Did you think we would let you go?

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Harimi POV
Stood there in the room where I was supposed to be meeting the people who would adopt me were...
Taishiro and Dusty!
"W...wait what..." I say...or at least I try to...nothing will come out
"Hi honey!" Dusty beams at me
"I...wait...what are you...hu?" I continue to mumble a string of incoherent words and sentences...
Why were they here...
"Are you here to talk with the new family?" I ask after my brain kicks back in. Of course that's why they're here! The doc probably asked them to come to speak to the new ones and give them a run down on how much of a little shit I am!
"We are the new family bud" Taishiro smiles
"But I...i thought..." I start
"You didn't really let us explain last night so we were a little worried that you wouldn't want to stay with us" he chuckles.

I wanted to kick myself! If I had let them explain yesterday what was happening maybe I wouldn't be running on no sleep and painful crying eyes!
"So I'm not being taken away?" I ask looking over at the doctor who shakes his head.
"No in fact Dusty and Taishiro have been going through the process of officially adopting you for a while now" he smiles
I look over at the two pro heros who nod their heads
"Yeah it's a lot a paperwork!" Dusty giggles
"They're here to sign the papers today to become your official legal guardians as apposed to just temporary!" A kind sounding voice says and I look over to see a woman entering the room. Dressed in the definition of smart-casual clothing and her short brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail.
"That is of course if you want to Harimi" Taishiro says taking my attention back from the woman
"If I want to?" I question and he nods his head
"Of course! If you didn't want to we would never force this on you. You aren't obligated to agree okay?" Dusty smiles and I can tell that she means it!
I felt no pressure to say yes at all just because they were stood there!

"Is it okay if we have a moment with him?" I hear Dusty ask before both the doctor and the woman with the brown hair leave the room.
The room is quite for a moment but it doesn't feel awkward...
"So if I say yes, you two sigh the papers and we go back to your house?" I ask and they both nod their heads
"That's it then right? No one is going to like come a few years later and take me away?" I ask and Dusty shakes her head
"No of course not! If you want us to sign the papers then that will be it honey, you're stuck with us until you're 18!" She giggles flashing me a big smile.
"But the past couple of weeks...I've been acting up and" I say feeling a wave of emotion hit me and soon hot tears were streaming down my face "I...I was so mean to you...both of you why would you..." I sob covering my face and dropping down onto the couch behind me.

I feel the couch dip on either side of me and I could tell that they both took a seat next to me.
"Because we love you bud" Taishiro says calmly and I shoot my head up to look at him
"We kind of figured you were trying to distance yourself because you were worried about saying goodbye one day. We didn't mention anything about the adoption before hand because we were 100% sure if it would go ahead... we didn't want to get your hopes up" he smiles gently rubbing my back, the same way he does for Bean when he's upset.
"Why wouldn't it have gone ahead?' I ask
"Well Tai and I have dangerous jobs honey, the kind where having family members a villan can use as leverage is possible" Dusty sighs placing her hand on mine "everyone just wanted to make sure that Tai and I could keep you safe" she smiles.
"So...what do you say? Do you want us to sign the papers?" Dusty asks before reassuring me that once again there is no pressure to say yes and that she and Tai would be happy to keep acting as my temporary guardians.
I didn't have to think twice...
"Sign them!" I say in a more demanding tone then I meant it to but it made them both laugh.
"Well we've got our orders boss" Dusty giggles
"Will you stop calling me that!" Taishiro hisses playfully at Dusty.

So both Taishiro and Dusty signed on the dotted line making me an official legal member of their family...
Or should I say our family...

I shouldn't have been suprised to find everyone wanting for us to come home!
With Dusty's family being on facetime of course but I think they're due to fly out soon! I'm excited to see them all again! As the last time was when Takuma, Junichiro and Yuzuki where born.
Rosie of course made sure I was aware that I could call her meemaw like Bean does and her husband Tom is PopPop.
"What would you have done if I had said no?' I ask laughing at them all!
Even Kirishima, TesuTesu and Tamaki where there!

The day flew by until eventually everyone went home, the younger ones went to bed leaving just Taishiro, Dusty and I sat downstairs.
"Hey can I ask you both something?" I ask and they both look over at me
"Sure bud what's up?" Taishiro asks me
"Why did you decide to adopt me?" I ask
"I mean...with how easily you blended in with us it was like you were made for our little family....did you really think we were going to let you go?" Taishiro chuckles
"You're a Toyomitsu now honey...you're one of us!" Dusty smiles and I feel a wave of warmth was over me...
I was happy!
I was genuinely happy...
These two people who were at one point strangers who I couldn't have given two fucks about have completely changed my whole life!

They made me realise how amazing it is to have the feeling of someone loving you unconditionally
How it feels to have people who care about how I feel
Who care about my interests
Who care about if I'm happy
Who are there when I'm upset
Who want to help when I'm angry and stressed...
The feeling of a real family.

The days of feeling like an unwanted monster felt like a bad dream. Of course it was apart of my past and I will always remember it...
But my past doesn't defy who I am! I'm not the same person I was a while ago...
I'm better now...
I'm happier...
I'm loved...
And it's all thanks to two people and their brood of kids who refused to give up on me no matter what I said or did.

"I think I'm going to go to bed!" I say smiling to myself and lifting up off the couch to head to the stairs.
"Okay honey, sweet dreams" Dusty smiles over her shoulder at me
"Night bud" Taishiro joins in
I decided I wasn't going to correct myself this time...
"Good night mom, good night dad" I say seeing both their eyes go wide at my words before smiling at me.

I fell asleep that night knowing that even though I started my life alone and unwanted...that's not how it's going to end...
I have a mom, a dad and 4 younger siblings who I love and who love me...
I fell asleep knowing I was wanted and cared for...
By my family...

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