuckle
"I asked if you were okay! You're staring at the scan very intently" she giggles leaning her head on my shoulder
"Haha yeah I'm fine...just can't believe we're going to be parents in 6 months" I smile wrapping my arm around her and squishing her against my side softly
"I know what you mean, seeing the little bean just made it seem all the more real" I hear her say with a sigh of content.

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