You are beautiful pt 2

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Dusty POV
The weekend of us going away rolled around quicker than I would have liked...
I'm excited to have some alone time with Taishiro obviously but...
I don't want to leave Bean for obvious reasons and I can't say I have my body at a point where I want Taishiro to look at me without clothes on. It's been a while since I've let him see me naked...
Things have changed I have more stretch marks and blubber than when we first met!
No matter how much I work out or how little I eat I can't get my body to look how I want!
He's not going to be turned on by how I look now!

There was a fancy hotel which was roughly about an hour's drive from our home. Still close enough to Bean so we can come home if something happens!
I was currently stood in our bedroom looking at a lingerie set I had bought on a whim wondering if I should take it with me or leave it here...
I don't know if it even first me!
I've been too scared to put it on and the shop I bought it from doesn't accept refunds...for very very obvious hygiene reasons.
"Gummybear you almost done?" Taishiro says entering the bedroom making me jump and out of instinct I quickly shove the underwear in the bag.
"Y...yeah sorry I was miles away!" I giggle nervously. Zipping up the bag I pull it off the bed with the full intent of taking it outside only to have it stolen by my fiancé.
"Tai!" I giggle going to take it back
"Just let me carry the bag woman!" He scolds me playfully making me poke my tongue out at him.

*knock knock*

"Oh that's probably Ryota!" Tai says happily heading down the staris with me following not far behind him. While he put my bag with the other I head to the door opening it to be met with Ryota.
"Hey hey favourite uncle in the house!" He beams pulling me into a massive hug
"Haha hey Ryota" I smile hugging him back
"Damn babygirl you lose weight? You're so small now!" He says pulling away and looking down at my outfit. It was an oversized t shirt and a pair of baggy normal attire at the moment
"Haha no unfortunately" I giggle trying to hide how uncomfortable I was.
"Right now where's my nephew?" He says walking past me
"Oh don't bother saying hi to Mr then!" Taishiro laughs
"I won't!" Ryota teases crashing on the sofa infront of bean who looks up at him  with wide eyes

"Well hello you handsome little devil!" He chuckles squishing Keiichirou's cheeks.
"I'll get you a drink" I say heading to the kitchen
"Anyway...why did you need a break?" Taishiro asks taking a seat next to his older bother.
"Oh well..." he starts
"Wait! I want to know too!" I call quickly running in and putting the drink infront of Ryota. Making both men laugh at me
"Right well...long story short mom now knows I'm dating Tate" Ryota sighs reaching in and picking up Keiichirou placing him on his lap
"What!?' I ask shocked
"How!?" Taishiro asks in the same tone as me
"She went through my phone and saw the messages between Tate and I" he laughs
"Oh shit..." Taishiro mumbles
"Haha yeah...well...I'm in a long distance relationship so sorry for the TMI but some of the messages weren't exactly SFW shall we say" he chuckles nervously

"Aww Ry I didn't need to know" Taishiro says shuddering
"Um...hello I'm literally looking at a constant reminder that you pair did the nasty!" Ryota laughs holding up Keiichirou and both Taishiro and I go bright red.
"So....what did mom say?" Taishiro asks
"Oh she hit the fucking roof" Ryota laughs
"Why?" I ask never fully understanding why people had a problem with it in the first place...
"She was hoping I would marry Kikiyo I think after she realised she wasn't getting anywhere with you" He chuckles looking a Taishiro who once again shudders.
"Aw I'm sorry" I say sadly feeling really bad for him
"Nah don't worry about it, dad's fine with it, you guys are so that's all that matters to me" he smiles "Oh and heads up she isn't speaking to me at the moment so I dare say she'll try and worm her way back into your life" Ryota laughs

Taishiro groans and runs his hands down his face
"Great need that like a hole in the head" he sighs his voice a little muffled by his hands.
Ryota bursts into fits of laughter at his reaction.
" pair had better get moving so uncle Ryota can have some time with my nephews!" He beams
I instantly go into mom mode and start to explain everything in grate detail that Bean and Toshio would need for this long weekend break.
"Okay and obviously there's my milk in the fridge for him. To heat it up you have too..." I start
"Babygirl calm down...I know what I'm doing... he's gonna be fine I promise" Ryota inturpts me and I nod my head
"No sorry you're right" I giggle nervously. "Right Beanie Boo..mommy and daddy are going now so you be good for your uncle okay?" I smile taking Keiichirou from Ryota and cuddling him close.

I didn't want to hand him back when I felt him rest his head on my shoulder and gently tug a strand of my hair like he always does.
I feel a little emotional at the thought of leaving him and I hold him closer.
"Aw Gummy don't cry" Taishiro says softly, I hadn't realised that I had actually started crying!
"I'm sorry I'm a little emotional at the moment" I giggle
"Hey don't worry I get it" Ryota smiles
"But I promise can rely on me! I'll keep them both safe!" Ryota beams holding up his thumbs up.
"You're right" I say staggering my breath hoping to catch it. I reluctantly hand Bean to Tai who cuddles him close and gives him a quick kiss on the forehead before handing him back to Ryota

"Have a good time you crazy kids!" Ryota calls
"Don't be afraid to make more Bean's while you're at it!" He calls again and I feel my face go bright red
"Will you bugger off!" Taishiro laughs waving his brother off. We collecte our bags and make our way to the car for a very much needed quick little stay-cation!
Now the only problem...
How am I going to last this whole weekend without Taishiro seeing me naked?

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