Labour...not fun

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Dusty POV
I swear anyone would think it was Taishiro who was having the baby and not me by the way he was stressing out!
Of course the stress of my Monster-in-law to be turning up would cause my water to break!
Talk about timing!
She was still sitting outside the apartment on her suitcase when we opened the door to leave.
I didn't bother saying anything to her and I don't think Taishiro did either because she wasn't too far behind me.

So now I currently find myself in a hospital room hooked up to an IV and a device that tracks my contractions.
"How you doing Gummy?" Taishiro asks from his seat by my hospital bed
"I'm actually okay at the moment...the contractions haven't been too far" I giggle nervously.
"No running in the hospital!" I hear someone shout outside of the room when the door suddenly flies open and a mass of red and silver hair comes crashing into the room followed by Tamaki who just sighs and shakes his head at the mass of limbs on the floor.
"Jesus christ boys!" Taishiro laughs
"We got here as soon as we could!" Kiri says his voice being muffled by the fact he and TesuTesu had some how managed to tie themselves together

"I'm only 2 centimetres baby boulder you didn't need to run!" I giggle
"The baby is coming of course we did!" TesuTesu argues as he pushes Kiri off him and hops up.
"How are you feeling?" Tamaki asks pulling Kiri up
"I'm fine honestly you all need to calm down" I say rolling my eyes.
My phone suddenly starts to buzz and I can see that my mamma is face timing me. Happily I slide it up and balance my phone on the table
"Hey everyone!" I smile
"Hey babygirl!" Everyone calls...I notice an interesting thing...Tate isn't there.
"How's labour so far?" Wyatt asks smirking as my older brother Homer bonks him on the head
"Don't be a dick!" Homer scolds him
"So far not too bad...but I'm only 2 centimetres so I've got a long way to go" I sigh thinking of the other 8 centimetres I need to dilate to push out this baby!

"Okay well just to let you know we're booking tickets to come out next week to see the baby Okay!" Papa calls
"Haha okay Papa" I smile
"We just wanted to call and wish you good luck babygirl!" Mamma says crying already
"Taishiro make sure you call us after Bean's born okay!" Kimmy calls out to Tai who chuckles
"Roger that I'll face time you when they arrive!" He calls back
"We love you!" They all shout before hanging up and I playfully roll my eyes.
"Oh...guess who wasn't there" I smirk at Tai
"No way" he says and I nod. Kiri, TesuTesu and Tamaki look between one another a little confused.

[1 hours later]

"How am I only 3 centimetres!" I say gripping the hand rails on the bed as another contraction washes over me.
"No idea but you're doing grate mom!" Kiri says smiling at me.
A sudden knock on the door catches my attention and my stomach drops thinking it could the Suzuno again.
"Hey....uncles 1&2 are both here! So is Grandpa to be!" Ryota smiles walking into the room with Tate and Hanzo not too far behind him.
"Hey Ryota, dad, Tate" Taishiro says rubbing my back softly
"Hey okay?" Tate asks me walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed grabbing my hand softly
"I didn't realise you were in Japan!" I says panting as the contraction finally passes.
Contractions are painful...
I don't give a shit what anyone says
Everyone past and present going through child birth...
You are a frigging warrior!

"Haha" Tate says nervously obviously not wanting to say anything infront of Hanzo
"I don't know why you're trying to hide it....I already know" Hanzo chuckles and we all look at him
"What's going on!?" TesuTesu says
"I dunno my head hurts" Kiri whines
"Wait what do you mean you already know!?" Ryota asks his dad clearly suprised
"I'm not stupid Ryota...I've always known" Hanzo says
"B....but you never...said all!" Ryota says flabbergasted.
"You never mentioned it so I just figured you wasn't ready to say anything" Hanzo shrugs "why do you think I encouraged you at Babygirl's baby shower to go and talk to him!" He then laughs. I didn't realise Hanzo had also stated calling me babygirl...
"So you know he and I...are um..." Tate says clearly nervous
"What is going on!?" Kirishima suddenly says making me jump

"You dumbass" TesuTesu laughs
"Do you know what we're talking about?" Kiri asks and TesuTesu stops laughing
"Shut up!" He hisses back at the red head
"Basically Tate and Ryota are dating" Hanzo explains
"Ahhhhh right okay..." TesuTesu says
"Oh cool" Kiri says never nonchalantly.
"I love how calm everyone's being with this" Ryota laughs
"Did you want us to get angry?" Tamaki asks confused and Ryota shrugs.
A sudden wave of pain washes over me and I grab the closets thing to me which unfortunately happened to be Taishiro's hand and I squeeze hard
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I say over and over again wanting it to end
"Almost there gummy...few more seconds keep breathing" Tai says calmly using his thumb to rub the back of my hand softly while I feel like I'm about to break his poor hand!
"3....2...1....and done" he says and the pain subsides
"Oh my god that sucked" I pant.

[1 hour later]

Fatgum POV
"I can't do it anymore!" Dusty says through gritted teeth as she once again squeezes my hand
"Yes you can..." Kirishima says hoping to make her feel better.
"Hello Miss Cyrus how are we doing?" The doctor says walking in
"Oh my god please I need you to give me something to speed this up! At this point just light a fire up there and smoke it out!" Dusty pants and I do my best not too laugh. The doctor however does laugh as she puts on her glove and pulls the bed sheet up enough to quickly slide her hand under to check how far along Dusty is now

"We won't need to do that Miss're fully dialled..." the doctor says smiling pulling her hand out from under the cover and removing her glove.
"Wait what!?" Dusty says
"Time to have a baby" the doctor smiles
"Now if everyone could please leave so only mommy and daddy are in here" the doctor says kindly to our family as nurses enter the room.
We were bombard with good lucks as everyone quickly leaves the room and the nurse shuts the door
"So there any chance I can get an epiderl?" Dusty says sounding really nervous
"Unfortunately not Miss Cyrus you are too far along" the nurse says and Dusty starts to cry
"Shit I knew I should have asked sooner!" She says whimpering.
Nurses place her feet in the stirrups and the bed was shifted into an almost laid back sitting position?
"Now dad if you could hold her hands and try to keep her calm" the nurse says to me kindly and I nod my head trying to keep calm.
If I was scared I could only imagine how Dusty must feel right now.
"Tai I can't do this" Dusty whimpers, I grab ahold of her hand leaning in and kissing her on the forehead
"You can gummy okay...I know you can!" I say

"Okay mom on the next contraction I need you to push down into your bottom okay?" The doctor says getting in to position
"Okay okay..." Dusty pants gripping my hand so tightly.
"Okay and push!" The doctor says and Dusty let's out a big grunt as she does what they say.
"Keep pushing keep pushing....and stop" the doctor says
Dusty's forehead is now soaked in sweat and her panting is getting heavier
"Okay and push!" The doctor says and once again Dusty does as she says.
"Okay the baby is crowning you're doing great!" A nurse says kindly
"T...thank you" Dusty pants
"Okay push!" The doctor says and this time Dusty let out a noise I don't think I've ever heard come from her. Tears streaming down her face

"You're doing great gummy! So good" I say kissing her on the forehead and brushing the hair off of it which was now stuck to it.
"This hurts" she sobs gripping my hand and a wave of guilt washes over me...
When you think about when it comes to bringing life into the world I had the easy job.
Dusty's the one who had to carry our baby for 9 months and go through labour...
"Okay the shoulders are more big push and they're going to be here" the doctor says
"I can't I'm sorry I can't!" Dusty sobs
"Yes you can...come on gummy one more big push and our baby is here" I say kissing her hand for the god knows how manyath time!
"Okay okay" she says squeezing my hand and with one last cry from my fiancé...and tiny set of cries could be heared.
"And he's here! Congratulations mom and dad!" The nurse says quickly placing the baby on Dusty's chest.

Dusty POV
"It's a boy?" I hear Taishiro ask while I'm still coming down from the adrenaline from labour.
"Hi sweetheart..." I whisper softly placing my hand on the rather chunky baby that was on my chest still covered in...
I don't want to think about it
"Yes it's a boy!" The doctor says in an excited voice
That was it...I was done with being pregnant...
The little life I had been carrying was officially here and crying in my arms.
We are officially now parents!

Thank you so much to -astrodad for helping me decide between boy or girl!!!

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